

Staff member
I found this lingering around on my other hard drive so I thought I might start up on it again, revising the chapters for corrections or additional details of course.

Title: Legend of Zelda: Bond of Spirit

It had been 4 years since Link's last heroic battle against time in which he waged war against many frightful characters, ranging from water-like tentacles, Skull Keetas, to an evil demon bearing one third of the Triforce. Through his Triforce of Courage, he was able to keep his fatigue from overtaking his will to keep the world in a state of peace.

Little did he know, there were evil forces working together in a place he had no way to get to, and things would be changing for the worse in the few days to come.

Chapter I

It's too quiet around here... you can hear yourself think. Thinking about that nightmare you've been having. And you know what happened last time you had nightmares, don't you? All hell broke loose... yup...something's going to happen, you can feel it... feel, speaking of feel, this feeling of fear won't go away... it keeps doing something to keep reminding you it's there... what is it doing? Tickling? Feels like tickling... no... trickling... it's trickling all over your skin like a flow of blood trickling down the pores of your skin... cold blood... cold, and thick...something bad is going to happen, and you know it...

Link's last few nights of sleep were restless, and full of nightmare. Full of deadly nightmare, and absolute horror. His most feared nightmare, in which Zelda, the Princess of this wondrous and peaceful green land of Hyrule, had fled from the castle in a quarrel with her father and ruler of Hyrule, King Harkinian, and had been captured and killed by a vaguely familiar character.

Link continued to mumble to himself small talk so as to break the silence in his mind. He was riding his faithful horse, Epona, along the murky expanse of a quiet and mysterious forest when a familiar voice in the back of his head spoke up and startled him.


Link paused for a moment, shaking his head, then called out, "Who's there?!"

No answer.

Link continued trotting Epona through the forest when the voice was heard again.


"Great. Now I'm hearing things. I need something to drink," Link mumbled to himself, pulling out a bottle from his pouch and consuming the water inside. "Need some of that hard stuff, but I guess this water will have to do."

Epona snorted.

"Yeah, I'm uneasy too. Scared shitless is more like it."


There it was again!

Link utters, "I know that voice!"

Hearing the gentle, familiar voice caused a flash back to part of his nightmare. His limited view of the horizon ahead faded from the dull, eery forest into the bright, sunlight-filled castle courtyard. He was surrounded by the green grass and beautiful flowers planted in the center of the courtyard, still mounted upon Epona, and could see and hear the conversation going on through the courtyard window which led to the throne room. He could see Zelda standing at one end of the stone-walled room, with her clenched fists at her sides. She had a clear look of disdain on her face, apparently towards her father and another man, whom he had not recognized from his previous nightmares. He was very tall, carried a mirror around with him at all times which leads one to think him to be quite a vain man, and donned heavy armor which shielded his scrawny frame. His mere appearance filled the room with a snooty atmosphere which seemed to linger around for miles to come, and thrive on Zelda's obvious disgust and hatred. One eyebrow was raised, his nose was pointed in the air, and his sadistic half-smile fueled the white hot flame of rage burning vigorously in Zelda's heart.

The conversation was barely audible; mere mumbles were what Link heard, until Zelda finally spoke out against her father. "Why, in the Goddess's land of Hyrule, should I marry a man whom I neither love, nor care for, but rather very much dislike? Not even if he were the last man on the planet would I marry him. He's--he's snooty, he's arrogant, he has not a care in the world for me, and he's UGLY!"

The tall man snickered, "I shall become an acquired taste, my dear. Heh heh heh." He shifted his posture in a way that was almost like him asking for someone to look at him. He slid his arm up and down his armored body as if observing it were a privilege, a gift to those in his presence. His arrogance and vanity, if not already, was clearly defined then.

Zelda's anger burst and she shouted "To hell with your self-centered, lust-filled fantasies about me, you sick son of a bitch!"

The King, obviously shocked at her display of disapproval towards her future planned husband, stuttered, "It is your destiny though, my Princess, to be married..." he began.

"Stop right there. You know, I appreciate and am grateful for most that you do for me, but this whole 'planned wedding' thing is making me sick to my stomach. I am only 16 years old, Father! I am not yet even fully matured! This is the rest of my life we are talking about, here! If I am to partake in a wedding that is planned and set long before it happens, I would prefer it to be with someone who I love and care deeply for. Someone like..."

Quickly snapping back to reality, Link could tell it was definitely her. He had a gut feeling she was somewhere nearby; her voice seemed distant, yet firm.


Link sensed a great urgency in her voice and concentrated to telepathically respond, Zelda? Is that you?

Again, there was no answer. He stopped Epona next to a pond and a circle of plants, and hopped down. His first real look revealed the sheer size of this mysterious forest to be very overwhelming. Directly in front of him was a massive, extremely tall tree. There were no branches on it for what seemed like miles, except a few branches at the top of the tree. Epona was happily grazing away on a crop of berry plants near the pond. He heard what sounded like a flock of bats hovering directly over his head. Instinctively, he drew his bow and aimed above his head, ready to plunge an arrow through something, but nothing was there.

Link sighed nervously, and said, "Man, I remember the days I at least had a fairy companion to talk to instead of just us. No offense, baby, but I don't speak horse that well."

Link heard the sound of grass rustling beneath feet. "Bring it on! I'm armed and dangerous," he yelled anxiously.

No reply. Link was getting impatient. "I'm sick and tired of these mind games, now show your face so I know what it looks like before I beat it in!"

He heard the rustling again and turned around. Link gasped in awe. Zelda, the young Princess of Hyrule, was standing before him. His mouth stood open as he was gaining his senses. Zelda's dress glistened under the ray of light pouring into the forest and swayed in the soft breeze flowing along the forest floor. Her golden blonde hair was let down to flow freely, which was unusual for Zelda as she usually had it braided and decorated. Her hair shimmered in the sunlight, which highlighted her face and illuminated her beautiful blue eyes. Through all her beauty and smiling facade, Link could somehow tell she was troubled. He tried to utter the words to ask her what was wrong, but nothing came out.

As if she knew what he was going to ask, Zelda spoke.

"I've run away from the castle, my father and I were having a pretty heated argument and he had the balls to 'order' me back to my room. I had a feeling you would be somewhere here, in the Forest of Illusions. No evil-hearted being can enter, because the spirit who lives here guards this serene forest like it were the world's most precious diamond. I don't know who or what encourages this spirit to guard this wondrous peaceful forest, but I have come here to be alone and away from it all ever since I was a little brat.

Nobody else knows about this place. At least, nobody from the outside world. The only other thing I know about this forest, even through my years of coming here, is that the spirit knows your thoughts and tries to make those thoughts become a lifelike vision, or a reality. But I digress. I'm glad you're here."

Link was finally able to speak. He cleared his throat and tried hard to keep his voice from cracking under the pressure of talking to a princess. "Are you..."

Zelda nodded, "Yes, I'm real."

Link gazed into her eyes deeply and saw a beauty he had never seen before. He realized he felt something more than platonic love for her. There was a part of his soul that seemed to get stronger and stronger the more he thought about her. It was a feeling he never knew, never felt before, and it was the most intense feeling he has ever experienced.

He spoke with a deep passion in his words, "Your eyes, they're so beautiful... ... If only I... i-if only--" Link stopped.

Zelda's eyes glowed as she asked, smiling, "What? If only you what?"

Zelda took Link's hand, hoping he would tell her what she wanted him to say ever since 4 years ago when she fell in love with her savior, and savior of Hyrule. She longed extensively to figure out the mystery in her love for him, however nothing she had ever come up with in all the time she has had has made any sense. She just knew that she loved him and wanted to spend the rest of her life by his side. Every night of the past four years for her has been filled with thoughts of Link. She couldn't get him off her mind.

She needed him. She needed him to tell her she loved him.

But Link's mind drew a blank. He blinked, his complexion turning as white as his bed sheet, and his mouth hanging open with no words coming out of it. With all the courage in his part of the Triforce, he couldn't even begin to speak of his feelings for Zelda without going completely pale, losing his train of thought, and becoming totally silent. He only hoped she already knew, because something kept him from saying it.

Link's facial expression grew serious. His mouth closed and his eyes cleared as he inquired, "What are you really here to tell me?"

Zelda's face turned red with despair, almost terror. Her heart began to pound twice as fast and her hand lost hold of Link's as it grew weak and started trembling. She looked

down and let a hard frown escape from deep down inside her spirit. "Have you been having nightmares lately--the prophecy kind of nightmares?"

Link nodded.

"A strange white haired child capturing and brutally murdering me?" Zelda stops.

Link nodded again, his expression slowly fading into terror as well as he realized this was very likely a prophecy, just as it was the last time he had nightmares.

Zelda, stumbling over her words, spoke lightly, "I-... I've been having them too. I tried to tell my father of it, as it could very well have been a prophecy, and you know how he always watches me like a hawk and wants to know every thought I think, every breath I take, every dream I have. But the fight was already set in motion... He was too busy with--he was going to... You see, my father and I, we were arguing about... He was... He was going to marry me to an arrogant, selfish piece of --"

Zelda couldn't continue with words as her voice had cracked, so she spoke to Link telepathically.

You probably saw him in the dream, the skinny man with the red hair and the evil snicker. My father says it's tradition to marry the next highest noble, but I don't understand how in the rotten blazing pits of hell he sees this man as a noble. His reputation is that he is a proud, vain, selfish and rude bastard and he never ceases to amaze me in how often he's backing that reputation up. His words are as cold as you can get and his feelings--his emotions.. I doubt he even has any, except of course for conceit and selfishness. If I were to be wed to this man, I don't think I could live with myself, or forgive myself or my father. Ever

A tear began to fall down her face, and she threw herself into Link's arms.

After a moment's silence, Link spoke, "I know... The dream, that argument was in the dream... You ran away from the castle and...were eventually captured by that child and killed... Well, no matter what happens, I won't let anything happen to you. I never did in the past and I'll be damned if it happens anytime soon!"

The sun set and the moon was beginning to bring its night shine into the forest.

Link asked, "Are you hungry? We really should look for something to eat..."

Looking down, he noticed that Zelda had already wept herself to sleep in his arms.

Link thought to himself. All those damn prophecies just have to be seen by her. Why Zelda? Why is it always her on the verge of death when an evil bastard attacks the land? What keeps making her the target? Are all these dark forces that keep trying to kill her from the future, and she does something in their time that they don't like? Am I just being a paranoid little shit assuming that all this isn't just a coincidence and that she doesn't just happen to come within inches of being stabbed in the neck? sigh... She looks like some kind of infant who's been wrongly accused for a crime, sentenced to death and completely oblivious of it. She looks so trapped... Trapped in this endless world of nightmares.

He picked her up and walked over to the huge tree in the center of the forest. A strange, godly sound filled the air for a brief second, then a large bed, which looked surprisingly comfortable and was covered by a red velvet quilt with a large golden Triforce symbol embedded on it, had appeared out of nowhere in the middle of the forest. Link walked over to it, not very shocked by its sudden appearance, and laid Zelda down into the soft bed which had been created by the spirit in the Forest of Illusions. He knelt down and kissed her on the forehead.

