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  1. Q

    Sound Card

    Okey dokey, I'll give it a whirl.
  2. Q

    Sound Card

    I want to install a sound card on this machine (KT7a). Right now it has a vid card in slot 1 (PCI SIS) and a nic in slot 4 and 128mb PC 133. Slots 2, 3, 5 & 6 are available. Is one slot preferable over another one?
  3. Q

    Congrats to my new co-mod!!

    or fulfilling :D I've made a list :D
  4. Q

    Congrats to my new co-mod!!

    FUSER!!! way to go buddy!:beerchug:
  5. Q

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    HELLOOOOOO STUMBLE BISCUIT!!! :wave: Welcome to the boards!
  6. Q


    The HDD died in the comcrap about a week ago. That is the comp that had my regular kirk118@home account. It just occurred to me today to put that acct on one of the working comps....duh, I know:retard: So anyway, when I checked it for mail, only one message came through. This has been my main...
  7. Q

    Does your local grocery store...

    Have a bakery right in it? Serve hot entrees? Make fresh sandwiches, hors douvres, and party platters? I was just wondering because when I moved to Florida 19 years ago none of the grocery stores did in Buffalo. They all do it down here. Some even have little areas where you can eat right...
  8. Q

    On this date in history

    He was prolly potty trained by then...I bet he does. :D
  9. Q

    On this date in history

    I do not! :p
  10. Q

    There ...

    I bet it would make you have to pee twice as bad, once you started going :D
  11. Q

    statsman is pissing me off

    GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA the noon update (12:30 my time) one gene again for a 12 hour period. :mad: DAMN that statsman...damn him all to hell!
  12. Q

    Oh noooo!

    I don't think that sounds too bad. It's not like you have to pay to view or post...and it beats the crap outta those annoying monitor consuming ads they got at HWC.
  13. Q

    Cheap PC from Dell -- Tech Briefs

    For a lot of people that would be a nice little system. Especially at that price. I don't get the integrated ethernet card part though. Does that mean the mobo doesn't support a regular old $20.00 nic? Is there no slot? What if you wanted to switch from dial up to cable? Would you have...
  14. Q

    Anthrax scare in my skool :D

    I'm guessing it was more along the lines of a small flu epidemic, simply because they let and entire school go home....and I'm kinda reading between the lines here, but all the buildings that have actually had cases of anthrax have been locked up tighter than a drum, for testing and eradication...
  15. Q

    Anthrax scare in my skool :D

    Breathe a heavy sigh Posty....he's almost as far away form you as he can get in the continental US. Just outside Atlanta, I beleive.
  16. Q

    Anthrax scare in my skool :D

    Holy Crap! They confirmed that 6 people had contracted anthrax??? ...and they just let you go home? did they tell you to take any antibiotics? give you any instructions at all? are you in school today? Spill it boy, we need more details.
  17. Q

    Oh noooo!

    What kinda money are they talking?? did they say?
  18. Q

    On this date in history

    On a similar note. I just heard that tonight will be the first full moon on Halloween in 42 years....I don't really remember that last one, I don't think I went trick or treating that year. :D
  19. Q

    statsman is pissing me off

    Unless it just got straightened out it's NOT straightened out. There should be 9 updates daily. Yesterday there were 3. :( ...and the last update was midnite Stanford time.
  20. Q

    statsman is pissing me off

    No, I just suddenly got a hard on for it :D No really. It's only updates sporadically, NOT every 3 hours. It couldn't possibly be accurate. It only gave me credit for one gene in a 12 hour period. (when I actually witnessed 3 genes upload). I actually ended up with 5 genes for a 24 hour...