I just had an extremely vivid dream this morning.
I was in a classroom with 28 other students, and I was sat next to the teacher's desk, so any sneaky moves I attempted to get out of there were quickly thwarted. We were watching a sex ed movie. Somebody ordered 3 large supreme pizzas delivered to our room, so when the door was knocked on, we all flocked over to the door just to have an excuse to get up from our desks. When we opened the door, a little kid handed us 3 pizzas and a bag of fireworks. I grabbed one, lit it, then threw it on the ground. It went off and blew holes through the TV cart, the wall, the cable, and the VCR. The teacher told me how much money I just cost them ($25 for the cable, $44.99 for the cart and $98.95 for the VCR), and told me to get out in the hall. When I went out in the hall (saying a few choice words under my breath along the way), the principal was walking towards me, so I made a gun-looking thing with my hand, pointed at him, and said "Pow", and he fell to the ground.
Then I woke up.