Search results

  1. BigDadday


    Viagra In pharmacology all drugs have generic names. Tylenol is Acetaminophen. Advil is Ibuprofen, and so on. The FDA is looking for a generic name for Viagra and announced today that they have settled on Mycoxafailin. Other names considered...
  2. BigDadday


    You obviously have a talent and hope you pursue it because I enjoyed it and am sure other would as well. Can I get an autographed copy of the first one?:D
  3. BigDadday


    Excellent and hope you continue it and find a publisher as well. BD :beerchug:
  4. BigDadday

    Game: Button Button

    All I know is that was beyond me and something from the three stooges may have worked. :D :beerchug: :worm: :scared: :lol: :yawn: :grin: :rolleyes: :p
  5. BigDadday

    Water, Water, Everywhere...

    Need some that is steady and has a effect on the weather as well as the growing things. :wave:
  6. BigDadday


    Avatars = DUH! Sorry but as said just look around and download it for yourself. BD Sorry thought you meant siggy. :worm: :worm: :worm: :worm:
  7. BigDadday

    Any good computer news services?

    Thnx I may try it out as well. BD :wave:
  8. BigDadday

    Game: Button Button

    Please do as now that I know the real rules I might give it another shot :D .
  9. BigDadday

    Game: Button Button

    Morning and hey good luck and hope you get it as well. BD :wave:
  10. BigDadday


    Where i'm a mod at there's a fellow mod by the name of Midnight Joker who has put mine together and alot of others as well. Can't get my flash one to work here so am happy just with the one I use, :beerchug:
  11. BigDadday

    Game: Button Button

    *BD scratching his head and wondering*
  12. BigDadday

    Back in the day.

    I think I saw him on my picnic table just the other day :D !
  13. BigDadday

    $130,000 isn't enough to live on

    I understand what your saying Gonzo but it's the same in NY and other places as well and people aren't robbing banks to help their life styles. I also know people out in SF and it is beautiful but my home here would be worth 10 times if it were there. BD
  14. BigDadday

    Game: Button Button

    No Takers? OK it was Spirit and her in the Feedback forum wanting/asking to become a moderator. BD Take over whoever!
  15. BigDadday

    $130,000 isn't enough to live on

    Why is it the more you make it seems the more you want? I just wish I had a job that paid 1/2 that. BD :cry:
  16. BigDadday

    Monitor Size?

    I had 800x600 and am wondering why for the others? Higher. BD
  17. BigDadday

    How did you get your name?

    Now that's an original! :beerchug:
  18. BigDadday

    10000 posts!

    Congrats :scared: :smash: :beerchug:
  19. BigDadday


    Pierres (spelling iffy) came out with some new stuff and it's in a container like Breyers and these are tops in flavor and taste. They have Forbidden Chocolate,Strawberry Shortcake, and others but these are favorites and the price was 3.98 but just bought a few for 2.78 at Marcs. BD Ben n...
  20. BigDadday

    Game: Button Button

    Sorry I actually had a life for a few hours and am besides myself :D . OK NOPE! CLUE-Ambition = Name