Adoption is Final!!


New Member
Here we are together with our "official" Daughter, Marissa Joy Maxwell...


Spencer (Maxout)


New Member
Gratus Maximus-

-From someone that has a special gratitude towards people that would open their lives to a child to give that child the best chance for a good life.

:D :D :D :D :D - 5 smiles to you!


New Member
Thank you everyone for your kind words :D !!

Yes, she is US Born and we have met her mother, she was originally placed with us as a foster child from the County Foster system.


New Member

It's great to see that she'll get to have some measure of stability in life by staying with the same parents, instead of being bounced around from house to house like what unfortunately happens to some foster children. Congratulations on your new daughter, may she provide a lifetime of enjoyment. :)

Noite Escura

The unpredictable
You seem really happy in that picture Maxie! Congratulations to you family! I hope she brings so much Joy to you :thup:


Bumbling Idiot
Staff member
Congrats, Maxout! Not only on the adoption of your daughter, but for having the courage to provide a good home for a child who needed one.

Hope she'll be very happy living as a part of your family! But as I see those happy faces, I don't think that will be very difficult!

Wish you all the best with your family!


Mushroom at large
What Homey said.

Not to get off topic, but is that your spread in the photo? Nice digs.

So how did Jr. take it?