You gonna post summat?


New Member
the word gawking makes me think of turkeys. The neck stretch, the sound of the word.

gobble gobble gobble.


Professur said:
I'm busy out saving the fucking planet. Do it yourself.

Wow man it's like a total paradox man. He did it and at the some time he like... totally told you to do it man. This is freakin me out man.
oops i dropped my fingers. Has anybody seen my fingers?


New Member
I don't know if I do nonchalant - I wasn't too nonchalant about the taxicabs chasing me around town that one time :D

or when blue (the colour) was creeping closer like lava and was going to swallow me up.


leslie said:
I don't know if I do nonchalant - I wasn't too nonchalant about the taxicabs chasing me around town that one time :D

or when blue (the colour) was creeping closer like lava and was going to swallow me up.

I never had a problem with hardcore hallucinogens. I used to take 5-10 hits of acid and go home and bs with my parents. On the other hand by the third hit of weed i'd by hiding behind the couch sure that the people next door were recording me on video.

People are built differently i guess.


New Member
with pot I just thought people were laughin at how stupid I must look lol.

that blue still freaks me out when I think about it and it's got to have been 13 years now.


Staff member
im such a virgin on that kinda stuff. Les im comming up and you gotta save me. :) :eyebrow2: :smoke:


New Member
I'm waaaaaaaaaaaay too old and tired to fool with that stuff is my drug of choice now :D


Staff member
you both are prolly right id pick a theme like that then screw up the code so no one could change it. :smoke: