Gonzo said:
Same type of sillines goes with the American flying public. I've yet to speak to someone who hasn't said, in exact or close enough terms "I don't mind all the searches at the airport, as long as they stop the terrorists." WE HAVE WILLINGLY GIVEN UP LIBERTY. Why not give up the constitution altogether.
I'm about as eloquent as a brick on mornings like these (up 'till 3am on a Friday night...)
But I'll try to say what I think needs to be said here. I completely understand what your getting at Gonzo. People say they want/love freedom but lay it down without a question all the time. The sticking point is what search is necessary to adress a threat posed by an unknown person or group. That need becomes unavoidable once the person or group's actions show thier willingness to threaten the lives of innocent people. As long as the person or group is belived (Vague as hell wording but thats what is has to be) to be posing that threat, the searching has to continue as a means of detecting or dissuading the threatening action.
I say it is necessary when the threat is against "innocent people". The public is completely differant from the military service. We're used to moving about without presenting papers (orders) and enjoying the privacy of person and home. Not so in the service. Now the public at large is recieving another reminder of what it is like to exist in a highly structured environment - and it bugs the hell out of them. This is an understandable reason to be upset, but prudence and flexibility of mind allow them to see the necessity of it.
I saw a cartoon the had 20 passengers with pistols aimed at three quivering terrorists in the airplane - the caption read, "What would have happened if this were REALLY a free country." This brings a whole other tropic I won't get into but it also shows a little immaturity. First, everyone who thinks it'll be cool to cary on an airplane had damned-well better have Obi-Wan Kenobi-like "seriousness of mind". Blasting through the sky in a pressurised metal tube has enough risk of it's own. Seccond, why the hell arent thier Sky Marshals on the planes (prior to 11SEP01)? Budget cutbacks, thats why. VOTE FOR SOMEONE WHO GIVES A DAMN ABOUT DEFENSE!!!!
Clinton f*#&!@ the country over real good on that one. Third, in a "polite scociety" like the one we pretend to have here, your demonised for fighting at all. For the sake of God, Country and yourself - Learn how to fight!!!!!!! 100 passengers against thee or five, even highly commited, terrorists should end with the terrorists choaking on thier own blood, NOT with the passengers and thier plane going into the side of a building!