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  1. fury

    7-year old charged with a felony I have nothing to say about this...
  2. fury

    Server move check (IMPORTANT)

    Everyone please click here and tell me if you get "flasfldasf" or a 404 error page. Thanks in advance. We were causing the old host's server more pain than it usually causes itself, so XiBase was suspended. I was right there when it happened, so I immediately got onto the owner and the...
  3. fury

    Everyone check this out! From what I hear, Win2k/XP and Mac OS 9 do some really stupid stuff that makes the internet slower. Apparently, following the instructions in it is supposed to speed up the internet, or something. :eek: Well, it couldn't hurt to try, so...
  4. fury

    I will be Gone

    I'm leaving Thursday morning. Goodbye. (I'll be back some time next week though. Don't break the board until I get back :D)
  5. fury

    How long do you suppose before the world unites in peace?

    I suspect, with all the terrorist activity going on in recent events, that it will take at least a century or 3. If I'd have to make a ballpark estimate, I'd put my guess at about the late 2200's to mid 2300's. Here we are in the 21st century, with virtually none of the advances promised last...
  6. fury

    Whacked story of a couple days ago

    I was at my cousin's this weekend. Me and her boyfriend went to go rent a game for the GameCube, and on the way back, there was a car backed into one of the apartment buildings. The brick wall immediately surrounding the car was obliterated. :eek2: It had just happened, because the dust...
  7. fury

    Maybe it's just me

    Maybe it's just me, maybe it isn't normal to be upset by something 6 and 7 year olds do. But they just brought me 2 papers that they wrote down "You are mean" all over the papers. Why would they think of me as mean? I give them a lot of time playing on my computer. I give them some of my...
  8. fury

    HBD: misled, Joe Black<RC>

    Hope you have a good one :cool: Don't get too smashed :beer:
  9. fury

    I thought *I* was abusive of my hardware

    Last night when my brothers were playing Quake 3, they got mad at each other because they weren't taking equal turns, and the older one pushed the computer off the desk into the wall where it began to descend ever so quickly to the floor. It survived a 2 foot fall where the edge of the air...
  10. fury

    You'll NEVER catch me, Neo!

    Bring it on, biatch. I'm running at full steam. Yep. All 1333mhz. You probably have more than that, but, umm.. uh.... go to hell! *curls up in the fetal position and sobs* please...don' :retard:
  11. fury

    Castro bans the PC

    This is likely extremely old news, but I just now received the email. I don't know what to say, except, of course, CUBA SUX0RZ!@#
  12. fury

    (Important, please respond ASAP) You might've noticed by now...

    that the link up at the top is an IP again. Yeehaw, we've moved again. This time, you don't need to be updating your bookmarks, because the domain name transfer has already taken place, and it's just a matter of time (normally no longer than a day or two) before it updates on your ISP's end...
  13. fury

    Parallel-heated graphite?

    I read from this page, that graphite has a significant potential for thermal transfer when the heat is forced to conduct in a direction parallel to the crystal layers. Is it expensive to make this happen? Cause I wanna know if it would make a good heatsink ;) ;)
  14. fury

    Here's some fuel to add to the conspiracy fire Interesting reading... But if there really were flying machines in ancient times, where did they go? If they exploded or were buried, there would be pieces lying around. That leaves pretty much just the machines being extremely well hidden...
  15. fury

    Posty has 999 posts

    I'm easily amused :lol:
  16. fury


    Post links about Delphi here.
  17. fury

    Pollage, need your opinion

    There's a new theme in the works, called Ice Cool. (<a href="usercp.php?s=">user cp</a> \ <a href="member.php?s=&action=editoptions">options</a> \ Style Set) I've been working on it for about a week or so, customizing all the buttons and changing the layout so that it looks unique. (As of...
  18. fury

    Is there a FAT->FAT32 converter for 2k?

    I need one. Back when I formatted a 2 gig partition for windows, I didn't think Win2k would format it to FAT (the one with the huge cluster sizes). I just now found out that it did in fact format it to FAT as opposed to FAT32, so now I need it converted and I can't find the conversion utility...
  19. fury

    Whacked link of the day

    How to remove the Linux operating system and install Windows XP