Got some hardware to burn? Put it on Genome for Xi!


your lead is safe.(for 4-5 more days.:D )

I don't know if it's right, but stats man is reporting
that we've got a weekly total of over 7000.:eek:


Staff member
OMG 7000, freaks out. cat i figure i got about a week. then im looking at your tailpipe.


I've tried twice before to make a Linux supercomputer through
clustering, to do genoming. The first attemp was pretty sad
to say the least. It was before I started Genoming.
It was about 8 years ago and I new very
little at all about any kind of networking. The second attempt
was 2 years ago, with some limited success, I think because
Linux had evolved a great deal. It seems Linux has come as
far in the last 2 years as it had all the previous years combined.
It seems so much easier now. I also know quite a bit more about
networking, clustering, load sharing...etc.
So I'm gonna try this project again.
Because I'm a "Never say die" kind of guy.
I can't stand for something to woop me like this.
I've got about 20 586s' and pentiums I & IIs that's gonna
make this thing up eventually. If I can just get the first 2 figured out.;)

I'm going to try this method this time. It seems simpler.


Staff member
looks like its time to add a couple of dualies to the mix. cause once you get the cluster going im as good as gone.


Neo said:
looks like its time to add a couple of dualies to the mix. cause once you get the cluster going im as good as gone.

I really don't know if it will be faster than running individual
programs. I assume that it will, maybe, because it won't have
as much stuff running in the background.

I just found out though that all but the newest versoins of
Linux (which are designed for higher end processors)
were optimized for use with Pentium processors, so
I guess I'll leave off the 5 old AMD 586s, at least for now.

Shit I still got to get 2 (1 server, and 1 node) working together
first. I'm hoping adding the other nodes will be fairly fast after that.
Also I'm hoping this new CLIC program will be the ticket for
making it all easier.


Staff member
actually cat on a dualie i can set it up twice on the same machine. so it will run on each cpu so in essence its like having4 more comps added to the mix.


Neo, I can feel the heat off your tailpipe now.:D

I'm gonna try to get the serving computer setup today,
a PII400. I haven't tried to setup genome on a Linux box yet.
Maybe it won't be any harder that it is in windose.

Also It looks like we might take 2 more postions today.:p


We've hit 81st.;)

Hey SL what happened to ya.
You want I should take the load off you.
I probably got more time.:p