Hi !!!!!!!!! Here I am!!!!!!
I have been workin' like a dawg, I tells ya! I am getting this bossanova new computer on Monday.... I'll be able to check in more often then
I love you guys!!!!!
Fuser Man, for starting this thread, you are entitled to one free nude pic.
alex, smoooooooooooch
s4, meet meee at zee cazbahhhh......vee vill make beeeuuuteefull muuseec togedduh....
br0ck, which promptly rhynes with c... oh.. where was I... oh ya........ my lips... they are good for..... for ummm.... ask sicmun... his sig says it all!!!!
smooooooooooch to you.
neo, I still think you are damn cute. *sigh*
fury, I am here... I am there, I am everywhere.... Dr.Seuss got his rhyming ideas from me........did you know that? a big long wet smoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooch to you, dollface.
fear, what a good name cuz your're SCARING MEEEEEE!!!! spooge? who's wankin' on the Kissy Goddess?? Hose me down, will ya? you just wait til you see what I can DO with that hose... oops.... is this "R" rated stuff?
Ok... so... we're wet... we're naked..... someone wanna get me a hair blower? My wet hair looks like shit....
flurf is my mostest favoritest name.... same as flurfmeister.... makes me wanna just .... I don't know.... just.
Q, cutest damn chick on the boards... good thing you were here to tame the wild beasts best you could.....looks like we got some more work ta do, hey?
(not really, just thought the guys would get a charge out of that...let's hand out the towels now)
So.... I am back...... are you regretting it yet??????
I have been workin' like a dawg, I tells ya! I am getting this bossanova new computer on Monday.... I'll be able to check in more often then

I love you guys!!!!!
Fuser Man, for starting this thread, you are entitled to one free nude pic.
alex, smoooooooooooch

s4, meet meee at zee cazbahhhh......vee vill make beeeuuuteefull muuseec togedduh....
br0ck, which promptly rhynes with c... oh.. where was I... oh ya........ my lips... they are good for..... for ummm.... ask sicmun... his sig says it all!!!!

neo, I still think you are damn cute. *sigh*
fury, I am here... I am there, I am everywhere.... Dr.Seuss got his rhyming ideas from me........did you know that? a big long wet smoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooch to you, dollface.
fear, what a good name cuz your're SCARING MEEEEEE!!!! spooge? who's wankin' on the Kissy Goddess?? Hose me down, will ya? you just wait til you see what I can DO with that hose... oops.... is this "R" rated stuff?

flurf is my mostest favoritest name.... same as flurfmeister.... makes me wanna just .... I don't know.... just.
Q, cutest damn chick on the boards... good thing you were here to tame the wild beasts best you could.....looks like we got some more work ta do, hey?

(not really, just thought the guys would get a charge out of that...let's hand out the towels now)
So.... I am back...... are you regretting it yet??????