So how far are you pushing your Athlons?


New Member
Just curious to how high people have their Athlons running at Xibase. Having just got an XP1800+, I am keen to see how far it might go when I get round to overclocking it (and get rid of the cheapo thermal pad :spin: )

So, what you got people? :D Any of you running them at their default voltage?



Staff member
Athlon 1.4 @ 1.60 (160x10) @ 1.85v
Abit KG7
256mb Crucial DDR PC2100
DragonOrb3 (7000rpm)
Antec Full Tower Case W\300 and 250w PSU’s


Bumbling Idiot
Staff member
Summertime here. I'm running all mine stock, since we're cheap about the AC bills.


had my 1.4 at 1.8Ghz 1.85V, now in my dads rig at 1.53Ghz 1.5V 4500rpm fan@ 5V,
runnin my dual XP's at stock 1900+, server 1700+@1700+ 1.4V Passive with an Alpha 8045 55C max load, T-Bird [email protected] 1.72V, had a few Duron 1.3 Chips that did stock at 1.5V, made 1.5Ghz with a few 1.8-5v, all sold now fastest i got a 2100+ on air was 2Ghz 1.86V


Eee equals emcee squared...
XP1700+ (1470mhz) running at XP2000+ (1650mhz) using 1.85v and 150mhz FSB speed. Kingmax TinyBGA PC2700 ram and Vantec 6035 copper heatsink with Delta fan for cooling it down.

Ram running at CAS 2 with 2-5-2 settings using 2.65v for the DDR...

Abit KR7A - RAID motherboard. Rock solid w/Win98SE........


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New Member
I don't know about the rest of you, but sometimes I forgot I am running at 133 FSB instead of 100, so the PCI bus doesn't get pushed as hard. Going up to 140MHz always sounded extreme to me, but it don't seem so bad now :D


Wonga said:
I don't know about the rest of you, but sometimes I forgot I am running at 133 FSB instead of 100, so the PCI bus doesn't get pushed as hard. Going up to 140MHz always sounded extreme to me, but it don't seem so bad now :D

if your board supports 133Mhz then the PCI bust is divided by 1/4 if at 100Mhz, 1/3, either way the PCI bus is 33MHZ


New Member
Yeah, I know, it is just a new thing for me, having a 1/4 divider to play with. I was stuck on a 100MHz FSB and 1/3 divider for the past two years with my Classic Athlon, so this is a new adventure for me, and easier than I used to think :)