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  1. Q


    Put your avatar back.......right this minute!:mad:
  2. Q

    original food fight thread

    *intercepts bologna, slices thinly adds mustard and mayo on crusty italian bread* mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..lunch
  3. Q

    Greetings from Ground Zero plus one

    Glad you're back at work....looking forward to the lunchtime update. What about school...any word about that yet?
  4. Q

    original food fight thread

    nope...not a clue:p ...and blood tongue is a nasty kinda cold cut made out of the parts that get rejected for hotdogs and dog food held together with gelatin:sick:
  5. Q

    original food fight thread

    Haggis...I'm not skeeered of haggis. *fwops prof directly in the chest with a large hunk of.......eiw blood tongue.* Take that ya big ninny.haggis, oh like, I'm soooo sure....
  6. Q

    He's Back, again

    I meant it prolly wasn't very stimulating for least I never saw any evidence of it. :D
  7. Q

    He's Back, again

    I guess making underwear commercials wasn't very stimulating.:worm:
  8. Q

    Rudy in NYC

    I like Rudy. I always liked Rudy. I don't necessarily think they should change the law, but I think in this case they should make an exception and let the voters decide.
  9. Q

    Dark Angel's Bi-O

    Awesome pics Ange!
  10. Q

    Happy birthday 75renegade

  11. Q

    Plane controversy ... of another sort.

    rut roh....*checks out Gonz's butt while running away*....yep, yer's a beauty.:kiss:
  12. Q

    Plane controversy ... of another sort.

    He's a truck driver...prolly needs some of those Doans® pills :D
  13. Q

    Plane controversy ... of another sort.

    I said turbulance..not crash :p
  14. Q

    original food fight thread

    Tralalalala you people who pick on Q....*opens back doors of SUPERGONZO's crime fightin' semi to unload a whole trailer full a watermelons* hahahahahahah...STEP ON IT GONZ!!! :D :p
  15. Q

    Plane controversy ... of another sort.

    I know for really little babies you don't have to pay, but I'm not sure if they just give the seat to a baby or if the mom has to carry it on her lap. I did see a program on TV and some flight attendants were really squaking about how dangerous it is to have an unrestrained baby, especially if...
  16. Q

    a little perspective

    hmmm, that comes out to a little over 5 beers a day....would the beer be tax deductible?:worm:
  17. Q

    Plane controversy ... of another sort.

    Jumbo butts pay extra, and by the same token, if you wanna be on the bottom of a pile of two hundred pound butts ( and not bitch) you should get a discount. Babies, however become projectiles in the event of an emergency and should be secured in their own seats.
  18. Q

    Budget soup while traveling

    ...and the French version.. same directions except substitute 55 little creamers for the 5 handfuls of water. :)
  19. Q

    Happy birthday 1fast6

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY FASTY!!!! :spin: :love:
  20. Q

    It's Alive!

    That Q thing is pretty cool! I like the case too, but fury is making me get an Antec when I replace my case (not the clear one). A word to the wise. When I built the clear one I bought it one piece at a time and didn't test any of the parts...the mobo was DOA but I didn't know till a couple...