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  1. PostCode

    I got mentioned in LockerGnome

    Chris has been running that thing for who knows how long. I remember way back when I first started making my site, when it was called Eric's BIOS Post Codes (I started Thansgiving day 1999), I thought that I might get a mention in his newsletter. I tried to garner some hits from visitors through...
  2. PostCode

    Burning Board it is

    After fscking with phpBB for a bit then WoltLabs Burning Boards, I've decided to stick with Burning Board as the main forum software. I've got the portals for it installed as well. The boards are located here: And the portals mainpage is located here...
  3. PostCode


    The kids are down south visiting their Grandma for the entire week! YES! It's, it's, it's....quiet. :D
  4. PostCode


    Who your host now fury?
  5. PostCode


    Since they totally screwed up my last site, they are now fucking up my Bios site's forums. The reason I know it's them is because my other site that is located on the same server has forums and I am getting the exact same error message with those boards. So I know it's not my forum that is...
  6. PostCode

    A very nice web site.

    This is one of the best I've seen. Very professional looking. The flash is amazing.
  7. PostCode

    Arrogant little people...

    A few months ago I got an email from a person who either works for or represents the company that makes a software program called BIOS Agent. It's actually a pretty spiffy little program that runs under Windows. It gives you all kinds of detailed information about your BIOS like manufacturer...
  8. PostCode

    I knew it was a virus

    Old boss sends me a message through ICQ. A guy comes in and says he's got a few virus' on his computer. So Guy runs F-Prot and removes the three virus's that are on the system. System still won't boot except into safe mode so he runs scanreg /restore to try a backup of the registry. It restores...
  9. PostCode

    Paybacks. :D

    With tender love
  10. PostCode

    It's March 16th....and it's snowing

    Wacky winter indeed...
  11. PostCode

    Lycoris Linux Review

    Back in January, Redmond Linux changed their name to Lycoris. Linux Orebit has since done a review of this distribution. Check it out here. Lycoris Linux I'm trying to find a location to download it from myslef. From what I understand, this distribution will pretty much setup Samba for...
  12. PostCode

    Irish Quotes

    Of the list, this is one I found the most amusing. Check it out here for a complete list.
  13. PostCode

    Anderson doomed?

    I know there's a few accountants how troll the forums here. What are your thoughts on this senerio? Arthur Anderson to die?
  14. PostCode

    Man kills family then himself

    But, nobody found the bodies until the 15th....The last day the kids were in school was the 22nd of Feb. So, no one smelt the bodies rotting? when I got back from Saudi I got my old job back. A security job I was working and going to school. The first day back to work (I had been back for...
  15. PostCode

    Yates Poll

    Andrea Yates was found guilty of murdering her five children in Houston, Texas. This state has more people die by execution than any other state and Yates got convisted of a crime more horrible than any I think previous. So the following poll is directed twords what the decision of the...
  16. PostCode

    Pillars of Light

    Photos of the display
  17. PostCode

    XiBase Logos

    Here'a few logo's to check out. I don't even remember why I started making them...I think is was for the Ice cool theme. Anyway, let's get some user input here. These are all using the same font as I dont have a lot of fonts to play with. if there is a...
  18. PostCode

    Sun sues Microsoft for anticompetitive behavior

    For the full story hehehe
  19. PostCode

    Beware all you Windows users.

    Internet Security Update Virus Microsoft dosen't provide any updates through email.
  20. PostCode

    No breaks

    Due to the projected increase workload in the coming months, and falling productivity, the management has decided that it can no longer afford for you to take time out of your busy schedule. Instead, to increase employee efficiency the company has gone to considerable expense to remodel your...