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  1. Nixy

    I encourage everyone... post your opinions of movies that you go see. Many people (including myself) like to read other people's opinions of movies either before or after they've seen them themselves. So PLEASE post your opinions about movies that you see. Whether you hated them, loved them or really have no...
  2. Nixy

    Lara Croft: Tomb Raider

    I saw this movie last week and I loved it! There was lots of action, suspense and even a romance portion of the story line. The only thing I didn't like about it was how much her breasts jiggled but I guess since most of the members at this board are guys then most of the people reading this...
  3. Nixy

    anyone seen swordfish?

    brainsoft and I saw it. I really enjoyed it. Lots of action, etc. It was a little confussing though with the the corrupt politicians, etc. You never knew who was working for who and who was the enemy.
  4. Nixy

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    WELCOME! [whisering]If they give you the key for the liquor cabnet can you hook me up with a bottle of vodka please? [/whispering] Hope you have a great time here!
  5. Nixy

    Juat thought I should explain

    You guys may notice that brainsoft is here at all different hours now and wonder why I'm not here at all different hours aswell. Since we both go to the same school and are both finished for the year etc. I'm working full time for the summer. As of right now I'm working 7am-3pm but that may...
  6. Nixy


    ah, sex with the cat is just about the only thing that would make sense there...
  7. Nixy

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    The embarassing thing is I really did throw myself at him :o
  8. Nixy

    Avatars now available

    Test, 1, 2, 3
  9. Nixy

    Cutting down mah beer consumption

    Uh...I thought he was upset because he DIDN'T fuck her... :confused:
  10. Nixy

    Avatars now available

    Where is my Scuba Steve? he was always just in a menu to pick from and now there is no menu =*( I want my Scuba Steve! [ June 11, 2001: Message edited by Nix ]
  11. Nixy

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    WELCOME! psst! outlaw, you should have given me the vodka before you gave away the key. Shhhhhh don't tell brainsoft though, last time i got drunk i wouldn't let him drink because I was afraid of falling down the stairs if he wasn't there to help me.
  12. Nixy

    Cutting down mah beer consumption

    Atleast he seems to be getting some Outlaw. When was the last time YOU got laid? ;)
  13. Nixy

    You Rat Bastards............

    Outlaw:Nix not gorgeous in your eys anymore? :(
  14. Nixy

    Divine feces! Look at the Genome stats page!

    OK, I know how to solve this. I believe that all logical solutions for a place to cruch G@H have been stated. Now, you just let each individual member make up their mind that way there's not hard feelings and now fights. Good? GOOD!
  15. Nixy

    Suggestions for my trip up north

    *jumps up and down* Take me! Take me! You don't even have to go out of your way to pick me up! Oh! Take brainsoft too! I promise we won't have sex more than 6 times in you backseat on the way there! PLEASE? ;)
  16. Nixy

    6 feet and 3 inch or 4'9" and 8 inch?

    Well, I'm not a guy but if I was choosing one of the two mentioned I don't know what I'd pick. But I guess since I already have someone who's 6' with 7.5" I don't have to choose either since I got the best of both worlds. :cool: Someone's not geting much [ June 09, 2001: Message edited by...
  17. Nixy

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    This is great! So many cool people I already know! So many new people who seem to be really nice so far! WELCOME to everyone! *passes out helium ballons and party hats*
  18. Nixy

    Fav Movie

    I was thinking to day and i realized I aswell have may fav movies. I also really Like Can't hardly Wait, Get Over It and X-Men. Maybe I would really like Matrix aswell if i hadn't fell asleep in the middle (i tried to watch it during my sleep deprieved stage last summer and it didn't work to well)
  19. Nixy

    Fav Movie

    What are your guys favourite movies of all time? Mine is 10 Things I Hate About You
  20. Nixy


    YAY! Absolutely love the colours! :)