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  1. Q


    I hadda put an extra dot, cuz posty messed up first:retard:
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    Goodbye Hussein, 2003

    How do you prepare for a global oil price shock? I just don't have anywhere to stockpile gasoline.
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    Space Tourism

    Hell no! Not till they get some 7-11s up there.
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    Let's hope THIS host knows their business

    Big improvement, so far! :thup:
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    Hi, all!

    Don't worry, she'll be happy, or else we'll just smack her around till she gets happy.:whip:
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    Hey, Huge

  8. Q

    Hi, all!

  9. Q

    Hi, all!

    We seem to have that effect on people....stunned silence :D
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    Pads' excellant airport adventure

    Next time, if there is a next time. Follow the ticket taker guy and get your own ticket validated. The bonehead that parked in the wrong lot prolly breathed a huge sigh of relief when he got out of the parking lot....then laughed his ass off all the way home. Too bad you can't find out who he is.
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    Ibm Sucks!

    Maybe you need to stick a note in there when you return it, asking for a functional drive.:rolleyes:
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    Happy birthday fuserman

    :cry: Happy Birthday Fuser :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:...I miss Fuser:cry2:
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    Ibm Sucks!

    So far, so good too. I think the garlic is working :D
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    Hi, all!

    :wave: HIYA LESLIE!!!! ...welcome to xi!
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    Ibm Sucks!

    I have an IBM in this machine too *waves garlic in front of case* :D ...but Posty's had trouble since the git go and it's been close to a his drive is broken and missing.
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    Ibm Sucks!

    Email them and ask if you have a choice between a WD or a Maxtor for your replacement. :D
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    Ibm Sucks!

    More bad news Posty. I hope they send you one before they quit making them. :(
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    Is mommy in there? I can't tell.
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    I WANNA SEE THE KITTIES!!! :jumpblob: