Arrogant little people...


Perverted Penguin
Staff member
A few months ago I got an email from a person who either works for or represents the company that makes a software program called BIOS Agent. It's actually a pretty spiffy little program that runs under Windows. It gives you all kinds of detailed information about your BIOS like manufacturer, size, etc... Anyway, this guy emails me and asks me if I would post a link. He would tell me what needed to be done if I agreed to do it. I emailed him backand told him I was interested. I emailed him again about a week later askign him if he got the last email I sent and never got a reply. Now, he sends me an email asking me again if I would be interested in displaying a link. I told him I was very pissed off for the way he has ignored me as this is HIS product he wants displayed and not MINE. I told him to forget it, dont email me anymore as I'm not interested in the product or supporting it any longer. Now, he sends me an email telling me I'm being an asshole. Literally.

Wait a minute. He calls me an asshole, yet he's the one who wants me to display a link for his product.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
I'd send a copy of his email to the heads of that company. If they want to know who works for them, show 'em how a little pressure puts their employees brains in neutral.