Link was only slightly hungry, as he had eaten a generous dinner a few hours ago, so he pulled up one of the berry plants next to the pond and wolfed down the berries, then ran his bottle through the pond filling it up with the pure water and drinking it. Yawning deeply as his fatigue quickly grew to heavy tire, Link dragged his feet behind him to the

other side of the bed and crawled in. Link had just gotten into the momentum of figuring out how he's possibly going to be able to protect Zelda at all times, when his exhaust overcame him and sent him into slumber. No more than an hour had passed when Link suddenly began to enter a dream.

Link was standing in the very center of the vast, tall forest, under the large tree holding a limp and lifeless Zelda tightly to his chest and crying.

Pleading to the goddesses, he saw himself kneel to the ground and pray. "Goddesses of Hyrule, I implore you... Bring the Princess of your great land back! Please, she has done no wrong."

Link looked up at the canopy of the forest, and he almost shrieked in his sleep at the terror of seeing what he saw there. That strange child from his other dreams, the one who had captured and killed Zelda, was now hovering over the forest. Tauntingly flying around him was each and every one of the evil forces he had destroyed, ranging from an evil hooded wizard named Agahnim, to two witch sisters Kotake and Koume, and an eery, evil-eyed moon.

Zelda was pulled into Link's dream as they both tossed and turned in their sleep. She gasped in horror as she took sight of her bloodied body in Link's arms but could only stand there idly as he cried his tears away in terror and pain. She couldn't move, or talk to him. She was trapped, again.

Inside the Evil Realm, a vast domain where evil forces are locked away, a massive collective of evil forces which were contained inside the Realm after being defeated by Link and his ancestors gathered as the wizard Agahnim used his powers to allow them to speak into Link and Zelda's dream.

The strange child spoke and was heard in their dream and throughout the forest. The deep, sinister voice reminded them of someone very familiar. "You shall soon enough meet the inhabitants of the Evil Realm and myself, Aidon, Son of the King of Evil, Ganon."


Staff member
Thanks BD ;)

I actually have 6 chapters written already, but I'm revising them, cause I've learned a few things about writing since I last added anything to it.


Everday People
You obviously have a talent and hope you pursue it because I enjoyed it and am sure other would as well.

Can I get an autographed copy of the first one?:D


Staff member
Thanks :D

Sure you can, if I ever manage to get it sold. (There's about a thousand references to Nintendo copyrights in there and I haven't gotten permission from them to use them yet :eek: )



Staff member
Thanks for the compliments guys :) (and gals :sex: )


Chapter II


The massive army of evil vanished out of thin air from the nightmare, then at that very moment, Link and Zelda awoke with a blood curdling scream that filled the forest. As they jerked themselves to a sitting position, their hearts were pounding and their faces were full of fright. The hairs on the backs of their necks shot up and goosebumps covered their entire bodies. They looked at each other for a moment with trembling breaths and terror so great that shivers were running up and down their spines.

Zelda spoke."What was ..."

Overwhelmed with fear after experiencing the most terror filled nightmare of his life, Link asked, "You had the same dream?"

He needed no answer, as the look in her eyes of disbelief at what they just saw clearly told it all. There was no doubt this was another prophecy. Link sighed anxiously and got out of bed to think. Zelda stood up, straightened out her dress, pulled her hair back behind her shoulders and walked over next to Link. The two did not even notice the sudden disappearance of the bed in which they slept, which was created by the spirit of the forest. A calm and somewhat eery silence enabled Link's train of thought to continue.

"He said he was Ganon's son, Aidon. 'You shall soon enough meet the inhabitants of the Evil Realm...' What could that mean?"

Link had only pondered the question for a moment.

"Majora, Ganon, all those troops of Wolfos and Skulltulas and even Aghanim-- it looked like pretty much all the evil forces my ancestors and I defeated were locked in the Evil Realm. But they were there in the prophecy, hovering over the forest like that Aidon kid. That can only mean one thing. They're going to try to break the seal of the Evil Realm, and I'm afraid with all the combined power, there may be no stopping them! Awwwwwww SHIT."

Zelda wiped a tear of fright from her face and with a look of confusion on her face, started to speak over her trembling breath. "This is nothing like any of my other prophecies. In the past, I was able to sense the evil presence throughout the dream and even after I awoke. This time, there was nothing. I-- I saw all the evil forces. That strange kid Aidon, Ganon, a terrifying wizard--I was horrified, but I felt no evil presence! This is so strange."

Link stared Zelda directly in her tear-filled eyes and said, "We HAVE to see the King! With this many evil forces, there's no way this land or its people will survive an attack, unless we have any instant 'bring the entire world together, just add peace' packages. If anybody has one, it's your father."

Zelda nodded hesitantly, agreeing reluctantly to go with Link to meet her father. She thought to herself, I'm still angry about my father planning my marriage, but the lives of the entire world are at stake. I guess I'll have to put aside my own for the time being, at least until this ordeal is over.

"The three Goddesses are watching, they will protect us..." Link tried to reassure her, hoping what he said is true.

Link walked over to Epona and tightened up the saddle. Epona excitingly whinnied in approval, knowing they were about to go for a ride.

Link sighed and looked back at Zelda. "She's got bigger grapefruits than the Triforce of Courage could ever make me have... I'm a cowardly piece of shit."

Zelda shook her head. "You know that isn't true! You're the bravest man I know."

Zelda walked over to Epona with her hands tightly clasped together, trying to keep them from shaking in anxiety, fearing what may happen if the evil forces succeeded in breaking the seal. Link picked her up and sat her on Epona.

Zelda spoke softly, "I know the fastest way out of the forest, I'll take us out."

Link nodded, and climbed upon Epona. Zelda jerked the reins to take Epona into a steady trot. They were both praying repeatedly to the Goddesses to protect them. Link was distracted for a moment trying to figure out why he's so terrified.

He thought to himself. I have been a fraidy-cat pussy before but the Triforce of Courage had always helped me to suck it up and keep going... Why isn't it working now?

Zelda read his mind and replied telepathically, I may not be completely sure on this and I am by no means an expert on the Triforce but it seems to me that the Triforce pieces don't work when you are exposed strongly enough to their exact opposite. I thought my Triforce of Wisdom would get the better of me and keep me from fleeing from the castle in the first place but I-- it was in the heat of the moment, and I acted on an impulse... I didn't think before I acted, which as you probably know isn't the wisest thing to do. My piece of the Triforce didn't glow or anything, because I was basically defying all that I know about wisdom. In other words, my Triforce was dormant because I leapt before I looked. In your case, your Triforce isn't working because you are engulfed in extreme fear. I don't blame you, I am too.

Before long, Epona had taken them to a fork in the forest path. Zelda tugged Epona's reins to turn to the left.

Suddenly, there was a bright flash of light and Epona stopped forcefully. The trio appeared in a vast plain field with nothing but grass and darkness for miles around. Link and Zelda gasped as they saw the horrific sight of the evil Mask of Majora which was hovering a few short feet in front of them.

The hellish heat coming from the heart-shaped mask with spikes coming out of the bottom half of it, painted with bright colors by an ancient tribe which used the mask to cast hexes, filled the plain field and the mask's evil stare coming from its glowing orange eyes shot unbelievable fear into the hearts of Link and Zelda.

"I already beat this bitch 4 years ago! She should still be locked away in the Evil Realm!" Link yelled angrily.

Zelda was stunned rigid with horror. As if on instinct, Link charged up his arrows with the power of light and readied his bow. Golden light filled the air, and Link felt a powerful force of rage flowing through his body. His Triforce of Courage had activated. Link cringed as he released the bow string, wishfully thinking that it would take care of the evil power standing before them just as it assisted him when he had first slain the wicked creation. Link and Zelda were very shocked to see the arrow sped straight through the mask as if nothing was there! Link looked beyond the mask and saw that the arrow eventually ran out of velocity and landed on the ground far ahead. His mouth was agape with disbelief.

Link pulled out his huge Great Fairy sword which was colored red green and blue and had black rose outlines carved in the blade. Just then, Zelda realized that they were still in the forest; they had not reached the exit yet.

"Link! I don't sense any evil presence here, because we are still inside the Forest of Illusions! The mask isn't really there. Quick, envision the moment you defeated the mask!"

Link put away his Great Fairy sword and tried to concentrate. To his and Zelda's surprise, they were suddenly inside a large, bright room enclosed in stained glass windows. Light was shining inside the room from every angle, and there was a very powerful, second force in the room that was standing directly next to Zelda. She turned towards him and gasped. Link wasn't normal Link anymore! He was a lot taller, had white hair, wore a blue and white tunic with brilliantly decorated armor over it. Link was holding a huge, shimmering sword that he had to carry in both hands. His eyes were nothing but pure bright red and locked in a hard stare with a strange creature. The mask had taken on a new form that looked like a human turned inside out, with whips coming out of its arms and the mask acting as chest armor.

Zelda ran to the back of the room and turned around. Link had his sword pulled back ready to strike at the strange creature. The sword began to glow a bright blue light, then Link swung hard. The sword made direct contact with the creature and it shrieked in pain. The entire room crumbled as the creature screamed in agony and fell to the ground.

Another flash of white light and they were back on Epona, inside the forest. Link was back to normal Link, and Zelda was turned around to face Link with her mouth wide open. She had no idea what she just saw.

The sun began to illuminate the forest with a pleasant orange glow, and started warming up the air around them.

She was terrified by the sight she just observed and was so anxious that she almost demanded an answer, "What was that? Forget that, what were you?!"

Link looked around and took a moment to regain his awareness. "It worked. We're back in the forest --- well this is giving me the heebie jeebies."

"Tell me, damnit!" Zelda shouted.

Link paused, then continued, "Oh... That monster inside the room we were just in was Majora, the evil force contained inside the mask we just encountered. What we saw was the height of the being's form. What we saw beating the shit out of that monster --- that was -- that was me, under the power of the Fierce Deity's mask."

Zelda replied with one eyebrow raised in curiosity, "Oh--do you still have it?"

Link nodded and pulled it out of his bottomless pouch, handing it to her.

Zelda turned around to examine the mask. It slightly resembled Link's face. The mask had snow white hair that shimmered under the sunlight. The face was a very pale, almost a powder-like color with strange marks that looked like war paint. It had a firm, cold and dark expression on its face, one of determination and power. The piercing red eyes gave a startling stare as Zelda looked up at Link.

"This mask... I sense tremendous power in it, perhaps even greater than Ganon's... Tell me about it!" Zelda exclaimed, tugging the reins of Epona to start off again.

Link tried to swallow his fear and began explaining the sheer power of the mask. "That mask is a lot different than any of the others I've seen or used... Unlike the other masks I have which are purely magical, this one seems to have a life of its own, something like Majora's Mask, but it doesn't contain an evil power even though it seems that way from the appearance. I only know about that mask what I have experienced for myself, and when I wear it I feel the power of the four Guardian Deities, the ones who watch over the land of Termina, rushing through me. It only summons their power when there is a strong evil presence in the vicinity though, otherwise I put on the mask and nothing happens. Whenever I am battling with this mask, I turn completely emotionless, save for extreme anger and determination to defeat my enemy. I get a very dark feeling whenever it is active, almost like I could destroy an entire planet and not think twice about it. Not that I would, of course, but I feel like there's nothing that can stop me."

