Search results

  1. HomeLAN

    Free Download of Command & Conquer Gold Begins C&C 12th Anniversary Celebration

    No, fileshack is fine. It's commandandconquer that's screwed. A quick web search shows I'm not the only one to hit this snag. If you want these ISO's and haven'r d/l'd 'em yet, save yourself some trouble and go to fileshack.
  2. HomeLAN

    Free Download of Command & Conquer Gold Begins C&C 12th Anniversary Celebration

    Uh, yeah. 585 MB from fileshack, 384 MB from the actual manufacturer's website. :rolleyes: Get it from the reliable source.
  3. HomeLAN

    Free Download of Command & Conquer Gold Begins C&C 12th Anniversary Celebration

    Hmm... could be a barfed download. Trying the download again - and now it projects a mere 7 hours instead of 26 the last tme. On 3MB DSL. Think they're slammed?
  4. HomeLAN

    Free Download of Command & Conquer Gold Begins C&C 12th Anniversary Celebration

    I can't get C&C to work. Throws some sort of "internal read error" on setup.ins and bounces me out of setup. Any ideas?
  5. HomeLAN

    Why does my pc keep overheating and rebooting??

    What, he used longer screws to clamp it directly into the holes for the stand-offs? Wow! He's a real MENSA member, isn't he?
  6. HomeLAN

    Why does my pc keep overheating and rebooting??

    Remeber when the Athlon XP's came out without a heat spreader? Soooo many people had never seen that before, and had no idea what thermal paste was. Lotta guys learned that an athy without contact to the the heatsink burns up in 6 seconds.
  7. HomeLAN

    So, what about the immobiliary crisis?

    Ah! The mortgage crisis. Well, as I've said elsewhere, it's the direct result of people consistently living beyond their means, borrowing against their house to do so, and counting on increasing property values to pull their bacon out of the fire. That's a house of cards, and when property...
  8. HomeLAN

    Whacked site of the day

    Gonna have to check that out once I'm not at work.
  9. HomeLAN

    Have you switched affiliations yet Greenie

    Happy birthday! Make Rusty do something special.
  10. HomeLAN

    Anyone still on Diablo?

    I added it to the list.
  11. HomeLAN

    Anyone still on Diablo?

    Unc and I are farming pretty steadily. We're now in act 5 hell with the main boys, so I'll keep looking.
  12. HomeLAN

    Anyone still on Diablo?

    Still need one? I have a 4 slot conquest sword if you want it.
  13. HomeLAN

    I should have stayed in bed

    Dude. Talk about getting all the week's bullshit thrown at you in 4 hours....
  14. HomeLAN

    68 bugs and counting

    I like the stylus on that one.
  15. HomeLAN

    Worst plane crash in Brazilian history

    Yeah, my boss used to live in Sao Paolo, about a mile from this airport, back when he was with Citibank. He was telling me that the next nearest major airport is about 1.5 hours away.
  16. HomeLAN

    Worst plane crash in Brazilian history

    6300 feet is pretty short for an A320, from what I understand. Add wet conditions, and there you go. RIP for the victims.
  17. HomeLAN

    68 bugs and counting

    My understanding (someone more knowledgable, please correct me if I'm wrong), is that it covers a lot more bases than a standard cell phone. Yes, it's a phone, camera, etc., but it's also an MP3 player, fully functional PDA, has file and photo storage, full streaming 'net access, interacts more...
  18. HomeLAN

    Anyone still on Diablo?

    Yeah, my sorc is about at the same stage, maybe 8-10 levels higher. Unc's running a pally with her. I'll keep an eye out for a 4 socket blade for ya.
  19. HomeLAN

    Anyone still on Diablo?

    The xibase account now has a new ladder mule (ximuletwo). I left a few decent toys on her.
  20. HomeLAN

    Whacked image of the day

    *Wipes coffee off monitor*