Search results

  1. Gonzo

    Star Trek:Nemesis

    Riker is the weakest member of the cast (alright, it's Troi, but she's cute)
  2. Gonzo

    Yea, yea, ya

    What??? 7th game, 2 on, 1 out, bloop single over 2nd is not "handed". It is pure luck, :D 26 in how many years? How about 1 in 3 years.
  3. Gonzo

    I Love Spam

    Keeping in mind I make my living driving an eighteen-wheeler and, as my old sig said best, "I don't know what I'm doing, but I know how to do it", check out how my status has grown: Now, where did I put that 6-figure paycheck???
  4. Gonzo

    September 17th

  5. Gonzo

    Yea, yea, ya

    Would that be you? The Diamondbacks are the current World Champions. 4-3 over the Yankees. :D
  6. Gonzo

    WarPowers Act

    in case anyone forgot (Senator Daschle)
  7. Gonzo

    Yea, yea, ya

  8. Gonzo

    i hate age

    both. mom's a moron for allowing such a young daughter to date.
  9. Gonzo

    I love my job!

    Deal. :thup:
  10. Gonzo

    i hate age

    Hey, it's no skin off my back. Watch yer ass though, with a mom like that, she's looking for trouble. :shrug: :p
  11. Gonzo

    I love my job!

    Tape it, many of us get that stuff when it's yesterdays news.
  12. Gonzo

    i hate age

    tell me that when you're my age. I've been 18, have you been 39?
  13. Gonzo

    i hate age

    *smacks acid for GP*
  14. Gonzo


    Do you hold them? More importantly, how long until you get over them?
  15. Gonzo

    i hate age

    you are, by legal definition, an ADULT, she IS 14...listen to your dad
  16. Gonzo

    i hate age

    it matters...listen to your'll understand later
  17. Gonzo

    I knew there was a reason to go to AA...

    take a chance Huge, the worst that can happen is a polite "No thanks"
  18. Gonzo

    Message to America from the Buffalo Six

    I'll be in your neck of the woods next week (well, upstate), can you wait until I get there. Matter of fact, I'll be in Buffalo...
  19. Gonzo

    WTF is this?

    It's the new British Invasion. First music, now hooliganism.