Zelda handed Link back the mask, further increasing the tremendous confidence and trust that she is placing her life in good hands with Link. Zelda has desired for a very long time to tell Link how she feels, but being as bashful as Link is, she can't manage to speak it out.

Zelda concentrated on getting out of the forest.

Link's heart beat hard and fast from anxiety as his mind rushed through all his recollections of all the forces he has destroyed. The spirit of the forest read his thoughts and made those thoughts into terrifying illusions. Link tried to concentrate and ignore the illusions of the beasts who appeared to be dancing around them, giving him cold and dark stares that rushed fear through his veins. This is the Forest of Illusions... There are no evil forces here. They're just illusions, nothing to be afraid of. Ugh, listen to pathetic little me.

In Link's head, a half-dog, half-wolf animal called a Wolfos appeared to come running at him at full speed, its bellowing roar filling his head. It was half-see through, but Link clearly saw the overwhelmingly evil glare in its narrow yellow eyes.

Link froze with terror for a moment, then accidentally spoke aloud. "Sorry, no vacancy Mr. Wolfos, please come back at half past NEVER!"

Zelda, startled, jumped and shrieked, "What the hell? What happened?!"

Link apologetically whispered, "Sorry to startle you. I was trying to keep myself from seeing all these illusions."

Just as he finished his sentence, Zelda saw light directly ahead. It was Hyrule Field. They both sighed of relief as they crossed through the entrance back into Hyrule Field. As they looked back, the entrance to the forest had already disappeared. Zelda looked back ahead and started Epona galloping faster across the field. They were glad to be back in familiar territory though, and enjoyed the opportunity to take in a deep breath of the familiar Hyrule field air. Zelda guided Epona into the Market Town, and Link asked to be excused while he stopped by an old friend's shop.

Link slid off of Epona and walked inside the Happy Mask Shop. The owner was not at the desk but was sitting next to the rack, polishing his masks.

Link walked into the back area of the shop and was greeted with a hearty chuckle and a friendly handshake from the owner.

"Link! So very pleasant to see you! It has been long since we have last met, how are you?"

Link's shoulders shrugged with a half smile on his face as he said, "Well, I've been better."

The Happy Mask Shop owner reassured him, "Rough times always precede great joy and happiness. Have faith in yourself, your abilities, and your allies and you shall overcome your fears and defeat your adversaries."

Link was confused. It's as if he had known what he had been doing all along.

The mask shop owner was always a strange character who always seemed to pop up at the oddest times. He has never revealed his name, but doesn't speak to you until he knows yours. He is a very wise, yet cryptic man that travels the world collecting unusual or popular masks. He never sells them, only loans them to people who sell them for him and return the money.

Link suddenly recalled his brief encounter with the image of Majora's Mask just minutes ago in the forest and was curious about it. Link had recovered the Mask for the owner of this shop, when it was stolen from him by a mischievous scarecrow-like kid, long ago during his adventure in Termina.

"Do you still have Majora's Mask?" Link inquired anxiously.

The Happy Mask Shop owner sat down in his chair and thought for a moment. He remembered the mask and chuckled, as he looked back behind the mask panel. "I never got a chance to thank you for returning that mask. It really means a great deal to me."

"Yes, I still have the mask, it's right..."

He stopped in the middle of his sentence, noticing it wasn't on the front of the rack, stood up and walked behind it looking around. Not having found it hung on a rack, the mask shop owner scattered onto the floor, searching frantically all over the mask panel, under his work table, and at his desk. He turned back to face Link.

"No... It can't be," he exclaimed, with great despair.

The furious look on the Happy Mask Shop owner's face was enough to send fear flooding all through Link's soul but the fact that the Mask was gone had already done so. Link's mouth fell open.

"What is the matter? Do you know anything about my mask? I would like to know now," the Happy Mask Shop owner replied, his face turning as grey as the sky over Hyrule.

Link stumbled, grabbed a hold of a wall, and stuttered, "I... I'm sorry to leave so quickly without explaining, b-but I have very, very important matters to attend to."

Link ran out of the shop, hurried back upon Epona, and was trying to comprehend what he just saw, but he had something more important to deal with at the moment.

He jumped back on Epona and exclaimed imperatively, "We have to go now!"

Zelda quickly exchanged a few rupees for a bottle of water and climbed back on Epona. Link lead Epona to Hyrule Castle, quickly dismounted, and helped Zelda off. He noticed the look of worry on her face, as she knew what just went on in the mask shop.

Zelda spoke to him before they started heading for the castle. "You need to understand. My father is a good man, but sometimes he's really stubborn and a big worrywart. He isn't really uptight, but he just seems that way around new people. I just thought I'd let you know that before..."

"Halt," shouted one of the guards as he noticed the two intending to enter.

Zelda gasped but noticed it was a guard, then replied, "It's ok, it's me, Princess Zelda. Let us in, please hurry! He's with me."

The guard lifted his face mask and exclaimed, "The King has been worried sick about you! Hurry along, Princess!"

He pulled a switch behind him and opened the gate. Link and Zelda walked by and the guard nodded at Link, recognizing him from meeting him a long time ago during his last big adventure. Guards at the road ahead recognized the princess and motioned for them to go. After a short walk, the two were at the drawbridge of the castle. The Princess ordered the guards to lower the drawbridge and allow them in.

The guards shouted an order towards the men at the drawbridge and the ground began rumbling as it was being lowered. A loud click was heard behind the lowering drawbridge coming from the doors of the castle. Link and Zelda, both trembling anxiously, crossed the drawbridge and entered the doors of the castle.

A castle guard met them and spoke in a deep accent. "The King wants to see you now, Madame Princess. You, common bloke, stay!" snared the guard.

Zelda looked at Link, grabbed his hand and told the guard, "No, he's with me."

The guard shook his head and scoffed. "Very well. Come along, now this way."

A soft, clean blue carpet, decorated at the edges with vividly colored jewels and golden strips, was neatly laid over every section of the castle floor. They were lead up the long, quarter-circular stone staircase. They walked down the hall which was clad with golden gems. Golden lamps and portraits of important people who previously held the Hyrule Monarchy were hung along the entire hallway. Link and Zelda were motioned to stay, as the castle guard opened the first large door they came to. The guard explained something to the King. The guard then motioned Link and Zelda to come. The three entered the throne room. Link looked around at the beautifully decorated red carpet in the center of the huge room, which was made entirely out of white, neatly set, smooth stone. He noted the vast height of the room, and recalled the window to the courtyard where he first met Zelda, and also where he first took sight of his arch nemesis, the King of Evil, Ganondorf.

There were four guards on either side of the carpet, standing stiff and at attention. Link walked forward, kneeled in front of the King and paid his respects.

Zelda just stared at her father, waiting to hear what he had to say.

The King's deep, loud voice echoed throughout the room. "Zelda, do you realize how worried you have caused me to be!"

The King paused for a moment and stood up from his throne, walked over to Zelda, and in a softer voice said, "I love you, my child. I missed you so. I trust you did not let this common boy harm you?"

Zelda hesitated, then ran up to her father and hugged him tightly.

She faced Link and introduced him. "Father, this is Link, the Hero of Time. Link, meet my father, King Harkinian, ruler of Hyrule!"

Upon this introduction, in the King's booming voice, he exclaimed heartily, "Ah, the Hero of Time. I apologize, Link, I had not recognized you. Welcome to the castle." He turns to face Zelda and continues, "My dear Zelda, isn't this Link the one whom you wish to mar---"

With her face already blushed red, Zelda elbowed him before he finished his sentence.

Link, his anxiety somewhat relaxed, beginning to feel welcome, bowed. The King nodded.

Link opened his mouth and spoke, making sure each word is said carefully. "Good day, your Majesty. I hope you'll excuse me for foregoing the usual pleasantries and get right down to the point. We must discuss important matters, for the safety of Hyrule--no, the entire world is at stake!"


Staff member

Chapter III


King Harkinian read the dismal tone of Links words, walked over to sit back down at his throne and responded with a sigh, "We shall discuss then. What is on your mind?"

Link took a deep breath, although knowing it would do nothing for his anxiety and fear. Along with arranging his words out in his mind, he was at the same time trying to figure out why exactly he and Zelda were experiencing such an extreme sense of fear they couldn't shake that was different from the fear they had from the combined powers of all the evil forces held within the Evil Realm. Inside his body he was battling what felt like a huge ball of ice hanging in the bottom of his stomach that only seemed to be getting bigger and bigger as the minutes went by. He was constantly swallowing to keep from exploding and bursting into tears. His knees were weak from the inside out and his fingers were involuntarily trembling.

Zelda walked over to Link as she sensed his thoughts and knew of his great anxiety and fear. She, too, was under this same sense of fear, as her heart was struggling to try to keep its beat calm. It couldn't maintain a steady beat ever since she began to have the nightmares. Her feet walked with an anxious, almost cautious step as she took her side next to Link. With her hand trembling, she took Link's hands into her own as he began to speak over his cracking voice.

"As you may or may not be aware, Princess Zelda has recently been seeing a dreadful prophecy. In this prophecy, she had fled from the castle after an altercation with you, and by a child claiming to be Ganon's son, Aidon, was captured and..."

Link stopped.

Zelda wiped a tear away from her cheek and finished his sentence quickly, "Killed."

The King gasped in horror and immediately spoke, "Sweet Goddess Nayru! Darling Zelda, I do not remember you coming to me about this!"

Her eyes squinted and gazed into her father's. The expression on her face instantly turned to one of disgust as her heart pumped even faster filling her arteries with blood full of adrenaline and flames of rage. Her hand jerked away from Link's and she crossed her arms. Her voice gave a low, accusing tone as she spoke.

"Of course you wouldn't remember. You were too busy to hear me, setting me up in a wedding with a man I absolutely refuse to marry. You were too caught up in your stupid destiny talk and disrespect toward my own wishes to listen when I spoke that in my prophecy, the child, who I now know is called Aidon, was leading all the inhabitants of the Evil Realm into a group that is, as we speak, combining their power and attempting to break the seal of the Evil Realm. Do you really love that sinister man, Ander, more than you love me?! I don't know what you see in him, but I certainly see no hints of the kind of man I love---"

She stopped, embarrassed, then tried quickly to block thoughts of Link out of her mind. Link had already been there, however. He looked at her, unsuccessfully attempting to stop the blush on his face then looked back at the King to speak.

"Uh--your Highness, we must devise a plan of defense if this prophecy reveals to be true! Having been the Hero of Time that saved Hyrule the last time Princess Zelda experienced a prophecy, I am quite sure you know by know that the Princess' prophecies have never turned out to be wrong. This means that the entire world is now being threatened. Every evil force that had been defeated was banished to the Evil Realm, and now that they are all combining their power..." Link stopped.

The King's face was a personification of horror. He thought for a moment and decided to answer to Zelda's confrontation first.

"My dear child Zelda, it has always been tradition and has always been believed to be the Princess's destiny to be wed to the next highest noble outside the First Family! Of all people I thought that you would understand," He paused for a moment and shifted in his throne. "But as it is this very moment, we should focus on protecting you, and for that matter the rest of mankind on Din's Earth."

King Harkinian sat in contemplation for a moment.

Zelda and Link's gaze caught one another and they spoke telepathically.

