Why I love XP


Perverted Penguin
Staff member

Gee. It gave me a total of one minute too. How kind.
As long as Win2k is performing the same as XP, only without those terrible childish interface, I'll keep using Win2k.
I haven't heard a lot of positive stories about the stability of XP; allright, it is a lot more stable than ME or Win98, but performance is much lower than with Win2k.....

Maybe, sometime I'll try, but not at the moment :)


Perverted Penguin
Staff member
Eye candy isn't goin to do a person any good when the OS shut's down on you for no reason.


Candy will rot your guts out from the inside. XP is a slothbox. There are some nice features like the pic viewer is much improved for slide shows etc. BUT: the memory hogginess is incredible, the candy slows things down even more, and it is definitely less stable than win2k sp2, not so much in xp itself crashing, but other apps going down. Also, ClearType, which I was hoping would make XP useful on the lappie, makes text look all smudged and fubared. Back to win2k for me, using an XP license lol.


I guess Im lucky.........Mine doesnt shut down or run slow.

It just looks awesome and performs awesome.

Ive even put XP on some old machines a celly 400 and a k63-450 runs awesome ,fast and stable.


Staff member
I don't really like eyecandy in an operating system that much..if I want eyecandy I'll go play a game :rolleyes:
Deanril said:

Ive even put XP on some old machines a celly 400 and a k63-450 runs awesome ,fast and stable.

You find that awesome?

Running Win2k fast and stable (except for the booting time) on a P1-133 with 32 MB of RAM I think is awesome...

If you like WinXP, stick with it, but personally I don't like that childish style XP uses. The startmenu is horror, IMHO.

But that's all a matter of taste I guess :)
But fact is: XP is a relatively slow OS, which uses a lot of resources!


Staff member
Shadow dude, you can always change the look to "classic" thats what i do. I dont care for the osX look they gave it. but it is a very stable os. Something I think MS must have borrowed from someone else. :)


I have the only stable version of Win Me in America, and I ain't about to go to using XP.


New Member
Second that motion. I have 2 stable systems with ME, one with Redhat. We must have done something right!


New Member

Yeh, one used to be mine until the better half took it over. The other one, thanks to you, DaMasta and Diffie, who got me through my growing pains.

Ok, XP, I'm going to take you on! Let's see... shrink the XP partition, 1 for the recovery files, 1 small one for the boot partition, lilo on the linux partition, a common for XP/Linux share(fat16)... bootsect.lnx to the C: drive, edit boot.ini.. am I a linux geek yet?


New Member

So much for XP. Turned on the thing and a blue screen of death "system has stopped to prevent possible damage to the computer." No recovery CD or OS CD included.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
danleff said:
"system has stopped to prevent possible damage to the computer."

what is that shit anyway? let me decide whether to blow up my computer, damnit.