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  1. Q

    i'm bored

    ....and the gauge is accurate....because you say so?:eh:
  2. Q

    i'm bored

  3. Q

    i'm bored

    ok! how do ya know if the gauge is accurate?:retard:
  4. Q

    Famous people from indiana

  5. Q

    Another reason the French are hated

    I like French fries! :)
  6. Q

    celebrities form Fort Wayne

    you forgot SUPERGONZO :D
  7. Q

    original food fight thread

    DANG....another thing kevlar doesn't protect against:eh: knives and mashed potatoes *stomps on a calzone...sending the contents prof-bound* {SPLORK}
  8. Q

    i'm bored

    :lol: time to change the air in my head
  9. Q

    original food fight thread

    HA! That only looks like a's really a very stylish kevlar vest. :D( goes good with my boots, doncha think?) *sling shots goobers and rasinettes at prof*
  10. Q

    i'm bored

    ummmm 1x6's :D how did lumber get in the conversation? maybe NEO was trying to build stuff when he was drunk?
  11. Q

    Another reason the French are hated

    perhaps he is still in charge over there...
  12. Q

    i'm bored

    1x6 whats? :confused:
  13. Q

    original food fight thread

    NEHI...didn't you ever see M*A*S*H*?
  14. Q

    original food fight thread

    I got it, I got it. :p *squirts prof with grape nehi*
  15. Q

    Another reason the French are hated

    So what happened? :confused: Did they just let them go?
  16. Q

    Still alive and kickin'.....

    *twirls on head*:dance: thanks for the bbtool Mark....I wanted to change my sig, but I just couldn't bear the thought of going back to a plain one.
  17. Q

    ATTN: Smokers

    You are an ass.
  18. Q

    ATTN: Smokers

    Flav, let us know how long it takes to get your carton. (and which place you ordered from)
  19. Q

    Still alive and kickin'.....

    :wave: Hey Mark, you still got that link for the multi-coloerd text? I lost mine and I've been too lazy to search for it. Thx :)