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  1. br0ck

    How 'bout dem Hoosiers

    I was pulling for the Hoosiers. Gotta pull for the Big Ten.
  2. br0ck

    Canadians sieze tanker in Gulf

    :beerchug: Good one! :beerchug:
  3. br0ck

    One step closer to quantum computing

    Yep, a HSF for your bigger FLUX Capacitor. :D :D
  4. br0ck

    Justice Deaprtment to break up Apple

    The MacNNuggets will love it: Linkage
  5. br0ck

    Justice Deaprtment to break up Apple

    I think it's time for Father OCN to show up and announce this! Linkage at 11! :D :D
  6. br0ck

    What site do you guys... has everything i need! :D :D
  7. br0ck

    Arafat Calls World Leaders for Help

    What he said ^^^^^^^^^
  8. br0ck

    Goodbye QE, Mum

    Damn, 101 years old!
  9. br0ck

    Gender-accurate Bible

    :D :D :D
  10. br0ck

    Gender-accurate Bible

    So does this mean Jesus was a democrat? :D ;)
  11. br0ck

    Where would you never move to?

    Hehe, A guy up here also thought the senery from Atlanta to Savannah was great. That was awhile ago though. ;) I'd live anywhere in the USA, even Bezerkely, DC, and Philly. I'd have to bite my tounge, but I could live there. But if I had a choice where to live, it'd be on the west...
  12. br0ck


    Live a few thousand feet closer to the DSL Hub in your area! MWahahahhaha!!!! :D :D :D
  13. br0ck

    Truckers, Proffesional Drivers, whatever.

    You G.D. M.F.ers need to slow your assess down and realize that there is more important things then delivering your stuff. Damn, Semi's were all over and off the road yesterday and wreaking havoc for all the motorists. As if the weather wasn't bad enough, we have to dodge "jack knife willie"...
  14. br0ck

    1984, 18 years later

    Oh Gonzo, we all know you don't want Big Brother seeing you with all those lot lizards while your in for the night at truck stops. :D
  15. br0ck

    1984, 18 years later

    Gonzo, you're reaching pretty deep in the bag to stand on that ground. :D
  16. br0ck

    Your pols are being corrupted

    No shit, some of these democrats and moderate repubs say the money is so evil and shouldn't have any part in the government. If this bill passes, it does not account for the midterm elections this year. It will go in effect begining of 2003. But even though the democraps and some moderate...
  17. br0ck

    1984, 18 years later

    [devil advicate] What's the big friggin' deal about being video taped? If you guys value your privacy so much, then why are you even on the internet? Personally, I don't give a rats ass if you video tape me. I'm not very good looking, so there's no point in taking interest in that realm...
  18. br0ck

    Pamela Anderson says she has hepatitis C

    Why don't dont they make a makeshift vaccine drop from one of her implants? :D
  19. br0ck

    Do you like to street race?

    Just look at Patweb's avatar, that will give you a general idea! :D :smash:
  20. br0ck

    Did an Aircraft really hit the Pentagon

    What Shadowfax said ^^^^^^^^^^^