Link, you know as well as I do that the forces that broke free of the Evil Realm easily outnumber the able people of Hyrule that can fight. I am sure they do, by at least 100 to 1! Even if we were somehow to manage to bring all of our forces together, I don't know how we'd be able to extinguish the last foe off without losing an unacceptable number of our own. Namely, all of them.

Link thought about it for a moment, then replied.

I wish I had an idea. I really do, Zelda! I can't bring myself to figure out how I had the courage and ability to defeat them all before, but we'll have to be on a pretty high level with the Three Goddesses if we were to pull this off with them all together at one time! I know that's not what you wanted to hear, but lies haven't helped anyone in the past and they won't start to help now. In times like this, dishonesty will only hurt us in the end

Zelda's face turned shy.

I... understand... Link, I have to tell you something. I---

The King shouted an order to his senior guard, "Benjamin! Get me the Royal Advisory Staff, fast!"

Benjamin is a strong-willed, modest man who takes pride in his ability to remain calm in a situation which would otherwise drive any other person to the brink of madness. Every fiber in his body is loyal to the King. He is a very good friend to Zelda and he would not allow anything to harm the Princess if it meant killing himself. Benjamin is very strong, with moderate height, and long, thick brown hair. His skin is pale, and scarred, due to the brutal course he went through to become a guard. Benjamin's brown eyes are well trained from the years of guarding the castle, and very accurate, being able to notice the slightest change in any scene.

Benjamin turned to salute the King and exited the throne room. He overheard the conversation between the King, Zelda, and Link and knew it was imperative that he hurry. His joints ached from remaining at attention for those long hours and his legs were somewhat weakened under the massive weight of his thick armor and heavy weaponry, but he didn't let that slow him down. He arrived at a brightly lit room where 3 women and 2 men, one of which was Ander, were at a large rectangular stone table with lots of drawing paper on it, planning out the wedding. Benjamin had never seen the Royal Advisory Staff's room. He gasped at the sight of Ander being at the table as he knew Zelda wouldn't exactly be pleased by this, then cleared his throat and got the attention of the advisors.

"Excuse me, but his Highness has summoned the Royal Advisory Staff. It is urgent that you meet the King in the throne room immediately!"

The staff, puzzled, arose from their seats in a curious murmur and followed Benjamin back to the throne room.


Meanwhile, in a huge cave underneath the Forest of Illusions, Aidon stood alone facing a transparent image of Ganondorf.

Aidon had the mind and body of a ten year old. He was often silenced by Ganon. His facial features were nothing like those of the man who claimed to be his father, he had a face almost like that of a normal, Hylian child. His eyes were a grayish-blue color, and his nearly bleach white skin looked like it was barely touched by the light of day. The color white was an understatement to describe his hair, it was shimmering with such brightness that it illuminated nearly a mile's radius around him inside the vast expanse of the cave. His robe was white with golden decorations along the long sleeves of the arms and at the waste, and he donned a blue cape with a golden Triforce symbol and a strange mark almost like the image of a ghost on a white triangle in the center which had puzzled him ever since he was able to think, yet each time Ganon had attempted to remove the cape it would not budge. Ganon could take complete control over Aidon's thoughts ever since Aidon was one year of age and could tell right from wrong.

An innocent, ten year old child's voice escaped from Aidon's mouth.

"Ganondorf, I don't know about this. Zelda, she---"

Ganondorf quickly rose his hand to stop Aidon from speaking and with a booming voice, snarled.

"You shall call me father! You will not betray me, Aidon. I own you, and you know damned well I do! Aidon, I respect you as a father would his only son but to HELL with morals and virtues! Zelda, along with all those other blasted sages were the ones who locked me in this place anyway! I would have made her pay as soon as she came out of the forest, but Link showed up, and I sense that I can no longer defeat him on my own. Even though my power has increased, his power has also grown. Even farther than my own. Zelda and this Link kid, I have underestimated far too often in the past, but now... Now I know how to get into their minds and under their bravery and strength of character. I have their knees trembling beneath their very bodies under my fear spell and I would not have been able to do it without you! Along with your inherent ability to create illusions and bring them to reality from your mother and my ability to cast them under a spell of extreme fear, they will be useless to lead a Hyrule defense force under their weak condition, and you will be able to break into the Chamber of Sages and finally help us break the seal on this hell of an Evil Realm!"

Aidon's voice turned from innocent to sinister, and gave a deep, dark chuckle.

"When shall the invasion begin, father?" came the words from Aidon's mouth.

Ganondorf maniacally laughed and replied, "When the time is ripe, young Aidon. When the time is ripe!"


Back at the castle, the Royal Advisory Staff had arrived in the throne room, bowed to the King and Zelda and the expression on their faces asked what was so important that they had interrupted the planning of the wedding. Zelda's eyes widened as Ander was among those of the Royal Advisory Staff and she burned with anger inside.

She swiftly turned to face her father and with a confrontational look in her eyes yet her voice under control, she scorned, "Ander Tamiron himself, huh! Was it his Royal Advisory that convinced you to decide to marry him to me?"

As an afterthought, she added, "DON'T even answer that!"

Zelda whirled around to face Benjamin, nodding her head towards Ander as if to ask if they were planning the wedding.

Benjamin didn't even ponder what she meant as he had already known what she intended to ask, but he hesitated and thought to himself. Should I answer? Will the Princess's short temper get the better of her and cause her to break out into violence? sigh... She would have found out soon enough anyway, might as well have learned it from me...

Benjamin nodded affirmatively. Zelda's eyes flared, her fists clenched and her knuckles whitened.

Alexandria, the head of the Royal Advisory Staff, had a concerned look in her bright blue eyes as she flipped her long pink hair behind her shoulders and spoke to the King.

"Your Majesty, what is the urgent matter that we must discuss?"

King Harkinian's normally unemotional voice sounded desperate as he responded to the question and didn't bother trying to hide his true feelings, despite his pride.

"The safety of my daughter Zelda is in danger. Her recent nightmares have foretold a prophecy of a tragedy," he paused, trying to swallow the knot that was forming in his throat. His hands began quivering under his fragile state. He opened his mouth to continue. "A horrible tragedy in which," King Harkinian let tears begin streaming down his face, yet he continued to speak in his breaking voice. " which my beloved daughter Zelda was outside the safety of the castle, she was captured... and killed..."

As the King buried his face in his hands to muffle his sobbing, four members of the Royal Advisory Staff looked at each other in horror as they had each heard what the King just said.

Benjamin flipped down his visor to try to hide his tears.

Link closed his eyes and brought his hands up to his ears to try and maintain composure. He opened his mouth to speak and finish the details of the second prophecy.

"There's more," Link spoke timidly, "the prophecy also foretold of all the evil forces banished to the confines of the Evil Realm gathering to attempt to break the seal on the Realm. If they succeed, there is no telling what will happen, apart from the obvious assumption that the entire population of inhabitants would likely be eliminated and the world would be ruled forever by the evil troops."

Alexandria, head of the Royal Advisory Staff, keeping her cool under this situation which is not unlike herself, raised her hands to her mouth to keep her from screaming in fright.

Delina, far more sensitive and emotional, shouted a "No!" that echoed throughout the castle, and began to weep.

Lance and Lexus, brother and sister, turned to each other in shock and looked back at the King.

Ander Tamiron remained tall and proud, consistent in his posture and without emotion regarding the prophecy he just learned of, much to the displeasure of Zelda.

Zelda had completely ignored her father's broken down state as she was engulfed in fury upon seeing her planned fiancee's unwavering, almost inhuman coldness even after hearing of her prophecy. Her eyelids began to twitch in anger and her already tightly clenched fists were clenched harder. She locked her knees and clenched every muscle in her body causing her blood to rush even faster as the adrenaline couldn't keep up with how quickly she was using it.

Her lungs burst, her voice became even louder than the King's deep sobs and she started shouting.

"THIS is the man you want me to marry? This UNFEELING, UNCARING, HEARTLESS... Th-this man should have his head---" Zelda stopped before she spoke the rest of the words and then contacted Link telepathically.

Link, I swear I am going to tear out what ever kind of cold black heart is sitting in that son of a---

Zelda, stop. Violence will get you nowhere fast.

Link began reciting Zelda's Lullaby in his mind to try and calm the Princess down. Though he himself had a temper, he had hypocritically refused Zelda from losing hers and breaking out in violence.

I know, Link--sometimes it makes me wonder why I'm the one with the Triforce of Wisdom. But do you see the look on his face? His nose is still up in the air and his arrogant eyes aren't filling up with tears. The end of the world as we know it could be soon and he doesn't think a thing of it. This... THIS is the man my father wants me to marry! Look, even Benjamin, who is one of the hardest people to break down, is visibly emotional. One would expect my... fiancee... to be beside himself to protect me. Oh, I shudder at that word... fiancee!

Link didn't answer Zelda's telepathic words, but instead swallowed his pride of the great battle skill and experience he has and spoke aloud in a trembling voice.

"This is a vast army of evil forces unlike this world has ever seen, and I know very well that I cannot take them all on even if I had the power of the whole Triforce. We need to notify all the races within our reach to be on the alert and that we will need any help they can spare. Let us all pray to the Three Goddesses that our lives, along with the lives of as many others as can be saved, are spared. With all due respect, Royal Advisors, I would like to be notified of the first plan of defense that comes about."

Zelda's legs wobbled and she suddenly blinked a tear out of her eyes. She took Link's hand and rushed out of the throne room in a hurry to speak to him.

"Link, this fear is... I don't understand it! It's taking over my soul, and it's so powerful I can't even---"

Zelda stopped and wrapped her arms around Link, weeping loudly.

Link suddenly stumbled, his fear also growing strong. The hair on the back of his neck shot up and goose bumps raised all over his body. He forced his mouth open and tried to speak but could only whimper. He spoke telepathically.

Maybe we can get some answers from---

He was interrupted by Zelda's telepathic scream: LINK! Ganon!

Link jumped, startled, as he looked at Zelda's wrist and at his own. An outline had illuminated around the top Triforce mark on each of their wrists, the mark resembling the Triforce of Power.

Link almost shouted, "The Triforce of Power is being activated, Ganondorf is transforming into Ganon! What is he doing?!"


Staff member

Chapter IV


In the center of the underground cave beneath the Forest of Illusions, Aidon presented a commanding attitude towards the self-proclaimed father. His grey-blue eyes glowed dark blue and his mouth quivered with anger.

Ganondorf was speaking in a demanding tone with his arms raised above his head and his hands clenched into fists. "...I AM YOUR FATHER! YOU WILL RESPECT ME"

Aidon's voice was once again that of a 10 year old, and he responded by screaming with authority. It seemed as though his scream began phasing between the innocent, sweet voice of his true self and the dark, deep and controlled voice from the mind of Ganon's. Then as he spoke, the underground cave rumbled and pebbles began to fall from the sheer force of Aidon's words. "You are NOT my father! I have no biological father! You can't keep my mind under control every moment of my life, you know. The secret of your mind control and fear spell will eventually get out! The only way you can prevent that leak is by killing me!" He stood tall and brave, and had a strength of character much unlike Ganondorf. He was ready to take anything Ganondorf could dish out to him.

