Castro bans the PC


Staff member
This is likely extremely old news, but I just now received the email.
an email I received said:
Computers cost more than the average Cuban earns in several years, but now it appears they won't even have the freedom to buy a PC. Starting January 24 of this year, the Cuban government ordered a ban on sales of monitors, printers, scanners, keyboards, and other computer equipment. Government customers and individuals who obtain authorization from the Ministry of Internal Commerce are the only ones allowed to purchase such merchandise. The following resolution was leaked to Wired News by a brave (or foolhardy) source within the Cuban government: "The sale of computers, offset printer equipment, mimeographs, photocopiers, and any other mass printing medium, as well as their parts, pieces and accessories, is prohibited to associations, foundations, civic and nonprofit societies, and natural born citizens. In cases where the acquisition of this equipment or parts, pieces and accessories is indispensable, the authorization of the Ministry of Internal Commerce must be solicited."

There has been no official detailed explanation of the ban, though some suggest it was implemented to crack down on web sites that are critical of the Castro government. Cuba's spokesman in Washington, Luis Fernandez, blamed the U.S. embargo for the ban, but failed to elaborate further.

I don't know what to say, except, of course, CUBA SUX0RZ!@#


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Shouldn't Fidel be dead by now?

You gotta love totalitarian communist rule
Government customers and individuals who obtain authorization from the Ministry of Internal Commerce are the only ones allowed to purchase such merchandise.


Staff member
What's with the average Cuban taking many years to earn enough money for a computer?

The average American or Canadian or Brit or Australian or New Sheeplander could earn enough in a couple months at a job at [insert fast food place here] and build one


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
It's the wonderful political reform of socialism at work Fury. See, if everybody has a job & pools all their money, using a highly defined income tax of 80% maybe 90%, hell-why not 100%, then all will be happy. All will have a roof over their head, All will have food. All will, oh you get the point.

I am surprised that capitalism has lasted so long with such a better possibility out there. I mean really, work hard, become the best at your position, hopefully get rich & buy bigger newer, faster-how archaic an idea.