Search results

  1. brainsoft

    Linux Games

    I have Rune for Linux burned, will install it sometime. I also plan to try for UT with the patch, and to get a copy of Q3 as well.
  2. brainsoft

    Usefull Statistic

    You guys are very funny!
  3. brainsoft

    T-Bird heating the house...

    I close the vents in my room during the winter. If it's cold, I turn on all three monitors for about 10 minutes, then take off my shirt and open the windows. I actually opened my windows and started a current through ym room with fans in the windows at opposite ends of the room. Put on a...
  4. brainsoft

    How much are you willing to spend on cooling?

    I've done some stuff that not everyone would do, but I wouldn't pay for it. I put my old Cel heatsinks on my V5 5500 after buying my Orbs from Sin2. I didn't pay anything extra for the video cooling, but it was there. Actually, I puit holes in the side of my case as well, two of them...
  5. brainsoft

    Diablo 2 Expansion Pack

    Huge, especially when the res is the same as the game already runs in...
  6. brainsoft

    There *could* be a Quake 4

    How about the new Doom and Wolf? Are they both coming? I've seen clips from Doom, but was Walf scrapped for it?
  7. brainsoft

    I need cooling advice

    My thoughts exactly. That's the way mine is too. Don't forget the PSU fan blows out too.
  8. brainsoft


    Faster than the last board, by SO much. NOt faster today than yesterday I don't think. Massive amounts of computers were off the net yesterday I think it was, all across Ontario, but I doubt that has anything to do with it.
  9. brainsoft

    Shocking news!

    Bwahaha! The movie industry isn't loosing any money from me. Sure, I have over 30 movies downloaded in DivX format (they never mentioned the actual name, notice that?), but they're not costing the movie indutry anything. Their theory is this: If they didn't download the movies for free...
  10. brainsoft

    What should I buy tomorrow?

    Jim, you're a horrible computer guy! The answer should be obvious! (read: mobo)
  11. brainsoft

    What should I buy tomorrow?

    Low blow, very funny!
  12. brainsoft

    vB code

    <table><tr><td style="filter:glow"><font size="2">glowing. :D</font></td></tr></table> edit: Shit, i thought that code could be used to post code, but nope! wtf
  13. brainsoft

    I'm so sick of this city

    Go camping up to Muskoka for a week, relax and all that shit :D
  14. brainsoft

    What will be your next CPU purchase?

    Dual something AMD, DDR, that's all I know. it prolly won't be this year though, not till next summer at this rate.
  15. brainsoft

    What is your favorite genre?

    I think of Zelda as an RPG still, even though it isn't technically, by the old fashioned definition. I hope you're aware that "'God' Games" as you put it are Simulators... and RTS... and with the constant blurring of generes, especially along the RPG/Adventure, and FPS/Adventure...
  16. brainsoft

    I need to completely remove this proggie

    No problem! I figured a few people didn't know about it :)
  17. brainsoft

    Jim, hows your foot?

    I wonder which name he'll use to post today? How's your foot doing mofo? And get on ICQ, I have a few files to send you bastich.
  18. brainsoft

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    Welcome. Lemme guess.. You from Sharkys?
  19. brainsoft

    Big Brother 2

    Reality TV can lick my nuts. So can Reagis Millionaire (I can't spell his name)
  20. brainsoft

    Can You Check This Out For Me™

    Works for me....