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  1. Q

    BBS question here - please advise

    The first guy sounds ok to me. He did make a point of talking to you privately about it and offered a download utility, which could potentially attract members. The second guy overstepped the bounds of board ettiquite. If he does it again, give him the boot.
  2. Q

    Twisted List: Five Things You Should Never Download

    You are all in the report. Beef and Broccoli is a stupid name for a program and I'm not even gonna look at it, so there. :p
  3. Q


    Ooh posty, that was much better! Bravo!...not as good as the shit I was gonna make up though. :D
  4. Q

    Up to 135 years in jail for distributed computing?!

    These prosecutors are absolutely insane. The guy intended no harm and no harm was done. This guy needs a dream team, but those idiots are too busy defending vicious murderers. :mad:
  5. Q

    original food fight thread

    *fills up the cow launcher cracker attachment and assaults the crowd with oyster crackers* (Gonz thought they would be a nice compliment to the gumbo* ) :D
  6. Q


    *smiles politely, waves*:wave: *...and backs away from Jeep-man*
  7. Q

    original food fight thread

    Nice try....but all that crap was deflected by default because of the mighty cheese shield ...:p *Loads up super soaker with HoC's Pan Galactic Gargle Blasters ...aims it at acid* mwhahahahahaha...I bet this stuff melts his clothes right off. :D
  8. Q

    Trivia #2

    No, really...what do I win? Will I be getting a tracking number soon?
  9. Q

    Who loves ya Krusty?

    Hey! How did one of Americas ugliest couches get to NZ???:worm:
  10. Q

    Hey Q

    :wave: Tralalalala...bye boys :D
  11. Q

    How many men have you slept with?

    yeah, if you happen to be a hoe...:sick:
  12. Q

    original food fight thread

    well, technically we would be calling it a former food fight then...wouldn't we? [church lady] hmmmmmmmmmmmm??[/churchlady] *smacks pad with a licorice stick*
  13. Q

    How many men have you slept with?

    *adds br0cks database activity to the report* :smash:
  14. Q

    original food fight thread

    * employs a large group of langoliers to consume the mess pad just made* This is a food fight damnit. *hides in tree.....bombs prof with a record breaking canteloupe*
  15. Q

    Printer problem

    No shit! that price it's practically disposible. Fuser, it's a Lexmark Z-22. It's the exact same model as the one that came with my compaq..which has worked fine for a year and a half. It only came with a colored ink cartridge, but if I remember correctly, the last time I bought ink...
  16. Q

    Printer problem

    No, I hid him in the closet, so I can't hear his incsessant whining. He pissed me off. Know anybody I don't like that needs a priinter?
  17. Q

    insomnia rules

    Invite those Sealy counting sheep over! ...and if they don't do the trick, I'll have the frying pan handy as a back up. :D
  18. Q

    How many men have you slept with?

    Can I just make up a number? What will I win?
  19. Q

    How many men have you slept with?

    2129 Hey br0ck are you combining this info with our porn names for some type of illegal database?:worm:
  20. Q

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    :wave: HIYA K!!!