Ganondorf lowered his right arm, outstretched his left hand and faced the back of his wrist outwards, then further clenched his hand in anger. The Triforce of Power activated, and a bright blue light emanated from Ganondorf's image as it had stretched taller and wider. His body grew a tail encased in scales and tipped off by a spike. Massive horns grew from out of his head. Two swords both easily twice the size of Aidon's body magically appeared into the monster's hands. The ghost spirit hovering before Aidon was now transformed into Ganon!

Aidon spoke with a purpose, "Go ahead. Swing at me, Ganon! You can't physically hit me, because you are banished into the Evil Realm! The only way you can is using mind control, but you still wouldn't do it. You need me to complete your little quest. I know your weakness, Ganon!"

Upon this brave declaration, Ganon raised his sword wielding arms into the air, snarled loudly, and shouted the words of his mind control spell. "NOVORYAGH! BRAN, STIM DEGAD!"

Ganon thrust his swords into the ground, and red thunderbolts screamed across the underground cave then shot into Aidon's head. Aidon threw his hands up to his ears, gasping and struggling for breath, his screams echoing throughout the cave then slowly phased from a 10 year old child's cry to a sinister laugh resembling Ganon's.

Aidon's eyes returned from a vibrant blue tint to a dull grey and a dark, evil smile spread across his face. He lowered his arms to his side. His voice sounded as if Ganon had possessed his body and took his soul over. "The dusk of Friday... shall be the dusk of Princess Zelda's life!"


Link and Zelda had run out of the castle in a hurry to reach the Temple of Time after Link had suggested they seek advice and information from the other six Sages. It was 10:00 Wednesday morning. Epona was standing faithfully at the valley between two hills just outside of the Market Town where he had stopped her. Link patted her on the head, lifted Zelda up onto her and jumped up to the saddle.

Zelda was thinking of Link and how much she'd appreciated all he has done for her over their lives when the realization hit her hard: Link was her true love. She knew she was in love with Link but now she felt the sense that this is her real destiny, she felt the blessing of the Goddesses behind her feelings towards him. Her stomach twisted and turned as she longed so deeply to tell Link but could not compose herself to speak the words.

Link pretended to know nothing of this new revelation but in actuality, thoughts were racing through his mind as he sensed the Goddesses' presence between their connection. Still, he concentrated on getting to the Temple of Time and jerked the reins on Epona to set her off to head for the Temple of Time. He tried to hide from his feelings by listening to the upbeat tune that echoed throughout the Market Town, but it was no use. He loved Zelda and had known that he would love her for the whole time he'd known her. However, he had never said it in words. He had a strong feeling of discontent with Zelda knowing of this only by having reading his thoughts. He felt that somehow a miracle would occur if he expressed this in words.

Zelda hugged behind Link tight as Epona galloped for what seemed like miles to the both of them. In only a few short minutes they were already at the steps leading to the Temple.

Link paused for a moment to take in the sight of this familiar building, where he had so frequently made trips to in order to travel forward and back through time in his adventure to awaken the six Sages, but quickly shook his head and thought to himself. Nostalgia isn't going to protect Zelda, idiot!

He jumped down and took Zelda's hand to help her down as he whispered, "Come on. Let's go."

Link and Zelda walked inside the Temple of Time which was oddly a bit darker than they remembered it to be. Another strange fact was that the godlike choir sound of the Song of Time that always filled the vast walls was now nothing but silence. They walked forward up to the Spiritual Stone platform, all 3 stones were still emitting the same harmonic whine as they did when they walked up the steps to enter the altar where the Master Sword lies. Zelda stepped up on the platform and Link followed, standing across from her on the other side of the Master Sword.

Zelda paused and concentrated on using her magic to bring them to the Chamber of Sages, then lifted her arms. A pink flash of light emitted above her head and expanded into a pink crystal that enclosed them both. They were levitated from the ground and the vast stone room around them vanished into pitch black. A large blue platform with a golden Triforce symbol in the center was surrounded by six circular platforms each with their respective medallion logos engraved on it. Link and Zelda landed on the large platform in the center of the Chamber of Sages.

The pure, calm chant that always echoed throughout the Chamber of Sages had taken on an unfamiliar, almost dangerous tone. Just then, the Six Sages appeared with bright flashes of light. Green for Saria, a Kokiri, the Sage of Forest. Red for Darunia, leader of the Gorons, Sage of Fire. Blue for Ruto, the Zora Princess, Sage of Water. Purple for Impa, last of the Sheikah, Sage of Shadow. Orange for Nabooru, the Gerudo Queen, Sage of Spirit, and finally Yellow for Rauru, an elderly Hylian, the Sage of Light.

Link and Zelda felt their great fear suddenly disappear and looked at each other almost frightened once again out of surprise that the feeling disappeared.

Rauru was the first to speak. "We heard your call, fellow Sage, and yours as well, Hero of Time! Tell us of it all."

Link began to regain his sense of courage and was finally able to take complete breaths without his lungs pressing against his rigid stomach and drawing sharp pain. He cleared his throat and spoke loudly.

"I'm sure you know of Princess Zelda's and my prophecies. They were explained in the throne room of King Harkinian. We have to get down to business, I have a feeling we're running out of time as we speak. First off, please explain what you know of this child named Aidon."

Saria, the Sage of Forest, her Kokiri ancestry making her impossible to grow physically past childhood, and her curly green hair shimmering in the light coming from above, spoke in her tiny voice. "Aidon was an infant orphan barely a week old that was left to die 10 years ago in the middle of an underground cave, beneath a forest, called the Forest of Illusions, that leads to the Temple of Life. Ganondorf saw an opportunity to take advantage of Aidon's gift of being able to create reality from illusions and placed him under a mind control spell. He is still able to cast this spell from his imprisonment in the Evil Realm and to this day we still observe that Aidon is fighting to gain control of his own mind. What we don't know is who gave birth to him, who abandoned him in the middle of the cave and how he got his ability to create reality from illusions. Ganondorf realized this child was somehow special and placed him under a deeper spell that would allow him to cast his intent through Aidon. This means that whenever Aidon speaks, it's usually Ganondorf who is speaking through him."

While Saria caught her breath, Impa, of the Sheikah, filled the rest in with her normally strong, dominant tone. "As much as you would like to kill this child after seeing the prophecies, we shall forbid you from it. I understand where you're coming from, Zelda, and you as well Link. After all, Hero of Time, you two are..." Impa paused as she noticed the blush forming on his face, and dropped that subject. "Anyway, we need to get more information on his origins, because it may fill in the missing link in an ancient legend entitled 'The Bond of Spirit'. This legend declares that there was another element to the Triforce. Not truly a force that could be used on its own, as the Triforces of Wisdom, Power and Courage are used to this day, but a force... a bond that keeps the other three forces together far stronger than even a Goddess herself could break. We have a suspicion that somehow, Aidon is linked to this fourth element. The symbol embedded on his cape is similar to the Triforce located on your wrists, but has another piece to it, a white triangle with a symbol similar to the symbol on the medallion of spirit." Impa turned her glance over to Nabooru, the Sage of Spirit.

Nabooru nodded, her bright orange hair waving with the motion. The Gerudos are a mainly female race, with only one male Gerudo being born every 100 years, and he is then named king of the Gerudos. Ganondorf is this male Gerudo and was named the king of the Gerudos, but his authority was later overthrown by Nabooru once he was cast into the Evil Realm. Nabooru's white Gerudo uniform barely covered her tanned body. She looked down at her own platform with the symbol of spirit engraved underneath the glass which covered it. Then she stated, "Hey, kid, good to see ya. Hope you've been practicing your fencing. Anyway, we talked to the Goddesses to ask about this strange revelation and received, why am I not surprised, a cryptic response: 'The Goddess of which you speak is of maternal love of the fourth.'"

Link and Zelda pondered the question for a moment, their telepathy echoing in the minds of the other six Sages who remained quiet.

Link, they don't know that all those evil forces inside the Evil Realm are teaming up to break the seal... why?

Wait a minute! Zelda, Saria said that Aidon had the ability of creating reality from illusions... Maybe Aidon, while under Ganon's mind control, was trying to get us to believe that the evil forces had been gathered together.

Maybe... But that mystic message from the Goddesses has me confused even more... 'The Goddess of which you speak is of maternal love of the fourth'... Maternal love, meaning she is the mother?

Yeah, but who is the 'fourth'? The Triforce contains the divinity of each of the three Goddesses, Din's is of Power which Ganon holds... Nayru's is of Wisdom, which you hold, and Farore's is of Courage, which I have. That's three Goddesses... The 'fourth' then, maybe referring to the bearer of the fourth of something?... I think it would have to be a fourth Goddess behind---

Zelda sharply drew her lungs full of breath and exclaimed out loud, "Link! Did you say 'fourth Goddess'?!"

Link stood there for a moment surprised at the Princess's reaction, stammering as he quickly rolled out the words.

"Y-yes... Fourth Goddess, there--there should be a fourth Goddess behind the ability of the..." Link paused with his mouth wide open as he began to put the pieces together in his head and quickly continued, "...the fourth element to the Triforce!"

Zelda turned to the Sages and urgently asked, "Sages, how would we know of the origin of a life?"

Darunia, Sage of Fire, is the king of the Gorons, which is a race made out of huge, rock-eating beasts that can curl up in a ball and roll anywhere at extreme speeds. Darunia, booming Goron lungs and all and already beginning to put two and two together, replied with a grim frown on his face, "The origin of any living breathing mortal can be told by the ancestral history written in its blood, but if..."

Nabooru was catching on to what Darunia was getting at, shook her head and sadly added, "If there is no ancestor--I mean, if the being was not born under the maternity of a mortal and had no bloodline history..."

Ruto is of the Zora race, a race which live mainly in water. Zoran people are excellent swimmers. Ruto's white body was outlined with blue scales on her sides and her blue eyes expressed sadness. The Zora Princess gasped in shock as she began to realize as well, "That would mean it must be a child of a Goddess--one thing us Sages can't sense is when a descendant of one of the Goddesses is born!"

Impa's eyes widened in sheer terror.

Saria and Rauru exclaimed, "Great Farore! It can't be!"

Link looked into Zelda's eyes and nearly shouted, "Aidon is the key to the fourth element of the Triforce! He is the child of the fourth..."

Link's heart sank and his jaw dropped once again as he figured out that once a Goddess decides someone's fate, there is nothing that can be done to save them from encountering it.

Zelda recalled that in her prophecy, Aidon was the one who dealt her the fatal blow. Aidon was the child of the fourth Goddess, and had killed her in that dream. Tears began flooding from her face as she dropped to her knees and let out a resounding, "NO!"


Staff member

Chapter V


Link shook away the tears that were begging to trickle down his face as his vengeance slowly but surely built up. In harsh, demanding words he screamed, "There HAS to be some way to save her! She can't die!" Link's voice faded slightly and began to tremble, saying, "She can't die, because I... I need her... I--"

Link drew a blank mind again as he fell to his knees and embraced Zelda.

Rauru's elderly figure took in a breath and sadly noted, "If it is the intent of the Goddesses, there is nothing we can do about it. We can only grieve for our loved ones and move on with our lives as they are laid out in front of us..."

