let me get this straight. John McCain, Henry Waxman, Diane Feinstein, et al, pass campaign finance reform, boring topic to be sure, because it's "corrupting politics & the politicians who serve". Just before it gets signed by our ever elegant & well-spoken leader, GW Bush
, the push is on to accept as much soft money as is humanly possible. If it's a bad thing, so bad in fact that it requires corrupting the first admendment by a law, then shouldn't our leaders (*tongue firmly in cheek*) not accept it because it'll corrupt them? I'm confused...
I thought the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers & the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles were for truth, justice & the American way-not corrupting the politcal process

I thought the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers & the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles were for truth, justice & the American way-not corrupting the politcal process

Democrats get 'powerful' check
WASHINGTON (AP) — A billionaire media mogul has given the Democratic National Committee $7 million, believed to be the single largest donation ever to a political party.
The DNC also recently received a $5 million check from Hollywood producer Steve Bing that would otherwise have held the record.
"I hope that my contribution will inspire Democrats that are much richer than me to step up to the plate higher than me," said Power Rangers creator Haim Saban, the $7 million donor. "I will be very happy to be fifth in line."
Word of the seven-figure checks comes as President Bush prepares to sign a ban on such unlimited "soft money" contributions to political parties. It was passed by the Senate this week.