Search results

  1. fury

    Happy Birthday Fuser

  2. fury

    2 * WD 1200jb (striped) = :D

    It's FAST (Well, not to format, but for everything else it is :D)
  3. fury

    Wow. UPS has a new look.

    Me like. :beerbang:
  4. fury

    Server move

    We will be moving to a new server shortly (by our new host). They have assured us that everything will be transferred without a hitch (read: no stale cookies, no loss of posts) Any issues that arise as a result of the move will be worked out as soon as possible, if there are any.
  5. fury

    Clean your optical mouse!

    :headbang: I just cleaned mine It is now about 3x as accurate The mouse wheel isn't so noisy and no longer "jitters" the document at random The wheel button is easier to press and no longer sticks It no longer randomly shuts itself off I highly recommend you clean your optical...
  6. fury

    host transfer imminent

    Please be aware that we are working on transferring the sites to a new server. If it tells you it's closed, that's what's happening. :headbang:
  7. fury

    Here's how much I suck at drawing

    Excuse the crappy webcam pic, but I don't have a scanner. :cry2: Concept art of a super-version of Mystic Gohan from DBZ. :headbang:
  8. fury

    Old school XiBase!
  9. fury

    welcome ram_guy

    Enjoy your stay, stay as long as you like, and I hope you like it here! :headbang:
  10. fury


    I'll let the paper do the talking for me... :D :headbang:
  11. fury

    Was just talking to someone about their new puter...

    Abit AT7 Max, Athlon XP 2600+, DDR 400 RAM, dual WD 1200JB's in RAID, and possibly a Radeon 9000 or 9700. And he's thinking about having me set it up :D :D
  12. fury

    I finally got a burner

    And this time it actually ISN'T a stove or a match or a lighter. It's a real CD burner. Digital Research Technologies (the BIOS and Windows both say OptoRite) 48x16x48... 16x is fast, burns a CD in 5 minutes (that's the fastest CD-R I have except the 32x the burner came with)
  13. fury

    Love that T-bird

    146k and still going strong. Anyone got any tips to help me make sure it won't quit on me any time soon? Besides the usual "Don't wreck it" :lol:
  14. fury

    Why was I so blindly devoted to IBM?

    I go play with my brothers overnight and I come back and HALF OF THE DATA ON MY DRIVE IS CORRUPT! Ugh... What the hell?! :mad:
  15. fury

    Can't believe you haven't posted it yet, Gonz

    They caught the sniper and his accomplice :D I think they should both be tortured, and then shot 13 times, that way they get to feel the shit they put the US through.
  16. fury

    Happy birthday, Neo

    Have a great one, d00d :headbang:
  17. fury

    Database crash earlier tonight

    See <a href="showthread.php?s=&threadid=5261">this</a> thread for details.
  18. fury

  19. fury

    A love story All I have to say is, :headbang:
  20. fury

    An interesting take on boy bands...