Yeah quit grocery shopping at hardware stores :D
...and here's a little hint: oddball stuff, like the canned red peppers, can usually be found (if they're not in the regular canned veggie aisle) in the ethnic food area.
That little morons money train just went off the tracks. :rolleyes:
I don't imagine there are alot of employment opportunities in the same tax bracket for ex boy band members.
Gene wasn't really the instigator...but the headline kinda leads you to believe he is.. I hate it when they do that. From everything I've read and seen, Gene seems like a real nice guy and a hard working actor. This writer clearly tried to give the impression he was a bully. :mad:
The host computer( a K6-233) lost its HDD as a result of the power failure, so it's out of commission temporarily. However, the other two machines (both 1gig t-birds) are networked and working just fine.:thup: :)
Jeez, a little warning woulda been nice. The sheep almost saw that. They'd be in a total uproar if they thought they were getting two timed by a giraffe :D
...and she looks pretty damn happy br0xen.:lol: