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  1. iwajabitw

    I hate political ads.

    Its every other commercial. Like pro wrestling, they fight for the crowd, then go back stage and smoke cigars over whisky, counting the cash. But I respect the wrestlers for taking the beating.
  2. iwajabitw

    TV shows

    What do you like. I prefer period pieces Scifi, or post apocalyptic such as: The Walking Dead Continuum-Loved it but not sure where its gonna go Peaky Blinders=this was great waiting to see season 2 Ripper Street=my favorite, got canceled from BBC, but its been picked up by someone else for a...
  3. iwajabitw

    The Walking Dead thread Season 5.

    Anybody watch? Never read the comics so don't know the differences.
  4. iwajabitw

    My Boxers

    The guy in the middle is one of there pups I kept, since they won't be having anymore.
  5. iwajabitw

    Well its Friday!

    Not sure why I'm glad, have to work/on-call this weekend. But at least the office is scarce of people, maybe its the lack of everyone else around I like.
  6. iwajabitw


    Just read the prez stepped down. When I bought my first laptop in 10yrs in April I got the A8 processor. Its been a great computer. But as I have been updating myself on the tech in systems today I was surprised at how they have not pushed the innovation and Intel has just blown them away. I...
  7. iwajabitw

    Gas price where your at?

    Since I drive around all day, I normally use Chevron. Lately its dropped to $3.01 a gallon I see the other stores in the $2.90's.
  8. iwajabitw

    What do you listen to?

    Mornings usually NPR/APR driving to work. I like the classical and jazz they play locally Around lunch need the pic me up so the new Judas Priest CD has been the flavor after lunch. I spend most of my day in my F150, have a desk somewhere, but I just don't make it there much.
  9. iwajabitw

    Do you keep old computers?

    I'm a pack rat with them. Attic has parts for all kinds. Still have my orginal 3dfx Voodoo 3 2000 in PCI and Elsa Gladiac Geforce 2 GTS, AMD K62-400 processor, P3's. Somewhere are 2 AMD Athlons in Slot A. Lots of old PC-100 & PC133. I just find them and strip the parts into boxes.
  10. iwajabitw

    Gun Lovers?

    I was raised hunting so I have always had them around. Have not bought anything since 2008, Kimber Pro Carry II .45 ACP. Nothing really tickles me....I'd like to find a Walther PPK, black with white grips, but damn they were high for used the last I looked, $580...and .380 ammo was scarce also...
  11. iwajabitw


    I'm gonna throw my Seti stats over to The Pirate Fleet. Any one I need to let know?
  12. iwajabitw

    1 month to save America Caught my attention. Don't listen to pundits anymore from either side. But interesting to see how things go. I wont vote for either side, can't trust them.
  13. iwajabitw

    Did you commit a crime?

    Jennifer Lawrence says so, if you looked.
  14. iwajabitw

    Unsealed: Alien Files on Netflix

    Been watching this show, 20 or so episodes. Really interesting. Whether you believe it or not, I think the amount of cover up that goes into it has some merit. Imagine what we don't know about Ebola or whatever they are keeping the lid on these days, plus aliens..
  15. iwajabitw

    Time to start working out again.

    I usually have to take the June- summer off. I have equipment in the garage, weights, heavy bag, dip station and such. Plus I put in long hours with it staying in the high 80's to low 90's up until 10pm down here. That's when I just want a cold beer and cold leather couch to sit on when I get...
  16. iwajabitw

    HVAC, 1 thing I hate

    Damn spiders. Thought this guy was a Wolf spider because he was at least 1 1/2". Brown bit by a black widow summer of 2013. Took the pic then squashed him.
  17. iwajabitw

    Ebola, what do think?

    In the news America is down playing it, Europe is preparing for a big ordeal with there case in Spain. I go into many residences in any given week. Most are not hygienic these days, especially young couples. All kinds of messes in bathrooms and kitchens I didnt see even 10yrs ago. I think it...
  18. iwajabitw


    Are you using one, which one, and why? I started with the Palm Treo 600, then the 650. I really thought they would be the shit for a long time. Hp ruined that. Then iPhone up to the 4s. I liked it for a long time but I didn't feel the upgrades were going anywhere for me. Hate the io7 look...
  19. iwajabitw

    What to post around here?

    Since I tend to read quit a bit about many subjects. What would be something of interest to everyone. Or just post away? I read finance, news, alternative news, aliens, auto, trades...or whatever catches my eye. I don't subscribe to to the major political parties, but do read about...
  20. iwajabitw

    William Shatner to Return as Captain Kirk

    Though I like the original and the new movies, I was hoping for a break into its own entity from Abrams. William Shatner to Return as Captain Kirk in ‘Star Trek 3'