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  1. br0ck

    Would he be convicted?

    While we're talking about one of the dynamic Clinton's pair....let's focus on the other.....
  2. br0ck

    Would he be convicted?

  3. br0ck

    It'll drive ya nuts

    :D :D :D
  4. br0ck

    Canada ripped in skating?

    Feel the power of Russia!!!
  5. br0ck

    Do you like how Bush is handling things?

    :D :D :D :D
  6. br0ck

    Do you like how Bush is handling things?

    Great men suround themselves with great people. What? What am I doing here then? lol :D :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  7. br0ck

    Do you like how Bush is handling things?

    So how is Tony Blair doing? :D
  8. br0ck

    Judge rules women can jog naked in Maine

    Damn, there's not a pic to the link!! ;) :( :(
  9. br0ck

    Ohio Highway Patrol Sux

    :laugh: :laugh: :smash:
  10. br0ck

    Ohio Highway Patrol Sux

    ...and WTF is a Hoosier? :D :D :D
  11. br0ck

    Ohio Highway Patrol Sux

    Oh, when you pass Toledo, give me a wave or flip me off as you see fit! lol :p Rt24 sucks to drive on cause of the curves. I hear about accidents all the time on Rt24. :eek:
  12. br0ck

    Ohio Highway Patrol Sux

    US6 and US24? You must of been close to Napolean. I grew up about 3 miles off of US RT 6. The State Patrol sucks bad!!
  13. br0ck


    60350 points
  14. br0ck

    Happy Birthday GONZO

    Happy birthday!! Hope you don't do something I would! lol :D
  15. br0ck

    Rich people suck

    "I don't hate the rich, I don't pity the poor!"
  16. br0ck

    Ice Storm

    I know, the trees and grass looks pristine. I live near a Metropark and it looked absolutley beautiful.
  17. br0ck

    Ice Storm

    Here is some footage of the weather! :mad: :mad:
  18. br0ck

    Ice Storm

    Branches are down, and the streets are a mess here and 20,000 people are without power. Rain and sleet last night made our town a skating rink! The thing that is bothering me is they are calling for more of this rotten weather! :mad: :mad: :mad:
  19. br0ck


    Welcome and enjoy your stay. I was going to warn you about fury, but I see it's to late! :p
  20. br0ck

    I need a lighter

    Smoke the cigarette not your finger.