
Staff member
I am about ot embark on my first solo upgrade. On my ol dmachine brainsoft went from 95 to 98 for me and he is the one who installed 2k on this machine. Oh my! he doesn't even know i am going ot do this. I am mad (not at brainsoft) and figure going into XP will make me happier because how I love Spider Solitaire. Does nayone have any suggestions as to what I should or shoudln't do? PS if this thread is more than like an hour old it's useless to reply because I'll already have taken the plunge and prolly screwed something up.


Staff member
You prolly won't screw anything up. It practically does everything for you. Go for it!!


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
2k to XP will be(under "normal" circumstances) a breeze.


Bad idea. She has a Celery 400 and 192 mb ram. XP was created by Satan for evil purposes.


Staff member
yeah and they can monitor if your laundy room is messy too, but it does have some sporty features....and I don't mind announcing my laundry room is a lizard pit :D
XP over Win2k....still haven't found enough positive things within XP to do that upgrade....

If you're not a serious gamer or something like that, I see no reason to upgrade to XP, I'd rather see it as a downgrade, but that's my opinion....


New Member
I'm loving XP. I have 2 boxes on it, and it's made a world of difference on performance on my old K62 machine.

Go for it! :D


Staff member
Well, I was successful! I did have alittle bit of help from brainsoft though. Also, I had a stupid day today, the most obvious things I just couldn't seem to get my brain around. Other than a few email mishaps with setting up Outlook Express though everything went fantastic (thanks to brainsoft's ability to fill me in on the obvious when my brain ceased to function productively). I am LOVING the new OS! It's amazing!