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  1. HomeLAN

    A question on taxes

    No, they didn't fix that. :mad: That proposal died in committee.
  2. HomeLAN

    You gotta be in it to win it...

    Why are you taking the annuity, GF? If you can't double that money in 20 years, something is seriously wrong...
  3. HomeLAN

    A question on taxes

    Marriage will cost you if you both work. That's becuase the "double" standard deduction doesn't do the right correction for staggered tax rates. I figure being married costs me about $3k on an average year. They take less money if you make below the threshhold for the "earned income credit"...
  4. HomeLAN

    breakfast for dinner

    Only when I've had a REALLY bad day.
  5. HomeLAN

    McKinney implies Bush knew of Sept. 11 plot

    The thinking people in Georgia (all 6 of us) know this is bullshit. However, her constituency includes most of the dyed-in-the-wool communists in the Atlanta area, so they'll keep sending her sorry ass back to DC. Every freaking year.
  6. HomeLAN

    Who hasn't done their taxes yet?

    Since I owe a shitload, mine won't go out until Monday morning.
  7. HomeLAN

    You gotta be in it to win it...

    Forgot to buy a personal stash, but I'm in the office pool. I figure it's 2.4 million take-home if we hit.
  8. HomeLAN

    So how far are you pushing your Athlons?

    Summertime here. I'm running all mine stock, since we're cheap about the AC bills.
  9. HomeLAN

    Remember that Rio de Janeiro ep of the Simpsons?

    So what the hell is the problem?
  10. HomeLAN

    Maybe it's just me

    Q hit it.
  11. HomeLAN

    Monitor Question!!

    I usually leave the refresh rate at optimal unless it's creating a problem (fuzzy image, etc.). About the image difference, it's hard to say without knowing what the old monitor was. I've seen some darn good no-name P&P montiors in my time.
  12. HomeLAN

    Iraq cuts oil in Israel protest

    Oil prices go up, oil prices go down. With the embargo on Iraqi oil already in place, the effect should be minimal. Of course, Exxon et al will still use the excuse to jack up gas prices.
  13. HomeLAN

    Mets blast Braves in the 9th

    Just saw the Braves beat the Mets in the 14th today.
  14. HomeLAN

    An odd letter!

    Do you own a small business? The usual scam here is to get your accout number, and ANYTHING on company letterhead. They then blank out your letter head, use it to request a draft form the account, and clean your butt out.
  15. HomeLAN

    Another Pentium lover just turned AMD!!!

    Most customers who test drive an athlon buy an athlon. Things may change later, but right now AMD is the only way to go.
  16. HomeLAN

    The pot, calling the kettle black

    Time Warner and the other subsidiaries of AOL/TW might have something to say about that...
  17. HomeLAN

    Who here does NOT know me?

    Gato_Solo, Gato_Solo, Gato_Solo? I swear I've heard that name somewhere before...
  18. HomeLAN

    EchoStar vs the FCC

    Man, I hope they win. I'd LOVE to be able to get West Coast network feeds again.
  19. HomeLAN


    *choke, gag* Shouldn't have read that one with a mouthful...
  20. HomeLAN

    nVidia buys AMD!

    Cool! Does that mean my AMD stock is now in the S&P 500? :D