Saria wiped a tear away from her face as she stated in an apologetic way, "Link, Zelda... I'm so sorry... I wish there was something I could do, but there isn't. However, we still have to stop Aidon from getting what Ganondorf wants. In the Temple of Life I was just talking about, there lies a legendary blade that is believed to be more powerful than even the Master Sword! This sword is thought to have been used in the past by the previous Hero of Time to awaken the fourth element to the Triforce. No sage has ever been able to enter this temple, because, well we don't have the Triforce... You and Zelda, however, do possess the Triforces of Wisdom and Courage..."

Nabooru hung her head in sorrow as she finished what Saria was going to say, "We don't exactly know if the doors to the temple will open without all three Triforces activated, but there is only one way to find out, and that is to go to the Temple of Life yourselves and retrieve that legendary sword, the Blade of Spirit. I can't exactly say for sure, though. I am so sorry, kid. I know this doesn't make you feel any better."

Just then, in a bright white flash of light, Link and Zelda were held in an embrace just below the altar to the Master Sword and remained there for what seemed like days. Link pulled out his watch and looked at the time - 3:00 PM Wednesday.

He brushed away his tears and spoke up above his hard sobs. "The King should know... He's your father."

Zelda stood up, with her eyes still closed and flooded with tears, and nodded. She couldn't manage to raise her voice to more than a whisper, and spoke telepathically.

Do you think it's all an illusion? My prophecies about my death?

Link sighed. I hope to the Goddesses that it is...

Link and Zelda walked out of the Temple of Time, hand in hand, and immediately returned to tears as they felt what seemed like an ice ball the size of their heads freeze up and sit in the bottom of their stomach. After Epona gave them a nudge with her head showing her undying support, they climbed atop. Link rubbed his eyes, desperately trying to rid himself of the tears of pain, fear, and rage. He tugged on the reins to travel off into the castle.

Once they reached the gate, they dismounted and the guard immediately saw the expression on their faces told him to open it now. He pulled the gate switch quickly and shoved the gate open.

Zelda began to run and Link fought to catch up. She stopped to order the drawbridge down and they ran as quickly as their tired legs would take them into the castle, up the stairs and into the throne room. The King was speaking face to face with Benjamin, head of the Royal Guard Military, and he had asked his loyal general for advice on a personal level on the upcoming marriage. Neither of them noticed Link and Zelda as the King spoke.

"What should I do, Benjamin? I'm just flabbergasted."

Benjamin's voice sounded gentle, almost fatherly in itself, at least that's the way it sounded to Link and Zelda. Benjamin was consoling the King as a friend instead of as a guard of his castle.

"Harkinian, she does not want to marry Tamiron, and she shows it loud and clear. If I were you and I wanted to keep my daughter, I'd let her heart guide her to the man which she is destined to fall in love with and wed. Shit, I would know, I did at one time have a son that loved me... He was 14 years of age and fell in love with a woman that at the time I scoffed at because I was foolish and selfish. I didn't want to give up my son to anyone, so I denied his request to go out with her. In 3 years of him secretly taking her out on dates, he had asked for her hand in marriage, and I furiously refused to partake in his wedding ceremony. He...he disowned me shortly after I told him why I disapproved and refused to attend, and that's the last I ever heard of him. Having grown up a little more ever since, I now realize that there are certain destinies that are given to each man and woman that eventually make their love unbreakable, and the destinies of love between these two people are ones that are as hard to defy as a Goddess's own divine touch... I miss him to this day 20 years after his marriage, and I don't want you to go through the same heartbreak."

Zelda let the words sink in as she realized her time on this earth may be running short. She ran up to Benjamin, hugged him tightly and said to him, "Thank you Benjamin... You are a great friend, and I owe you a debt that I doubt I can ever pay..."

The King and Link, watched in silence as the two great friends conversed.

Benjamin solidly expelled the Princess's debt as he spoke in a tender voice, "Forget the debt, babe! You saved my carcass many times from the harsh discipline of your father... It is actually I who is in debt to you. You reminded me of my son while you were growing up, with your intelligence and pride, and it brought back a lot of good memories of him. For that I am forever indebted to you. You two are not all that unlike each other, you know? You've both got a tremendous wisdom and strength of spirit... You've had it for your whole life even since you were a baby and will probably continue to have that even after the day you..." Benjamin stopped himself before he finished the sentence.

Zelda pulled away and looked at the floor, watching the tears drip away onto the red carpet as King Harkinian watched with a sorrowful expression on his face.

Link walked up to Zelda to hold her in his arms as the King asked, "Dear Zelda, you seem more distraught than when you came to me earlier today... For what is the matter?"

Link swallowed the growing lump in his throat as he replied for her, "We were just in the Chamber of Sages and..." Link cleared his throat then continued, "We learned that there is a fourth Goddess, the Goddess of Spirit, and a fourth element to the Triforce. The Goddess of Spirit's power, called the Bond of Spirit, is not really a force that can be used on its own like the Triforces can. It's more like a bond that can hold the Triforce together stronger than any being, even a Goddess, could break. And from what I've figured, maybe it could bond more things once it is united with the Triforce, perhaps even defy certain fates if it is so the wish of the holder of this power. Sorry, I'm rambling..." Link began to tear as he continued, "As you know very well through the library of the many books of legends that is carried here at the castle, once a Goddess decides to end a life, there is nothing that can be done to stop it..."

Benjamin confusingly asked, "And, the point is?"

Link blinked tears away from his eyes to clear his vision and resumed, "We learned that Aidon is not Ganondorf's son, but is under a mind control spell by him that is performing Ganondorf's intent through this mind control. We learned that Aidon is the child of the fourth Goddess, and in Zelda's prophecy, Aidon is her killer. Aidon, the son of the fourth Goddess."

King Harkinian and Benjamin along with the other guards stood in horror as they read through Link's words once more in their minds to make sure they were hearing it correctly.

The King exclaimed, "Please, Goddesses, she is my only child! Do not take her away!"

Benjamin pulled off his helmet and revealed his long brown hair and aged face, with his mouth hanging wide open and his brown eyes filled with anger as he faced the Princess and boldly stated, "Princess, I shall remain at your side and defend you at all times!"

Link resumed, "My gut feeling is telling me Zelda's time may be running short and I fear that even the Chamber of Sages isn't stable enough to protect her -- the usual purity of the Temple of Time and the Chamber of Sages took on a deceptive feel, almost one of an evil, sinister darkness. I was told there that we needed to somehow get into the Temple of Life underneath the Fore--" Link stopped and realized no one else knew of the Forest of Illusion, then finished his sentence off, "underneath a forest here in Hyrule and retrieve the Blade of Spirit so that I can hopefully save Zelda."

The King proclaimed urgently, "Zelda, please I beg of you... Stay the night here in the castle."

Zelda looked up at her father and blurted out, "Only if Link can stay too." She blushed.

King Harkinian didn't even hesitate and replied with a booming, "OK! Link can stay! As long as our guards are breathing, they will be standing guard at yours and Link's rooms."

Her face was beet red with embarrassment but she still spoke, "No... I'll only feel safe with Link in the same room... with me..."

Link's stiff posture did not shift like his stomach did.

The King looked back at Benjamin, who nodded, and then replied, "Very well... It is late now, you should be getting sleep..."

Link took another look at his watch and indeed, it was past 10:00 at night. He looked at Zelda and spoke telepathically.

It's past 10 o'clock, we really should be getting to bed.

Zelda replied. I don't think I can sleep.

Link's eyes widened as he wrapped his arm around her and walked out of the throne room and down the hallway towards Zelda's room. You probably don't mean...

Link caught Zelda with a smile on her face, something he hadn't seen her do in a while, as she replied.

Pervert. No, I mean I really don't think I can sleep! She paused and spoke with a slightly sarcastic tone, You know, with me dying soon and all, I'll be getting plenty of rest in good time anyway.

Link sighed and said I know how you feel... I couldn't possibly sleep especially not with this ball of hail hanging around in my stomach...

Zelda nodded as they arrived at her room. She opened the door.

Link looked around at the beautifully decorated bedroom. It almost looked like a mansion in itself. The room was stone with a blue carpet that had golden decorations all around it. A dresser sat to the left of the door as they entered and was as long as the rest of the wall it was placed against. It was made of quality wood, was polished off and a mirror was hanging with the bottom starting at half Link's height and raised just a foot shy of hitting the ceiling. There was a large queen-sized bed in the center against the opposite wall and was exactly like the one created from the illusion in the forest - red velvet covers with a large golden Triforce embedded in it.

Link moved his gaze to Zelda, whose dress was glistening in the dim light of the candle in the room. He marveled at her beautiful golden hair that was flowing freely while Zelda walked towards her dresser. Suddenly it hit him.

"Zelda, I--"

Zelda nodded acknowledgedly, "I know."

Link looked at her puzzled and asked, "You know I have no idea where the bathroom is? After so many years of saving Hyrule and all, a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do..."

Zelda nearly fell on the floor giggling after she pointed to the door next to her closet, when a knock on the door came from a guard asking, "Is everything all right in there, Princess?"

Zelda replied "Yeah, everything's fine!"

She was about to crack up again when her mind kicked back in. She thought to herself.

I can't believe it... I'm spending my last days with the man I love and I haven't even muttered the words 'I love you' to him yet, and I'm probably about to die and there'll be nobody else left in the family after my father dies, unless...

She paused for a moment.

Oh no... I'm not REALLY thinking about that, am I?

She hoped Link wasn't listening to her thoughts as she continued to think to herself.

Without me or a child of mine alive at the time of my father's departure, who knows who will be the next to be crowned King of Hyrule?! shudder... Even Ander has a chance! I can't let that happen, he's as bad as Ganondorf!

She sighed as she answered herself. Yep. I'm thinking about it...

Zelda pulled out a nightgown from a drawer in her dresser and started changing into it. At this very moment, Link walked out of the bathroom completely oblivious to what Zelda was just pondering and immediately turned away with his face red as blood from bashfulness.

Gah... Just my luck to walk out while Zelda's changing into her nightgown.

Zelda watched him turn away in the mirror as she was changing and all of a sudden she relayed her thoughts to Link.

"Link, you know, without either me, or a child of mine alive when my father is gone, there will be none of the First Family left to inherit the throne. As you know, my fate is very likely sealed, and the only way for me to have a child..." She pulled the sleeveless white nightgown over her head.

Link stood dumbfounded as he finished her sentence in his mind.

Is to give birth to it, which requires 9 months of pregnancy, which requires... He blurted out, "Sweet Nayru!"

Zelda cracked a faint smirk as she straightened out her nightgown and pulled her hair back to put it in a ponytail. "Ever since I met you, I've..." Zelda's voice trailed off, but Link knew what she was eventually going to ask.

Link turned around shook his head, honoring the virtue he learned long ago about this, and said, "I can't... I mean, I would but... You know I lo..."

His mind drew a blank once again. He paused as he saw a stunningly gorgeous woman in an illuminating nightgown and caught himself staring. Link spoke telepathically.

We're not even married... I--I care about you too much and I wouldn't want to hurt you by conceiving a child out of wedlock. For all you know, I could probably flee after it's all said and done because I'd be too afraid to take on the responsibility without having recited my vows before the High Priest of Their Holiness and receiving the blessing of the Goddesses on our matrimony. You know how Hylian males are...

