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  1. Gonzo

    Really Messed up Now!

    you'll need to get the latest drivers from your mobo (or computer) maker.
  2. Gonzo

    Really Messed up Now!

    You can Fdisk the 40GB too & avoid the EZBios stuff, if you so choose. It's just quicker (generally) with it.
  3. Gonzo

    Really Messed up Now!

    Start with the 98 start up disc. Once it's running, type FDisk. Yes for large support. I have forgotten the numbers, but you want to create a new partition (or more than one, up to you). It'll do it's thing & you'll restart. After restart, type Format C: /S with the spaces. Follow the on...
  4. Gonzo

    To the moon

    It's a meteor with holes & dust. It's incapable of sustaining life. I'm not for junking it up but it does make a handy trash can as opposed to the one near the water source.
  5. Gonzo

    To the moon

    the moon is already a trash can...better to have the crap there than here doncha think?
  6. Gonzo

    The more things change, the more they stay the same

    it free's up the teeny-boppers :worm: :scared: :laugh:
  7. Gonzo

    To the moon

    the commercial space race is taking off
  8. Gonzo

    The more things change, the more they stay the same

    My threee or the stoies final 3?
  9. Gonzo

    Why don't we kill ourselves & be done with it?

    Nothing to rattle the brain like a little plain old ignorance & paranoia. If you, or someone you know, is offended by legitimate, contextually accurate verbage then go live in a cave or kill yourself & save the rest of us the hasssles. Can anyone say Nazi regime? I knew ya could...
  10. Gonzo

    The more things change, the more they stay the same

    hehe, kinda like when I was 16
  11. Gonzo

    Happy B-day To Winey!!

    pssst, hey 75, it's not the 15th yet, Put down the wine & back away slowly
  12. Gonzo


    to those who agree :screwyou:
  13. Gonzo

    Who changed my member status thingie?

    NOt I said the King. Somebody with a sense of humor.:D
  14. Gonzo

    I'm tellin' ya

    Sorry HomeLAN, Curt & Randy have replaced the Braves starting force as unbeatable. DIAMONDBACKS, baby.
  15. Gonzo

    Are you ready for some football?????

    Time for the official start of the NFL 2002. No more pre-season. Al Michaels has his hands full with former Super Bowl winning Raider coach, John Madden. Monday Night Footballs schedule here
  16. Gonzo

    MDA Telethon

    First off, was it on? I quit watching it years ago. How many billions get spent on what? We all know I'm not the most "feeling" person around, but do any of you still particiapte in that Labor Day weekend tradition?
  17. Gonzo

    Why should "true" love include personal sacrfice?

    True love "should" not include anything. These acts are completely without forethought or motivation. If you are looking for a "just reward", it's a selfish motivation, not one for love. Another would never ask for you to do something against your will, your moral fiber, the law or that has...
  18. Gonzo

    September 11th

    Gato, you do that everyday :rolleyes: :D
  19. Gonzo

    September 11th

    Nothing in the area that I'm aware. Other than a moment of silence, it should pass as another day, one small step for man, one giant leap in defeating terrorism, or something.