You guys think this'll ever take off?


Staff member
Only problem i see is that if they are charging for the digital download also not many people will pay 100.00 for the operating system.

But i do like the concept and the benefit of being able to install on multiple machines.
I signed up to get their email.


Holla if you hear me!
Staff member
True; I was in the middle of rereading the article when the boss of the entire DTP dept sat down next to me before I finished reading it...:worm:


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
...and it makes installing software easier. Maybe a newworkable system is on the horizon.:)


Perverted Penguin
Staff member
It had better run programs without a hitch for $99. I doubt it'll work though. WIne isn't all that fast as it is.


Staff member
I have no problem with paying $99 for an honest company's hard work and dedication to creating an OS that runs both unix and windows programs.

I do have a problem with paying $199 to a lying, sneaky, group of greedy bastards that want to drive their competition down into the ground by means of suing them or requiring all PC manufacturers to bundle their operating systems for a bloated piece of crap that spies on you, allows you to get hacked, and only runs Windows programs.