Zelda's smirk turned into a deep frown and she spoke out loud, "I don't care how Hylian males are, I care how you are! The typical Hylian male could care less about the responsibility of fatherhood and probably wouldn't take it on if his life depended on it, all he wants is a quick bang. But you, you have virtues, you have honor, and your strength of character is limited only by the sky, your will power is unmatched by any mortal being on this planet. That's why I..I..." Her voice faded as she grew sleepy. She walked over to Link and put her arms around him.

Link stroked her hair as he spoke, realizing she saw right through his fake excuse, and told of his real reason.

"That's exactly why I can't do that unless we are married. I was taken in by the Great Deku Tree when my mother died, and I was raised with good virtues and beliefs by my stepmother Saria. I promised myself a long time ago that I would not conceive a child outside of wedlock. I have to stick to my promise even beyond the day I die. Otherwise, what is left of my virtues and beliefs? What is left of my strength of character? Keeping promises and never disrespecting my virtues is a responsibility I took on the day I was first summoned by the Great Deku Tree to save Hyrule, and eventually became the next Hero of Time. I care about your feelings, but I also don't want my family's name, whatever it may be, or the reputation of the Hero of Time to be 'Goes back on his word, defies his own beliefs.' I hope you can understand."

Zelda sighed and whispered, "I do." The words struck her heart like a knife through warm butter as she realized she may not even get the chance to have a wedding.

Link yawned, motioning for them to get some sleep. Zelda nodded and with that, followed Link's lead and rolled into bed. She crawled over to Link and laid her head down on his shoulder and hugged his arm.

Zelda looked up at Link and said, "Link... Thank you. For being there for me. For everything."

Link replied, "You're welcome... Don't think a thing of it, it's my destiny to protect people. Let's just try and sleep, it's been a long day today and it's going to be a long day tomorrow."

Benjamin, overhearing the conversation and wanting to know if there's anything that can be done about the Princess's fate, decides to go to the library in the castle and look up the legend for the Bond of Spirit.


Ganondorf was viewing Zelda's room through a misty portal-like cloud and cackled with an evil smile as his booming shout echoed throughout the Evil Realm, "Yes... a long day tomorrow, a long day indeed. Hah hah hah hah!"


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Chapter VI


Link and Zelda were not surprised to find themselves in another dream. Somehow they knew it was the Temple of Life. There was a long white carpet, with golden leaf-like decorations along the edges, laid in the middle of a long rectangular area completely made out of many layers of a strange, reflective glass-like surface. The room was lit with candles alongside both sides of the white carpet and a pair of torches in each corner. Behind the clear wall to the left of the entrance they could see an astonishing abundance of breathtakingly beautiful plant life flourishing, and constantly being replaced by more beautiful plant life. To the right, new animals and infants appeared to just come out of thin air, grow to an age of what they assumed to be birth, and then disappeared. Directly ahead of them was a large, very bright blue square platform that had a raised golden figure of the Triforce that was shining light out of its own power. There was a bright white section in the middle of the 3 golden Triforce pieces. A circular pattern and the symbol of spirit were engraved into it.

Zelda observed the Blade of Spirit hovering just barely a few feet above the Triforce symbol and tugged on Link's shoulder excitedly pointing towards it.

It's so beautiful, Link! That golden handle with the Triforce engraved in it and the huge silver blade... It seems like it's casting out a light greater than the sun itself!

They both ran up to it and Link grabbed the huge golden handle and pulled. There was a bright flash of light and a deafening high pitched whine, and the sword was in Link's hand. He felt a surge of power run through his veins and cackled in excitement. He slashed the sword above his head admiring the sweet aroma and the very finely done engraving work. This sword felt like it had the power of a charging Old Hylian army behind it. Almost like the Goddess of Spirit was now guiding him.

Link jerked his body around whirling the sword above his head and anxiously asked, "So, whaddya think, Zelda?..." only to see that Zelda was not there!

He let out a deafening "NOOOOOOOOO! ZELDA!!" as rage powered his legs and instinct started him off and took him faster than he's ever been taken on his own two feet before. He left dust behind him as he sped out of the Temple of Life. With the Blade of Spirit in his hand, he slashed through pack after pack of evil Wolfos and Stalfos troops as he dashed through the underground cave, and struggled only slightly to eliminate a pair of strange larger kind of Wolfos, one male and one female, that had a red gleam in their eyes and were more evasive. In what he felt had been hours, he was suddenly out in Hyrule Field, just in front of the entrance to the Forest of Illusions.

Link... Please help... Aidon... Ganon's spell... Forest! Sharp ..... against my throat..... threatening......slit

Zelda's voice faded in and out of Link's consciousness.

Link dashed through what he knew was the entrance to the Forest of Illusions and readied his sword. Darting past bushes and trees, Link felt his tremendous speed was so great that time had to slow down to keep up with him. The largest tree in the forest came into his sight and he stopped. Tears immediately filled his eyes, and the look on his face was one of sheer terror and great anger; Aidon had pressed his blue sword into Zelda's throat and pushed her to the ground.

Link and Zelda awoke simultaneously with a deafening scream.

Zelda began sobbing hard. She threw her arms around Link and grabbed him tightly, and whispered in between her sobs.

"Please no... I don't want to die... Goddesses, please help me!"

Tears were streaming down her face and soaking Link's tunic.

Link's blood was still ablaze in hatred and shouted with a clenched fist shaking in the air, "You won't get away with this, Ganon! You SON OF A BITCH!"

Zelda was still holding on to him when he tried to get out of bed.

"Please don't leave me, Link!" she pleaded.

Link dragged her over to the other side of the bed so he could reach down and grab his pouch. He rummaged through it and dug out his watch and spoke softly, still exhausted since he only slept till... "It's 4:00 in the morning..."

Two guards being led by Benjamin opened the door in haste wielding a torch in one hand and their sword in their other ready to attack and demanded in unison, "Show yourself, attacker!"

The other two guards looked around the bedroom as Benjamin walked up to Link and Zelda, asking "What happened? Where are they? Who!--did you see who it was?!"

Link shook his head with his eyes locked on Zelda and said, "It was just a dream... Another part of the damn prophecy to be exact... Is it too early to start making breakfast? We'll discuss there. I have a feeling I'll need to head for my journey early. Trust me on this one."

Benjamin nodded and said, "I'll go wake the King and notify the cooks." He turned his glance to Zelda and asked, "Zelda, are you all right?"

Zelda, yawning in the middle of her tears and weeps, only flicked her hand to tell him to go away.

Benjamin stepped back and turned around to order the guards, "Remain at this door until further notice! Don't even let a speck of dust get in without the King's or my permission!"

The guards saluted as they set fire to the two torches inside Zelda's room and brightly filled the whole room with light. Benjamin stepped past them and headed down the hall to wake up the King. Morning light hadn't even begun to fill in through the windows of the castle. His lit branch and the torches along the hallways were all that lit his path. He walked to the end of the hallway and opened the door to the King's bedroom.

King Harkinian was sitting in bed and rubbed his eyes just as Benjamin approached him and grouched wearily, "Curses, it's not even morn---ugh... I-..What was that noise? I heard screams and then guards shouting..."

Benjamin lifted his helmet off and kneeled, "Your Majesty, it was Link and Zelda. They've had a nightmare and Link believes it was another part of the prophecy. He asks to discuss it over an early breakfast."

Harkinian shot out of his bed and threw his robe on, not even bothering about the crown or scepter. "OK, you go tell the cooks that they've got 15 minutes! I'm going to see my child!"

Benjamin saluted and ran out of the King's bedroom and down the hallway, into the dining room and behind the next door into the kitchen. There were 4 cooks already up and preparing it for today's breakfast. Benjamin walked up to the cheery, short head cook.

"Kate, I'm afraid you'll have to start the cooking a little early today. Link, Zelda, and the King have called to discuss an urgent matter over an early breakfast. His Majesty says you've got 15 minutes!"

Kate shouted to the other 3 cooks with her deep accent, "Me ladies, quick! Fire it up! Their Highnesses and Hero of Time have ordered a quick breakfast, 'tis 15 minutes we have!"

She turned to face Benjamin and explained with a sense of concern, "Goodness, I pray that she is all right!"

She paused and asked an afterthought as Benjamin was turning away to run back and check on Zelda, "I hope they don't mind if I butt in?"

Benjamin didn't answer.

The guards at Zelda's door acknowledged King Harkinian and let him in.

The King stood as he observed his daughter sobbing and weeping away her tears with her head buried in Link's shoulders and he walked over to her side of the bed, knelt, and spoke with his comforting, fatherly voice. "I'm here, my dear Zelda, beloved Princess!" He noticed Zelda didn't hear and implored, "Please! Tell me what happened!"

Benjamin stood at the door almost out of breath and watched.

Link turned to face the King and whispered, "Let's discuss it over breakfast later, Your Majesty. I think she wants to be alone for a little while."

The King stood up and stepped back outside the room as he assured his daughter, "I love you! I'll do anything under my power to protect you Zelda!"

Link sighed, and swung his feet around to get out of bed and Zelda pulled him back on. She begged him in telepathy, Stay, please.

Zelda motioned for everyone else to leave. The two guards at the door saluted as they back stepped outside the door followed by the King and shut the door.

Zelda lifted her head, sniffing and wiping away her tears, and spoke out loud.

"Link, whether or not you like it, I'm going with you."

Link snapped at Zelda angrily, "No! Don't you remember from the dream? That's exactly what got you killed!" A short sob escaped his mouth after that last word.

Zelda kept trying to convince him, "If Aidon can create illusions and then create reality from them, under Ganon's control he can make the gate guards believe I'm actually him and he can enter the castle and kill us all!"

Link countered, "But what if he doesn't? You know very well your prophecies are always true and you're trying to get me to let you walk right into this one! No way in hell!"

Zelda urgently pleaded, "But I need you! At least when I go with you, there's a chance I die at the very least TRYING to save Hyrule from an evil power. If I'm here in the castle, I'm powerless... Link, my wisdom lies within my faith in your ability, and besides, who knows; you might need my Triforce of Wisdom close."

Link sighed with a soft chuckle as he accepted defeat, "There's no chance we're ever going to have any kind of an argument..." Link's face smirked and reddened, and he quickly added, "I-I mean if we ever get married, that is! Because, you know, you can cheat with your friggin Triforce of Wisdom and all. But that still doesn't mean the King is going to let you out of this castle."

Zelda smiled sweetly and said, "I have certain effects on men especially my father... I'm a spoiled little brat, I'll find out a way." She hopped up and kissed Link on the cheek, turning his face bright red. "Well, it's about breakfast time... I'd better get ready."

Just as Link thought he couldn't get any redder, he remembered last night when he accidentally walked out of the bathroom in front of Zelda in the nude. He shoved his face into his item pouch with embarrassment.

Zelda laughed. "Don't be. I'm not, I love my body... and to tell you the truth I didn't mind, really." Zelda's face also flushed red. "You were a big ladies man back in the day anyway, having at one time or another Ruto, Malon, and Nabooru all secretly having a crush on you. So what's the deal with you and nude Princesses?"

Link felt the huge ice ball in his stomach begin to melt. He couldn't even construct a complete thought.

"I... Well, it's... I'm... But--your... Uh..."

Zelda relaxed her shoulders as she felt her tension slipping away, and said with a silly giggle, "Fine, be that way, Hero boy."

Link shuddered as he was engulfed by his bashful, shy side.

