Fuser Man
blah, blah, blah
Name: Rick Day
Age: 31
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 146lbs soaking wet
Hair: Blonde (what's left of it)
Eyes: Blue
Married to Fadilla
One 3 year son Jacub (aka Jake, little monster, yaya)
Was born in Scotland, I've lived in Canada since I was 2.
I love living in Canada. It's the greatest country in the world. I live 15 minutes away from Outlaw69. I know, that scares me too!
Love Hockey, Leafs Rule!
I fix laser printers for a living. Well trully I run this company. The owner just shows up every once and a while to sign cheques and do a few other things I don't do.
Jamiroquai is my fav band. I like most music. Country is the only type of music I can't stand.
I drink enough diet coke that Coca Cola Ltd should give me a volume discount.
Movies I like: All the Star Wars, Matrix, anything directed by John Woo, all Jet Li movies, any movie where guys run around beating people up and shooting everything in site.
I like playing on my computer. The wife thinks I love it more than I love her. I always tell her the same thing, "No I don't, It doesn't have boobs and can't cook."
Q is my hero.
Fury is my other hero.
I have a 1996 Mustand GT convertable. I love my car. Chicks dig it!
Here is a pic of me and the wife.
and here's a pic of Jake
Age: 31
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 146lbs soaking wet
Hair: Blonde (what's left of it)
Eyes: Blue
Married to Fadilla
One 3 year son Jacub (aka Jake, little monster, yaya)
Was born in Scotland, I've lived in Canada since I was 2.
I love living in Canada. It's the greatest country in the world. I live 15 minutes away from Outlaw69. I know, that scares me too!
Love Hockey, Leafs Rule!
I fix laser printers for a living. Well trully I run this company. The owner just shows up every once and a while to sign cheques and do a few other things I don't do.
Jamiroquai is my fav band. I like most music. Country is the only type of music I can't stand.
I drink enough diet coke that Coca Cola Ltd should give me a volume discount.
Movies I like: All the Star Wars, Matrix, anything directed by John Woo, all Jet Li movies, any movie where guys run around beating people up and shooting everything in site.
I like playing on my computer. The wife thinks I love it more than I love her. I always tell her the same thing, "No I don't, It doesn't have boobs and can't cook."
Q is my hero.
Fury is my other hero.
I have a 1996 Mustand GT convertable. I love my car. Chicks dig it!

Here is a pic of me and the wife.

and here's a pic of Jake