Are you fat?


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
I bet the officials think you are. Tom Cruise & Russell Crowe are obese. Yes, boys & girls, it's true, According to the latest statistics, we're all obese-which is defined as 20lbs more than your ideal weight. Check out the BMI to see if you need to give up twinkies & pepsi for breakfast, lunch & dinner. They are also starting to use this nonsense in the publik educashon institushons & are sending nottes home to the parints of thes kidz, to alart tham to the posability that the childreen may be overwate.



New Member
BMI=27. I would have to lose 20 pounds to get to the 'acceptable' level of 24. I've already lost almost 40 pounds since this time last year, I guess I have more to go according to the 'officials'. I think I could have been considered 'fat' then but now, I'm not so sure.


New Member
I started my diet in June when I was at 230. The picture attached is from October where I'm 200 pounds. I've lost another 10 pounds since then and should be at 170 (my goal) by my one year anniversary of the diet.


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Staff member
I meant good girl, as far as sticking with the diet...NOT the nekkid pics. *smacks Gonz silly* *snorts at Gonz*


Staff member
:D...I'm sure youcan snort louder than me. :p
me and greenie look so much's scary