Time to re-establish this crap.
This is only the beginning
A guy, on a flight to DC's Reagan National Airport, had to go to the bathroom on approach. There's a new "rule" that, in the final :30 minutes of a flight into Reagan, no passenger may leave their seat

. But, for whatever reason, this guys bladder said it was time, so he got up & headed toward the lavatory in the front of the plane. Well, an ever efficient sky marshall, another example of government employee's being the most diligent of all workers, pulled his weapon and made the airline reroute to Dulles Airport. In the meantime, our ever efficacious prison guard, err, sky marshall had the rest of the passengers put their collective hands into the "behind the head, lockdown" position, for the remaining part of the flight. The urination declined passenger is now facing possible felony charges.
I thought that airline safety was an euphemism for no more airliners turned into missiles, not Con-Air for tourists. At what point will the American people wake up & take charge of their life & not resort to over-reactionary hysteria? 4 planes were used as weapons against our landmarks & civilians(not to mention the military). That is no excuse for turning a public service into an fortress--we are
paying passengers upon these conveyances-FOR PROFIT. They are not, nor should they ever be government prison vehicles-FOR PROFIT.