xp is pissin me off


Staff member
I'm trying to network the xp machine and the 98 machine and xp thinks 98 has no nic. Well I'm posting this from the 98 machine....so I'm pret-ty sure it does have a nic. How stupid is that?
Both machines are connected through a router and both can access the internet. File and print sharing is enabled on both. xp gets all shitty about connecting directly to the internet with both machines through the router. I even tried making the xp machine be the boss, so 98 had to connect through it, but that didn't work either.:banghead:


I purchased Outlook 2002 which is an XP component and have had nothing but trouble with it since. I had to take it out of the startup group. I only open it to check email then close it back down. I'm not gonna reload it when I redo my system.


Staff member
Other than this networking problem (which I've been fighting with on and off for about a year now) I pretty much like xp...it does have some coolie little features...but this networking thing:cuss:
Sometimes if I really wanna transfer stuff I just email it from one machine to the other :D


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Then it shouldn't matter what XP thinks. As long as you have an EXACT user/password on each machine & have shared whatever you're sharing...then they should do their thing. Makes no sense.


Perverted Penguin
Staff member
It the router handling DHCP? If not, make sure that the IPS and subnet are correct for each machine. Ensure that they are on the same subnet, typically and that the IP is something along the 192.168.0.xxx address for each machine. XP home networking works much the same as 98 does.

Also, make sure they are in the same workgroup.


Staff member
Yep, router is handling DHCP and the workgroups are the same, I'm administrator and the p/ws are the same on both.


New Member
I have the same issue but my machine is running 2000 and my bf's is XP. He did some research on the MS website and their answer is to install Internet Connection Sharing on one of the pc's. That kinda defeats the purpose of having a router though.

Justintime posted this thread on HWC for me after we were talking about it one night. There are some suggestions at the end you might want to look at. Honestly, I never gave the problem any time to figure it out so I can't really be of any help. :shrug:

good luck with it!


Staff member
I think I may have located the source of the problem. I keep turning off the internet connection firewall and xp keeps turning it back on...the little prick:mad:


New Member
I thought there was a way of disabling that in the My Network Neighborhood properties... That might be where you're turning it off, but on the off chance that it's not, I thought I'd mention it... :D


Staff member
ya, that's where I'm turning it off alright...Mr.Wizard is turning it back on. Ya try to run the networking wizard and BAM! I haven't tried to do it all manually ( although I'm pretty sure all the protocol is identical) because that wizard just pissed me right the hell off.:smash:


Do you have anything shared on the 98 machine?

It's been my experience that xp doesn't see 98 machines
sometime because nothing is shared.;)

also you may have to restart one or both machines, after that.


Staff member
Yeah, everything that can be shared on 98 is shared. Same with xp. I got them little hands on everything :D
Both machines have been rebooted 50-10 times.

With everything shared and all the same protocol and the router, these machines should be able to see each other, right? As long as that damn firewall is disabled?


Both machines are plugged into regular outlets on the
router, and not the uplink port, right?

Man I hate xp, just for that very reason mainly,
and the driver, and compatability stuff.

I'm waiting for sp3 for it, before I get more than this one copy.