Diablo item sharing


K, we both started ladder characters tonight. Speaker is due to join us in a few to do the same.

Gah, starting all over again..... :banghead:


Mushroom at large
Lokhew, Luis. And it's a very carefully chosen name. Change the inflection a few times and you can get all kinds of meaning outta that name.


Bumbling Idiot
Staff member
Just left some fairly nice stuff for a lower lvl barb - green armor and a yellow mace. Lotsa gems, too.


New Member
If anyone finds gloves or a cap that is in the magic "Arctic" set, please consider a trade with me. I have the "arctic furs" armor and the "arctic binding" belt. Would love to have the full set!

By the way Prof, don't know if you still have Wirt's Leg but you can sell it if you do. I have it now. Thanks though!


New Member
Guys, you need to take some goodies out of the stash, it's almost full! Some great stuff in there for assassins, sorc, paladin, necromancer, rings, gems, jewels, boots, charms...

Just please do us all a favor? Play as the character for at least 15 minutes, it was 2 days away from expiring and we would have lost everything in there.

It's now 10 days away from expiring, but needs to be played a little.

Noite Escura

The unpredictable
I'll mess with her tonight. I did not play last days. The expiring time can be softed if we take her to level 10. I think it's 60 days then...


Bumbling Idiot
Staff member
I haven't played in a bit - Civ 4 came out, and I've been waiting for that one for 2 years.


New Member
Civ 4? Wasdat?

Geez, do you know of ALL the good games? I still have yet to look into Sacred. I figure I should finish Diablo once, at least!

Did you know that people sell unique items and characters on eBay? I was watching an auction where they were selling a few characters for $200. and there were actually bids.

Doesn't that take all the fun out of it?


Bumbling Idiot
Staff member
Yeah, it does. That's strictly for kids with too much of an allowance and not enough sense.

The Civilization series (2,3, and now 4) are totally different. They're strategy map-based games. You try to successfully build a civilization from scratch, balancing out resources, technology advances, military prowess, etc. They're a blast, but VERY different from Diablo.

When I first started PC gaming (1993?) there were only a few worth playing. X-Com pretty much defined the small unit tactics genre, Civ 2 pretty much defined strategy-based gaming, and Doom (in '96 or so) pretty much defined FPS's. In '97 (I think) Diablo hit, and pretty much defined third person RPG's. I've played 'em all from time to time, and the Civ series is one I always come back to, along with D2 and a few others. I don't do many FPS's. Once they introduced the Z axis, they make me motion sick and queasy.


Mushroom at large
I used to play Civ I from hut to Nuclear war (or space shot) in one sitting. I'd try and keep one pathetic little city from the other nations just to keep the game going. Often as not, I'd wind up alone on planet earth before I could get nukes.


New Member
Ah ok, I was never really into those kind of games. Started out with SimCity and it didn't catch on with me.

Once they introduced the Z axis, they make me motion sick and queasy.

You know, I get that way too with certain games and my father's home movies. I thought it was just me but apparently not.


Bumbling Idiot
Staff member
OK, she's totally full again, but with a different array. I took a ring (10% cast rate with magic find), left 6 rings and amulets, sold off some stuff for which I had better items of the same class to replace them with, ditched the ethereal shield (most characters won't carry those, and none of the lackeys can carry pally shields), etc.

There's some REALLY good stuff in there at this point, for a lot of diffferent character levels. Some people need to take some stuff. I also played her for awhile, got some quests done.

Noite Escura

The unpredictable
I guess if Prof is not online I'm going to start a Barb on Ladder to use some stuff. I added 2 amulets with +1 to Masteries and Passive/Magic Skills for Barb/Amazon.


Bumbling Idiot
Staff member
She's now past the ten day deal. As long as someone plays her every 90 days, it'll be fine.

Noite Escura

The unpredictable
Since the older mule just died of inactivity, I just created another on our shared account with some surplus items I had. It's mainly stuff for low level chars(uniques and Set items). Xi_donkey (Xi_mule name was taken) is level 11 and "permed".