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  1. Q

    I HATE it when that happens!

    Yeah, and make the asshole pay for the new board. Why is the loser screwing around with the circuit breaker anyway? Put a piece of duct tape over the switch to the breaker for your room, so he can't accidentally flip that one again. Also, may I suggest sticking a hot curling iron up his...
  2. Q

    ok, so my clear computer up and died

    A small fluffy one:eek:
  3. Q

    A Dogs Diary

    It left out a crucial part of dogdom: YUM YUMS!! aka treats or cookies. :p
  4. Q

    ok, so my clear computer up and died

    *twirls on head* yippy skippy! I unplugged everything and it doesn't work. ...on the downside *sigh* I took out enough fur from between the heatsink and fan to make another whole dog. :scared:
  5. Q

    ok, so my clear computer up and died

    I didn't want to tear the working computer apart, but the PSU I ordered will be here tomorrow. I'm just panicing early, in case I plug everything in and it still doesn't work....I can't really afford a new mobo or a new chip...or both:scared: ...unless I don't eat for about a month.
  6. Q

    ok, so my clear computer up and died the middle of the night. It was running fine when I went to bed. I kinda doubt a power surge, cuz both puters are plugged into the same ups and the other one is fine. I ordered a new 400w PSU, but what are the chances it's the mobo or the chip? I have no semblence of power, no leds...
  7. Q

    A cat's diary

  8. Q

    Barge Hits Bridge on Arkansas River

    Here's another pic
  9. Q

    Barge Hits Bridge on Arkansas River

    Barges and bridges make a bad combo. The Sunshine Skyway got creamed in 1980. At 7:38 a.m. May 9, 1980, during a blinding spring squall, the freighter Summit Venture rammed into the Sunshine Skyway and knocked out a 1,200-foot length of the bridge across the mouth of Tampa Bay. Thirty five...
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    How to draw a fish

  11. Q

    I'm all alone

    ooh yeah, might as well do a quick pit check while your sniffing :D
  12. Q

    I'm all alone

    Cover all the bases. Walgreens carries Dr. Scholls and Beano...right? :D
  13. Q

    Need some ideas

    A fort might be fun for all the kids. Amazon has a few books on the subject. This: one in particular, I liked. Make the older kids hunt down the materials. There's usually cheap stuff in the classifieds...
  14. Q

    Need some ideas

    Posty, how old are they again? And what kinda stuff are they already interested in?