Marriage will cost you if you both work. That's becuase the "double" standard deduction doesn't do the right correction for staggered tax rates. I figure being married costs me about $3k on an average year.
They take less money if you make below the threshhold for the "earned income credit"...
The thinking people in Georgia (all 6 of us) know this is bullshit.
However, her constituency includes most of the dyed-in-the-wool communists in the Atlanta area, so they'll keep sending her sorry ass back to DC. Every freaking year.
I usually leave the refresh rate at optimal unless it's creating a problem (fuzzy image, etc.).
About the image difference, it's hard to say without knowing what the old monitor was. I've seen some darn good no-name P&P montiors in my time.
Oil prices go up, oil prices go down. With the embargo on Iraqi oil already in place, the effect should be minimal. Of course, Exxon et al will still use the excuse to jack up gas prices.
Do you own a small business?
The usual scam here is to get your accout number, and ANYTHING on company letterhead. They then blank out your letter head, use it to request a draft form the account, and clean your butt out.