Xibase ICQ Active list is officially dead....


Due to lack of interest the Xibase Active list died today at 11:18PST. If you people are intested in being involved in a hardware related active list with many of the BBS folks you know I suggest the Hardware Central Active list. The interest just doesnt warrant having a seperate list for Xi, HWC and OCN so it will be consolidated to the one list under the name of HWC at ICQ# 57497564


Don't feel bad Mark. I think the reason that I don't want to install icq is because of all the AOL crap that goes with it. If there was another icq client that uses activelists besides icq2000b or 99 or whatever, I'd use it. If at some point a Linux client that can use activelists becomes available, I'd probably use it.


Staff member
Although I haven't tried it yet there is now an ICQ2001b that, from what I've heard, lets you pick some of the feature that you do/don't want.


Staff member
Thanks for the effort MARKJS... sometime it might come back in, ya never know.:D


Staff member
Agreed :)

Maybe someday ICQ will come out of beta and will actually work for once.


New Member
No one uses ICQ anymore... but I took the high-pitched "uh-oh" sound and sent it to my cell phone and set it to play whenever a text message comes in.


Staff member
I logged into ICQ the other day...I think 2 people were online on my HUGE list.

I logged in because my friends and I ended up reminescing about ICQ while drunk one night and I was curious :D

Noite Escura

The unpredictable
I didn't even installed ICQ for the last 2 years. Hell I don't even open MSN anymore. Think I still run version 6 on my putter.
Good memories of me typing with Carol on ICQ late at night when we've just met... :)


Staff member
Agreed :)

Maybe someday ICQ will come out of beta and will actually work for once.
Nope, it never did. I use Trillian now, it's been a better ICQ/AIM/Yahoo client than either of the three clients it replaces.

I don't know of any modern equivalent to an ICQ activelist. There's always IRC channels, but people who haven't been using IRC already for a while have too much trouble with that to make it work very well.


Mushroom at large
I use trillian too (when I can be arsed to turn it on). The boss isn't pleased as he wants us to use .. MSN I think? Can't recall. But since it works, he can't complain.


Staff member
I have an MSN account that I log into from Trillian, but it doesn't do as well with MSN as it does with the others. I can't ever get file transfers to work on Trillian's MSN, and its group conversations are about as pleasant as diving head-first into a pool of nails. Not that group conversations on the genuine MSN client are any easier to stomach, of course, but MSN's more like nails on a chalkboard, which is survivable.


Staff member
Yep, in fact bought a year of SkypeOut access I could use to save cell phone minutes (some months, for some reason, I just hit that dreaded 450, can't really understand why).

It's OK. The call quality is better than on my cell phone, obviously, but having to be anchored to a decent internet connection to use it is probably the main thing keeping me from using it on a more regular basis.