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  1. fury


    Basically, if this new bill Senator Hollings is pushing passes, it will make constructing a home-built PC, using a pre-SSSCA computer, development of open-source software, and university and corporate research on systems, debugging, security, and watermarking ALL illegal, basically buttraping...
  2. fury

    Happy birthday, BigDadday!

    You're a year older. Congratulations :D Hope you have a good one, man. :hbd: :beerchug: :grin: :wave: :swing: :jump:
  3. fury

    Editorial about patriotism

    So, I'm passing it on. :thup:
  4. fury

    20,000 posts in the Speak Easy!

    :smash: :smash2: :wave: :swing: :headbang: :band:
  5. fury

    Sick story of the afternoon Ouch...
  6. fury

    Whacked story of the afternoon This is all i have to say about that: :eek2:
  7. fury

    Why doesn't the US stop solving all the other countries' problems?

    Well, we need help ourselves, especially at a time like this! So why the hell are we still solving other countries' problems when our own is in more need of it? Read this snippet of a log from IRC just now [21:24:50] <@s4> we have one main road in town and people hang out in the parking...
  8. fury

    What do you feel is a sufficient punishment for rape?

    I think the guy/girl who raped the victim should be put in a locked cell with the parent(s) of the victim, and then after they are through with him/her, if there's anything left, a nice trip off to prison where there are usually plenty of people ready and willing to maul them to pieces...
  9. fury

    What do you think of when... see a shooting star? find a penny laying on the ground? get weird urges to put thought into your posts at XiBase? Me, I think an extra-terrestrial being figured out how to shoot a spitwad whenever I see a shooting star... I think someone's a penny short when I...
  10. fury

    Question about my cat

    I never noticed this before, but it looks like there are a couple of spots where her fur is thinning on her face, just under her ears (on both sides, but from facing her, the side on the left has a thinner patch of fur than on the one on the right) She is quite old (I'm guessing about 15-16...
  11. fury

    Propaganda about the war on terror There are some "questions" about the 9-11 attacks which are mostly easily answered... QUESTIONS OVER THE SEPTEMBER 11 ATTACKS Superficially, it all seemed straightforward enough. According to the official story, about 19 suicidal Middle Eastern...
  12. fury

    Penis face

    Yeah, YOU! I'm talking to you! You SUCK!
  13. fury


    No amount of :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D...
  14. fury

    Do you like how Bush is handling things?

    Well do ya? I think he's doing a great job. Not many people are able to stand up to the pressure of being the president in these times of extreme technological advances and people taking no responsibility, and there are even more pressures now considering the 9-11 attacks and the respective...
  15. fury

    My Life

    Give a few words, or some smilies if you like, that would sum up your life up to this point. Mine: :retard: :rolleyes: :bigtard: :eh: :retard2: :yawn2: :retard3:
  16. fury


    Let's have a nice heated discussion again... what would the world be like if people didn't have sex outside of marriage, didn't cheat on each other, and took responsibility for their children?
  17. fury

    Do you think there is too much law in the country?

    You ever stop to think that we might have TOO many laws, rules, restrictions, etc in this country? I do... I think there is way too many. Some of the things we used to enjoy are now restricted or less enjoyable because we have to make sure to avoid breaking any of the millions of laws that...
  18. fury

    What are your thoughts?

    Whatever your thoughts are, post em.