Zelda walked into her closet and picked out a dress, and warned him one more time. "Last chance, Oh Courageous One, hehehe!" She slipped her nightgown off.

Link knew he'd regret doing this and that it would haunt him for the rest of his life, but sneaked a peek not longer than a second from out of the dark musty pouch he shoved his face in. He thought to himself, Well, I am a man after all...

Zelda giggled again and said "Good boy. Too bad you passed up your big chance, you know, last night." She put on her undergarments and stepped into her dress.

Link realized a spark between them was growing. He couldn't stop himself from blurting out.

"Yeah, and I'll be kicking myself for it later... Err, I mean---"

Link slowly lifted his face from the pouch and sat in awe of the Princess. She had on a white dress with a pink stripe along the bottom of the long skirt that had a string of small yellow Triforce shaped jewels all around it. All the jewels on the dress shimmered in the light of the bright torches. There was a large fancy heart sewn on the chest decorated with pink rupees and golden gems. At each of the wrists of its long sleeves were two pink bands surrounding an embedded golden Triforce symbol. Link still in awe, proclaimed, "Her Royal Highness looks stunning today..."

Zelda grinned but then her smile slightly faded and she brought herself back to reality after remembering her dream. "Damn prophecy... Why couldn't this have waited just a few more years?"

Link frowned and shuddered as the ice ball quickly returned to tug on his stomach and weigh him down. "There are so many things I've wanted to tell you, but even the Triforce of Courage can't shove them out of my mouth..."

Link paused, and looked up at Zelda who turned around and stared into his eyes while brushing her hair. He spoke with a deep passion in his voice.

"Like the fact that... Zelda, I lo---"

A knock at the door made them groan and Zelda frustratingly snapped, "What do you want?!"

Benjamin answered, "Your Highness, it's me, Benjamin... Breakfast is ready, come on you two."

Link hopped off the bed after he slipped on his Kokiri boots and Zelda put on white and pink slippers, each had a large red rupee jewel at the toe.

Link's mouth was still wide open and said, "Well well well... Very special occasion, perhaps?"

Zelda frowned and replied, "If I'm gonna die today I might as well look my best..."

Link futily tried to comfort her, "I'll find a way to protect you... I always do!"

They walked out the door holding each others' hands.

Benjamin looked around making sure the coast was clear and whispered quietly, "The King probably won't allow you two to go out and save Hyrule knowing what just happened...*ahem*.sorry..."

Zelda gasped in embarrassment.

"Shh, don't worry, secret's safe with me. Sorry, Princess. I was only doing my job, guarding the door to your room..."

Link and Zelda, now with rosy cheeks, walked on the opposite sides of Benjamin as they entered the Royal Family's dining room. At the far end of the six-seated table was a waking but alert and worried King Harkinian. To the left sat Kate, the head cook, with a motherly, concerned look on her face. Kate had taken over most maternal duties when Zelda's mother passed away. To the right was Alexandria, the head member of the Royal Advisory Staff. The two guards that were at Zelda's door just a short while ago were now beside the doors to the dining room.

The three walked over to the dining table which a bowl full of scrambled eggs and cheese, a plate full of bacon and a plate with toast stacked up on it were next to two pitchers, one with orange juice, the other with milk. Their plates were already set for them with a glass of milk and a glass of orange juice. The aroma of the whole meal invigorated their senses and seemed to wake them up. Link, of course, gentlemanly pulled out the chair of the opposite long end of the table for Zelda, and sat down at the seat to the right. Benjamin took the remaining seat and removed his helmet.

Kate faced Link and spoke, "Well if it 'tis not Link, the Hero of Time... Golly sakes, how the Divine Trio have blessed your handsome mug..."

She then looked to Zelda and gazed straight into her eyes, "Aye, child, not exactly 10 of the clock Sunday morning meal, but 'tis best for such short notice... I think the Goddesses shall allow this once passing Grace, tell Nana Kate. What bothers the both of ye?"

Alexandria and the King both nodded in agreement, deeply worried about Princess Zelda. Link almost opened his mouth to speak but remembered he had shoved a piece of egg in his mouth already and it wasn't mannerly to talk with your mouth full.

Zelda remembered Link's words where he told her the King wasn't going to let her out of the castle. She started having second thoughts telling them of the whole story. Suddenly, she spoke in a tone of disgust and cynicism.

"What's the use? Father would never let me out of the castle if I told him."

King Harkinian denied it, "Come on, dear, please... Let us hear it..."

Zelda sighed. "Fine... In mine and Link's sleep last night was a more detailed end of the recent prophecy I had... Long story short, I was captured by Aidon while he was under a mind control spell by Ganon after Link retrieved the Blade of Spirit... Link ran as fast as he could to save me, but... Aidon had already done the deed."

Harkinian and Kate gasped in unison. Benjamin lowered his head.

Alexandria, dreading this revelation even more than she showed it, pointed out, "That misfortune must be getting closer to reality then... With a dream that detailed, and after a succession of two other increasingly detailed dreams, there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that it's a prophecy."

Zelda stared at her dumbfounded and she contacted Link telepathically. And she's just figuring this out NOW?!

Link didn't answer, but Alexandria continued.

"I have been reading up to refresh my memory of the legends of this whole Bond of Spirit and Blade of Spirit. If all three Triforces were close enough together when it was used in the right place, and the Blade was held in the hands of the one who held the power to alter fate," Alexandria paused to recall the legend... "then the fourth Goddess as well as the Bond of Spirit would be awakened, and together you could successfully alter one fate."

Benjamin continued, "Yeah, I read something like that in the book, I came into the library shortly after you left. This sword was said to have been able to break even the most evil curses--perhaps you can do something to save Zelda, Link! When you retrieve the sword, then you might be able to break the curses Ganon has placed on you, Zelda and Aidon, possibly allowing you to save her from death. I don't know for certain, but try not to get your hopes up, it will probably be best."

Zelda blurted out after nearly choking on a piece of bacon, "Aidon... Aidon is the child of that fourth Goddess, the Sages told us... They also told us he's the key to the fourth element of the Triforce... I guess this would mean he would have to give us the Bond of Spirit or..."

She realized that half of who were listening were oblivious to what the Bond of Spirit was or what it meant, finished off her milk, and let Alexandria continue. Alexandria paused for a moment recalling more of the book she read.

"The Bond of Spirit is not really a magic or a power that can be used on its own, like the Triforces of Power, Wisdom and Courage," she nodded at Zelda and Link, "but it is more like a force; a bond that holds the Triforce together far stronger than any Goddess let alone a mortal could break. Rumor has it that it can also summon the power of two spirits of a certain destiny, I'm not sure it was so long ago that I heard it. This bond completes the connection and makes the Triforce more powerful than ever before. The persons whom were destined by the other three Goddesses to a divinely blessed wedding, according to the legend, are destined to be the ones who awaken the fourth Goddess and the Bond of Spirit. These two people are then given one wish to make, or one fate to evade if you will. After a wish is made, the Bond of Spirit's power combines the spirits of these two people, summons the heightened power of the Triforce, and makes it happen."

The light of the sun began to shine through into the sunroof of the dining room. Link grabbed his watch in his left hand and peeked at it inside the pouch. 7:00... Man, I wish I could slow time here like I could in Termina...

Zelda heard him and responded, We should get going then...

She spoke at last to the King. "We really need to get going, Father... Even though you know of the prophecy and what our quest is of, I can't really listen to you if you forbid me to go, so I guess... this will be goodbye..."

Benjamin removed his gauntlets, scooted his chair next to Zelda's and clasped her left hand with the both of his. He had been the main overseer of the Princess's protection ever since she was born. He vowed his loyalties to the Royal Family after his son had disowned him, because the pain was far too great to face alone and he felt somehow attached to Zelda, reminding him of his own child and keeping a fire, of the will to live, in his heart going strong. Benjamin was a great friend Zelda could rely on and share secrets with. He was very close to his son for his entire life up to the age of 14, and told her a lot of stories of him and his son's adventures. She loved him dearly as a very close friend.

Alexandria laid a dim gaze on the woman she thought of as a sister ever since a young age. She remembered how they would always laugh and play out in the courtyard and loved the time they spent together going on picnics, watching and whispering to each other about cute boys, and sharing and keeping their innermost secrets. They have their occasional fights but never can seem to stay mad at each other. Their inseparable friendship has been going on for a very long 12 years. Zelda never thought that one day she would have to say goodbye to Alexandria. Whimpering cries came from both friends as their stares met each other.

Kate got up and put her hand on Zelda's shoulder with tears flooding down her face. Zelda already knew what she had intended to convey. Kate took care of her ever since her mother had died with Zelda at a very young age. From teaching her her manners, to playing hopscotch, even guiding her through physical changes, helping her understand her feelings and consoling her when she thought no one else could help. She was not only one of Zelda's closest friends, she was her soul mate. And her soul mate knew that this was likely to be the last day she would ever see her again.

A tear trickled down the King's face as he stood up, walked over to his daughter and gave her a strong fatherly hug. Sobs were beginning to surface as he poured his heart out to Zelda. "My beloved daughter... I always have and I always will love you. I never imagined I'd see the day that you prophesied your life's own end!"

Harkinian paused and buried his face into his child's shoulders, sobbing louder. "At least, these certainly aren't the circumstances I had wished. I don't know if I can stand myself outliving my very descendant, but it seems... that your fate has been decided... I will never forget you, Zelda!"

Zelda rose from her chair and embraced each of her close friends and her father, as she spoke with deep sobs racing up from the back of her throat. "Hey now... You guys don't know any more than I do---whether or not I'm going to die---but just in case I do, I'll always watch over you and I'll always be alive in your souls if you remember me. I have to go now."

She pushed everyone aside, grabbed Link's hand and pulled him up from his chair, and dragged him out of the dining room tears gushing from her eyes, as she spoke.

"I love you all! I'm either going to be back soon, or I'm going to miss you so much! If bad comes to worse, please remember the good things about me, that's how I'll remember you. Goodbye"


Everday People
OK just one question or more!:D Does this reflect ancient times or futuristic? If so some wording as Pervert,bathroom and nightgown may be changed to what was used back then or if in future ?BD :worm: :worm: :worm: :worm: :worm: :worm: :worm: :worm: :worm: :worm: :worm:


Staff member
I don't really give a crap if you read it or not, but the least you could do is come in here politely saying you don't want to read it instead of playing off not wanting to read it as if I'm some geek who wrote a bunch of mindless paragraphs and has some fetish with the Legend of Zelda series. :p

Anyways, nobody really knows what time period the Legend of Zelda games took place, I don't think. But the people were advanced enough in one of them to have 1) Fireworks, 2) Letters (as in write a letter and put it in an envelope and send it to someone), and 3) Moving gears that turned a huge clock, so I think they knew what a pervert and a bathroom was :D

Fuser Man

blah, blah, blah
Sorry if it came out as an insult dude, I was just givin' some friendly ribbin'.
I did read some of the first post last night, but I had stop surfin' to wrap my sons birthday presents.
When I came in to work today and you had added the rest, I couldn't believe how much you had written. It was ment as a joke, not "that you're some loser with nothing to do". I'm sure you have lots of things to do, like keeping this site up and running(which I enjoy coming to on a daily basis).