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  1. Gonzo


    No wonder I don't watch these types of shows. There's too much nonsense to recall:eh:
  2. Gonzo

    Ride the Rocket

    Public Transit?:lol: I've lived in Phoenix, Los Angeles and Ft Wayne-not s single city in that list knows how to run public transportation. (LA finished the subway after I left, so maybe it;s gotten better) The 7 months I spent in Chicago, I took the El 12/98 would be the last...
  3. Gonzo

    Someone made a movie about the WTC tragedy

    I ran it 3 times & each time it crashed IE6...I'll save it next time & see if it works better.
  4. Gonzo

    Anthrax in Fl

    It seems that the FBI is now calling it a probable crime, just not an act of terrorism. Is that to calm S FL down or because they're idiots...even if it's not related to the Islamic terrorists, it's still an act of terrorism.
  5. Gonzo

    2001 MLB Playoffs

    Diamondback and Seattle (no call)
  6. Gonzo

    News Media (London Times)
  7. Gonzo

    Anthrax in Fl

    it's getting worse By Rick Weiss Washington Post Staff Writer Monday, October 8, 2001; 1:22 PM Health and law enforcement officials said this morning they have identified a second Florida man who has become infected with an inhaled anthrax. The person worked in the same building as...
  8. Gonzo

    Great Quotes

    "The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources."
  9. Gonzo

    Jokes & replies

    I'd love too, but I have previous commitments that I agreed to stick to. The whole til death do us part thing puts a real cramp in having a life:lol: (now I have something to fantasize about:spin2:
  10. Gonzo

    One sentence post

    Since almost every post is a one sentence post, is there a real need of a "One Sentence" Thread?:p
  11. Gonzo

    Jokes & replies

    HI babycakes:love:
  12. Gonzo

    B2s striking Kabul

    Acts of war are somewhat predictable, whereas attrocities associated with terrorism are a complete surprise, more often than not. But, it is a great observation S4:thup:
  13. Gonzo

    One sentence post

    That's an interrogative, not a declarative sentence, does that count?
  14. Gonzo

    Great Quotes

    The ideal Islamic society is a theocracy (religious dictatorship) run primarily by clerics. We have seen this before in the West—it was called the Dark Ages
  15. Gonzo

    B2s striking Kabul

    In case you're unaware, day 2 of attacks has begun :mad: :cry:
  16. Gonzo

    Post your desktop here!!!!!

    irrelevent so edited out by SUPERGONZO
  17. Gonzo

    2001 MLB Playoffs

    AL - Seattle(116-46) hosting Cleveland(91-71) Oakland(102-60 and a wildcard) at NYY(95-65) NL - St Louis(93-69, tied with Houston) at Arizona(92-70) Houston(93-69-Div winner) at Atlanta(88-74) It seems to have lost some of it's glory, as did the Bonds variety of records, Hendersons...
  18. Gonzo


    you're about 12 hours early, or late:smash:
  19. Gonzo

    Am I being excessively mean?

    I hope I'm not out of line here, but the larger point seems to have been missed. Why should the older brother dispose ANY punishment(other than the usual big bro slap-upside-the-head type stuff). That's is supposed to be the responsibility of the parents:confused:
  20. Gonzo

    Jokes & replies

    I don't get mad:mad: , just even:lurk: