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  1. Q

    original food fight thread

    Oh no it's not. *whacks unc with a sprig of parsley*...a big sprig :D
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    original food fight thread

    Hey, you can't do that to SUPERGONZO!!! *blasts renegade with mushy okra and a large butternut squash* :D
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    You guys ever watch Sponge Bob Square Pants???

    *sigh* I'm a hopeless Rocky and Bullwinkle fan:eh:
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    seclusion banned

    HEY! now leave the little dog outta this! :mad:
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    seclusion banned

    Bye bye seclusion:wave: happy trails
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    original food fight thread

    We turned on the giant cheez-vac about 600 somethin posts ago. *fires a load of gherkins at flurf and his silly lawyer*:p
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    I'm in a bad mood

    Put some red food coloring in his cologne, then when he puts it on he'll look all blotchy.:retard:
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    NCCI pulls workers' flags

    HEY!!! I got an email back from these people ----- Original Message ----- From: <> To: <> Sent: Saturday, September 22, 2001 3:19 PM Subject: NCCI Changes Position, Gives Employees American Flags Thank you for contacting us recently. We...
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    $5 Million Dollar Reward

    hmmmm, wonder what you list as your job on your income tax form....assasain, freedom fighter, dauntless defender of american pride? ...and would your weapons and ammo be tax deductible?
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    Broiled Parmesan Tomatoes

    *checks wardrobe for suitable blueberry dipping attire* :D blue bikini.....check whipped cream...check
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    Broiled Parmesan Tomatoes

    IN the barrel???:eek: :D
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    ooooh, me too. I haaaaaate that chore.:mad::smash::lurk::sick:
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    Broiled Parmesan Tomatoes

    .....and where does that yummy sounding blueberry wine fit into this scenario? is it done yet?:worm:
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    The Prof is in

    Did I miss a nudie of prof or something????? I have email ya know!
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    The Prof is in

    psssst prof! fury knows how to spell edited :D
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    Broiled Parmesan Tomatoes

    oooh, winey that sounds delightful...did you just think that up? what will we be having in addition to that? whats for dessert? what kind of entertainment will we be having? can I wear jeans?
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    Broiled Parmesan Tomatoes

    *lobs tomatoes at fury* *SPLAT*
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    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    :wave: HIYA CHUPA!!!
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    Oh let him have a pic. maybe he won't notice I locked him in there. :D
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    Fuser Man is in the house!

    Speaking of your family..... we've seen posts from Jake....when do we get to meet Mrs. Fuser??:cry2: