Originally posted by Professur
Sounds like one of my old girlfriends
Originally posted by unclehobart
Vegemite is awesome, albiet a tad weak compared to the glory of Marmite. Vegemite is a yeast extract with the consistency of peanut butter and a dark caramel appearance. It is very pungent to the nose and has a flavor not unlike popping a beef bullion cube into your mouth. I love the stuff.
*Whorks* (ver.1.0)Originally posted by unclehobart
Vegemite is awesome, albiet a tad weak compared to the glory of Marmite. Vegemite is a yeast extract with the consistency of peanut butter and a dark caramel appearance. It is very pungent to the nose and has a flavor not unlike popping a beef bullion cube into your mouth. I love the stuff.
Originally posted by Dark Angel
Squeezes in between 'Professur' and 'Q'
....hope ya don't mind me joining in......
Originally posted by Pradeep
this would be an example of vegemite in a sandwich
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA *keels over in a fit of laughter*Originally posted by wine4all
Nothing that Lotrimin or Monistat 7 can't cure!
*squirts entire tube of Monistat on Pradeep and listens for him to screech "I'm melting...I'm melting...."*