Do you dream in color?


Kissy Goddess
I was having a discussion at a dinner party a couple of weeks ago about dreams. I found out that some people don't dream in color!

I posted this on another board (not verbatum..) and found a few things about how others dream, kind of neat, really.

Anyways, my dreams are in color, mostly, and sometimes I have sound, but not always. I *do* have conversations, though, and lots of times I dream about Mom and Dad (about 4 times a week or so) and they passed away about 5 years ago. I also have a recurring dream about school and winding up naked somewhere... that is just AWFUL!

The other night I dreamt that some relative sold another relatives tombstone cuz they wanted some money. How weird is *that*???


Perverted Penguin
Staff member
Your morbid....having dreams of selling tombstones. :lol:

I can never remember my dreams. I don't know why. Even when I remember it when I wake up, eventually I forget what it was.


New Member
I definately dream in color and have conversations. But do you have the sense of taste, smell or touch while you dream? That's something that I can't remember ever having in a dream.

I used to have two recurring dreams-in one I was driving my mother's old car (a Buick Electra 225-ooooold car) down a road by where I used to live and at the end of the road was a park (can't go straight-have to make a left or a right). I realized halfway down that the car was driving itself, (or that I was in the backseat and no one was in the front) and started getting scared at what would happen when we reached the end of the block. The dream always ends before I reach the end.

We used to have slanted walls in my childhood bedroom and I used to have a dream that I was laying on the floor and my dresser was falling on me. In my dream I would put my hands against the dresser to hold it back from falling but out of the dream my hands were on the slanted wall. I would scream out loud too-my sister despised me for that! :p


My dreams are very strange, and I could not tell you if they are in color or not.


Staff member
I dream in color. I almost always have wild least I think they're wild when I wake up but then they fade fast, by the time I'm out of the shower I can't recall anything about the dream at all.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
regular color or Technicolor&#174?

I don't recall any of my dreams...


1 of 3
That's an interesting question for me. My dreams are just so real that I don't recognize whether it was in color or black and white. It does seem that I am always on some kind of a mission though. God forbid I should just dream of relaxing on a Caribbean beach and watching the sun set. Maybe that's why I wake up more tired than when I went to sleep!!:)


New Member
I find my dreams are very real. In fact, if I have a dream about falling out of a plane or something like that then I actually feel it in my stomach. Y'know, that feeling that you get when you go on a big roller coaster.


Staff member
I dream in color, with sound, smell, touch, and taste, and often, I can recall my dreams even days after they occur, however, some of the time, the most detailed memories of them only last for a few minutes.

Spirit said:
I also have a recurring dream about school and winding up naked somewhere... that is just AWFUL!

Hey, at least your dreams are wild. The only ones I have 99% of the time are stupid ones where I'm just going about my day. :cry2:

Lately I haven't been getting many dreams, though. Maybe it's just because I'm not getting enough sleep. I should go to bed early tonight. :retard:


I had a fucked up dream last night that I was back in high school. Perhaps, it's the message boards getting to me?


I dream all the time in color. I've had dreams I could fly many many times, that was an awesome feeling. I've had dreams I could breath under water, that shooting me didn't hurt me, and the most significant dream I have ever had was when I was about 14-15, I dreamed about geometric shapes and how they fit together and angles and curves. I think that was my calling to study math and geometry cause it all came so natural to me:angel:


New Member
greenfreak said:
I definately dream in color and have conversations. But do you have the sense of taste, smell or touch while you dream? That's something that I can't remember ever having in a dream.

I dream in color ... and I know I have the sense of touch in my dream. I can't remember about smell or taste.


New Member
I keep having a re-occuring dream that im in a car and the driver disapears... i always try to start driving but i always wake up and/or forget what happened after that


New Member
I usually dream in color and in sound.
I do have reoccuring dreams that are physically exhausting and sometimes I have seriously depressing dreams that haunt me and my mind for days afterwards.

The most interesting dreams I have had are the ones where I solve a problem with a mathematical or physcal forumula that I haven't been able to solve while awake and the solution that I calculate in my dream is surprisingly the correct one. Scares the shit out of me sometimes. has lots of useful and interesting information regarding dreams, check it out.