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  1. G

    Server move

    Hey I just wanted to say thanks also. I was so happy to get into OTC this morning... Boy, you don't know what you got till it's gone huh? I was forced to frequent the other boards I go to... namely the gardening message board. So what did I do? Go out and buy a $40. orchid today. Yes...
  2. G

    Server move

    I can't even ping It says unknown host. K, I'm goin to bed now... Have a good night :D
  3. G

    Server move

    You mean other people can get into OTC and not us?! waaaaah!! :cry: ;) I'll be patient. That just means there will be more for me to enjoy later, right?
  4. G

    Server move

    no sir, not for me. And I'm home now...
  5. G

    Server move

    I have the shakes... haven't been able to get here or OTC all day. :cry2: Oh and like Auntie, I still can't get to OTC.
  6. G

    Help me! I can't sleep!

    Tea and milk and stuff like that is only good a few hours before sleep--if your stomach is digesting, your sleep won't be as good. I think the same thing goes for exercising... If you bring your heart rate up and then try to go to sleep, that isn't going to be good either. I think the key...
  7. G

    Help me! I can't sleep!

    Rusty and I have tried things like exercising an hour before sleep, drinking chamomile tea two/three hours before sleep, meditating (just sitting in bed with the light on, relaxing your mind & body and putting everything else out of your mind) just before bed... Food and drink should be avoided...
  8. G

    Hot Key to Minimize All Windows

    Don't you just love keyboard shortcuts?? :) My favorites are Windows Key + E to bring up Explorer and Windows Key + R to bring up the Run Command box.
  9. G

    What OS you are?

    I'm happy I'm different but Amiga?! :laugh:
  10. G

    Being sick does suck...

    awwww, do you need someone to feel bad for you? C'mere :hug: :kiss: :) Hope you feel better soon!!
  11. G

    Printer recommendations

    :eek: Holy chit mang. /me vows to buy a non-HP printer next time round.
  12. G

    Printer recommendations

    How much are black and color replacement inks for that Epson? Just curious to see what the price difference is.
  13. G

    Printer recommendations

    How come you don't like HP? Honestly, I've never had any experiences with any printers other than HP's so I don't know.
  14. G

    Printer recommendations

    I just got an HP 3320 two weeks ago for work and it was cheap and works fine for me. It was $50. I don't do all that much color printing but what's nice is that I can take out the color cartridge and it will work fine. There's no setting in the properties to enable just b/w printing so that's...
  15. G

    Happy Newyears you bastiches.....

    lol I just bought a box of garlic triscuits today. Love triscuits. Happy new year!! Sammy, nice job on that pic. What filters did you use?
  16. G

    The day has come.

    :( bye Hex. Have a safe trip!! :)
  17. G

    xp is pissin me off

    *saving this thread in my fav's so I can go back and do all these steps* Congrats Pad!! Now, give Q the step by step so she can do it too! :D
  18. G

    xp is pissin me off

    lol what makes you think *I* know what to do, I have the same problem!! :laugh: I'm waiting for you people to figure it out and tell *me*. :beerchug:
  19. G

    Christmas Present

    That's cool! I can't remember the last time I got a real present from my boss. Or a bonus for that matter. :( What color are you going to dye it? I reccommend green ;)
  20. G

    Merry Christmas n a Happy New Year

    Merry Christmas to everyone! Hope you have a great one!