Search results

  1. leslie

    Praying for these guys

    More here It must be horrifying to be down there. :(
  2. leslie

    Happy "Hug your Geek Day!!!

    :beerchug: Cheers and a big hug for all who are celebrating! :hug:
  3. leslie

    Our nuts

  4. leslie

    Public Service Announcement

  5. leslie

    The new car

    We had to get a car quick and cheap, and this is what we ended up with, a 1990 Pontiac Bonneville SSE, 150 000km on it, not bad, and it's running really well. We paid $100, it needed a few things, a light, a window, and a master cylinder. In total, we got that stuff for $170, and we had a new...
  6. leslie

    Is it possible...

    To take a car with abs and make it non-abs? Would the brakes still work?
  7. leslie

    Cooking over a campfire

    Everything is sooooooooooo much better :D We did marshmallows and weenies the other night, wow, fantastic, I usually can't eat either, but I felt just like a kid again :D We did hubby's birthday dinner over the fire too. Steaks, and roasted potatoes with carrots (in tinfoil). He was...
  8. leslie

    just wanted to share

    what I like about Northern Ontario, the rocks are beautiful at times :)
  9. leslie

    Dodge Durango

    What's everyone heard about it? We've had an offer to buy one substantially reduced, it would be a returned lease, and don't know a thing about them. Safety, durability, what's gonna fail next week?
  10. leslie

    Sidekick by Hershey

    I'm eating a new chocolate bar (well, new to me anyway), called Hershey Sidekick. It's got the texture of a Mars Bar, but almost exactly the taste of a peanut butter cup. It's really tasty, but it just doesn't seem right :confuse3: I got 3 for $2.00. Maybe I'll get used to it after I...
  11. leslie

    Wanted - unused 8gig hdd IDE

    please don't laugh, but I'm looking for an 8 gig hdd to make this beastie a little more useful for awhile longer, looking for new unwrapped, let me know if you've got one sitting on a shelf under the dust :D
  12. leslie

    Whatcha doing this weekend?

    Our village has just erected our first park, a HUGE accomplishment, so they are having a 'do' down there for the kiddies on Saturday, music, bbq, games, etc, so we'll be heading there in the afternoon. Sunday morning afternoon/evening we'll be doing the beer/bbq/bonfire party thing, and the...
  13. leslie

    Evil Plan Generator

    heeheehee :D This is mine:
  14. leslie

    A bad day

    :D I got a laugh out of this:
  15. leslie

    Spring has sprung

    Sheesh. I've waited for spring forever. Today I was happy to wake up to a bright sunny day with leaves on the trees (not buds), the birds chirping, forecast of 17c for the high. Beautiful! At nine o'clock however, it started. The guy next door chopping down five trees. With a chainsaw...
  16. leslie

    Good Morning!

    Good morning everyone! :D
  17. leslie

    Does noone...

    have anything to say? :confused: I've been lurking for a couple of months now, enjoying the chats and discussions and arguments and fun, and now that I've joined noone is talking! :(
  18. leslie

    Exhaust in 1993 Altima

    Anyone have an idea of how many manhours are involved in replacing exhaust from catalytic converter back in a 93 Altima (Nissan) ? Needs done badly, Drive Clean must be passed by May 23, debating labour cost/ease vs. savings/doing it by ourselves, don't really want to take it in for quote at...
  19. leslie

    Down with Winter

    It snowed around here this morning. Again. The roads were icy, accidents everywhere on the highway, a one hour trip took hubby 2 hours today. It's May!! When's it going to end? Damn and blast winter! Spring hasn't quite sprung yet here. :(
  20. leslie

    Hi, all!

    Nothing much to say, just that I've been lurking for awhile, and finally did the deed, and here I am! :grin: Hi to everyone! (please go easy on me, I'm just a newbie)