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  1. Q

    Napster Filing Chapter 7?

    I miss napster :cry2:
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    The Bee says bhonbhon

    yeah, but what the hell is that old english cow saying??
  3. Q

    What style are you using for the site?

    Ice ice baby:cool:
  4. Q

    Too good to not share

    It's beautiful Posty, reminds me of upstate NY.:)
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    How would ya like yer epitaph to read?

    OMG!!! A rare winey sighting!!! *collapses near flashing before eyes* I think I have a vision of my epitaph, but all those dam snapdragons are in the way. :D
  6. Q

    New stuff for my walls

    Very cool, Flav. As usual excellent taste in art.:thup:
  7. Q

    Updated Kitten Pics... 2 weeks old tommorrow

    Feed the little kitty......and get it fixed....please! DJ, thanks for the update. The babies are adorable!
  8. Q

    Hey, Huge

    It was too necessary. :p ...and it's been about two years, get the hell over it:smash: :Dyou're just mad cuz you're a crappy secret agent:evillaff: I don't think he has ringworm either:eh:
  9. Q

    Prince Phillip is non-pc

    What a tard. I heard about his slitty eyed comment before, but not the other stuff. Why on earth do they let him keep speaking in public?
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    Happy 17th FURY

    *RAMS* flurf:sex::kiss: HAPPY BIRTHDAY FLURF !!!!:beerchug: :hbd:
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    Down with Winter

    It's hot as shit here...and the a/c doesn't work in my truck...hmmm...wonder where I could get some freon??:D
  12. Q

    Forum infighting too
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    Happy birthday fuserman

    I still miss him:cry2:
  14. Q

    Forum infighting

    There is a big difference between 3 pages of SPAMOHOLIC or a little whacko(s) shitting on all the threads and the regular useless shit. That was my point. But screw it. I just know I get so disgusted sometimes it makes me not want to post even to the legitimate threads. There is a simple...
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    Forum infighting

    It's getting to be too much trouble to sift through all the useless shit to find a "real" thread and most of the "real" threads have been contaminated by stupid meaningless shit as well. Pretty soon the people who start "real" threads will move on to where they can have a conversation without...
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    He doesn' t say too much. Perhaps he's a bot now.:eh:
  17. Q

    Server move check (IMPORTANT)

    I got a 404...does that trump a "fl...."??
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    Server move check (IMPORTANT)

    In the unlikely event of a white screen with the text "fl"...., please tighten the strap on your tinfoil hat and stick your head between your legs. :D
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    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    Who the heck let MuFu in here?? :DWelcome MuFu:wave: go get some beer!