Where's the life?


I'm not trying to come off bad or anything, but the posting rate here has gone really downhill as of lately. I remember when I couldn't keep up with the threads last year. Lately, it seems as if everyone just stares at the board and waits for someone to post.



Hardware Reviewer
Yeah I know its gotten pretty lonely over here :( I'm trying to bring some content to this site, and now I'm just waiting on Dennis to get some of my stuff up (only one review and a couple 'old' articles right now). I have a few other things that I'm working on reviewing here as well though, and I'm going to try to get some other articles and stuff. Hopefully we'll be able to supply some content and get some life back here again...trying to turn it back into a tech site :)

Noite Escura

The unpredictable
OTC is not to be blamed for this loneliness. People are. I can't believe one can at check both places. I really check Xibase before I go to OTC. I prefer new threads here than there nowadays, but frankly, I don't see one getting much replies here... :( . I have to admit my threads aren't much popular either :(


Staff member
acid, we really are working on some things here. i can make excuses till im blue in the face but, reality is i need to spend more time here.


Hardware Reviewer
Yeah it will. Soon enough I'll have a complete system built out of review parts, which will make the reviewing process much quicker/easier (so that means more reviews! and faster! :D) since I will still have this main system to use while I'm working on the test hardware. Slowly, but surely, I'm getting somewhere


Mushroom at large
People could check both, but they tend to post new topics at OTC.

And with JJR back online, it's gonna split the pot even further.

Noite Escura

The unpredictable
Professur said:
People could check both, but they tend to post new topics at OTC.
You know there are tons of posts every new day at OTC, but there are days I check there and can't reallly find something interesting to which I would like to answer...


Bumbling Idiot
Staff member
That happens to me a lot, Noite, and not just at OTC but everywhere. I do a hell of a lot more lurking than posting, at any board I go to.

Noite Escura

The unpredictable
I'm trying my best to start at least one thread a day here. I'm still searching what to post today. If everyone did the same maybe we could start seeing a light...