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  1. Gonzo

    Uncle Miltie died as well

    another crappy way to die. later, uncle milty-he was Stephen Peacys or Bobbie Blotzers, of Ratt fame, uncle, for real.
  2. Gonzo

    Where would you never move to?

    Wassa matta with LA? It's a hell of a lot warmer than the gay, err, Bay. Indiana, wait-I'm in hell already, okay then, the flatland states, especially OHIO:mad: and the southern states-too slow for my tastes. OR & WA-too many eco-nuts. That pretty much leaves the best & most beautiful part...
  3. Gonzo

    Dudley Moore died today

    I'll alert the media...shitty way to go too
  4. Gonzo

    Kudos to Denzel Washington

    For all the talk about race in Hollywood & Halle Berry making a fool of herself, this man made the most dignified statement of the night. Of course, it's harder than hell to find the entire quote, but here is an excerpt...
  5. Gonzo

    U.S.S. Roosevelt Homecoming

    The first that set sail for Operation:Infinite Justice Welcome Home:usa:
  6. Gonzo

    What to do

    That woman is no lady. Especially if there are balls involved:D Put her in some 10" spikes, that'll slow her down.
  7. Gonzo


    This certainly answers a lot of questions:
  8. Gonzo

    Slave Reparations

    it has started: Why aren't they in Brazil or the Sudan or any of 100 other countries stopping slavery TODAY???
  9. Gonzo

    Police: Two football players accused of oral sex in class

    oh good, the homosexuality class is working as planned *mwhahahhahaha*
  10. Gonzo

    Do you still think I'm nuts?

    don't skirt the issue:p:
  11. Gonzo

    Arafat Not Going to Arab Summit

    This is like 2 kids fighting on the playground...
  12. Gonzo

    Did an Aircraft really hit the Pentagon

    If they choose to allow a few radicals with visions of grandeur to control the way they live, then I pity their cowardice. Hell yes, it scared us shitless-they attacked innocent civilians with civilians aircraft. When they went after military installations and embassies, it was different. No...
  13. Gonzo

    Do you still think I'm nuts?

    all the bitching I do about our government, most of you probably think I'm a little goofy. Well, so do I usually. But, there are reasons to question how far it can be allowed to go... My first question to the judge would've been-"ok, when exactly will you be taking over my monthly payments?
  14. Gonzo

    Talk about hardware!!

    at least their not at anal as Spielberg. I worked for an art relocation company in LA & we went to MR ET's 50,000 sf abode. We were required to sign a waiver that we would discuss nothing that went on in the house & there were absolutely no recording devices allowed. Of course, there was plenty...
  15. Gonzo

    Activision has announced that Star Trek: Borg Assimilator has been put on hold...

    What "failing to fit"? They created the Borg. I want that game(and I didn't even know is was supposed to exist)
  16. Gonzo

    XP Hack

    mine says "PushMeBaby"
  17. Gonzo

    What to do

    They know who to mention kick their weenie asses:nono: :biggun:
  18. Gonzo

    Party here tomorrow

    Put down the liquor & get back to making my 401k overvalued again. Oh, and Huge, drink to forget, not to just be sociable;)
  19. Gonzo

    Truckers, Proffesional Drivers, whatever.

    The first hour yesterday I had to drive on snow covered roads. I passed about 30 cars & 6 trucks. If one is scared to drive in this type of weather, STAY OFF THE ROADS! Somebody, in a panic, driving 30 mph on the freeway is far more dangerous than somebody doing 50. The road is stil there. Park...
  20. Gonzo

    100 Karma

    little boys in smocks too:smoke::eyebrow: